HP 5991-5565 manual Configuring the Basic Apache Http Server, Tomcat, # /etc/init.d/apache2 start

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#rpm –q apache2 apache2-prefork apache2–mod_perl apache2–mod_python \ apache2–mod_php5 webalizer

If any of these packages are not installed, locate the RPM package on the Linux distribution media, and install the missing package.

NOTE: By default, the installation enables the iptables firewall, which prevents external

systems from accessing ports below 1024. See “Appendix B: Frequently Asked Questions” (page 53) and verify the firewall is disabled or the appropriate rules are set to allow the Apache and Tomcat connection. The system verification steps described later in this document will not work if the iptables firewall is improperly configured.

Installing, Configuring, and Managing Web Server Middleware Stack Components

This section explains how to install, configure, and manage the Web Server middleware stack components not included in the Linux distribution along with other related components. All components are distributed as RPM packages or binaries, therefore, you can install and remove all the components separately. Table 1 (page 12) lists the appropriate version and additional information. You must install the following components separately:



Configuring the Basic Apache HTTP Server

Use the following procedure to configure a basic Apache HTTP Server.

1.Start Apache by entering the following:

# /etc/init.d/apache2 start

2.Verify that Apache starts successfully by ensuring that messages similar to the following appear in the log file /var/log/apache2/error_log:

[Sat Feb 03 12:41:21 2007] [notice] Apache/2.2.0 (Linux/SUSE) configured -- resuming normal operations

3.Create a file named /srv/www/htdocs/apache.html and add the following lines:





<P ALIGN=CENTER STYLE="margin-bottom: 0cm"> <FONT FACE="Times New Roman, serif">

<FONT SIZE=6>Apache http server worked !</FONT> </FONT></P>



Verify the Apache installation by opening a browser and entering the following website:


The following message appears:

Apache HTTP server worked !

Installing and Configuring Sun JDK on an HP Proliant System

For an HP Proliant system, the following procedure to install and configure a Sun Java Development Kit (JDK):

Installing, Configuring, and Managing Web Server Middleware Stack Components 15

Image 15
Contents HP Open Source Middleware Stacks Blueprint Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P Table of Contents Monitor Tomcat with OpenView Tomcat SPI Oracle Database Test Webalizer Usage ReportPage List of Tables Page Intended Audience HP ServicesIntroduction Executive SummaryFeedback@fc.hp.com Typographic ConventionsHP Encourages Your Comments UserInputWeb Server Stack Architecture HP Open Source Web Server Middleware StackWeb Server Stack Architecture Installing and Verifying the Linux Distribution Installing the Linux DistributionRequired Packages and Installation Recommendations YaST Software Selection and System Tasks Verifying the Linux Distribution Installation# /etc/init.d/apache2 start Configuring the Basic Apache Http ServerInstalling and Configuring Sun JDK on an HP Proliant System Tomcat# ln -s /usr/java/jdk1.5.010 /usr/local/jdk For the alljava.sh file, add the following linesFor the alljava.csh file, add the following lines # /usr/local/apache-tomcat/bin/startup.sh Installing and Configuring Tomcat# java -version Following messages appear# /usr/local/apache-tomcat/bin/shutdown.sh Advanced Apache Http Server FeaturesUsing the Apache Http Server Benchmarking Tool If necessary, stop Tomcat by entering the following commandRestart the Apache Http Server for the changes take effect You can correct the error by entering the followingApache Http Server Status and Information Apachemodules definition should now look like the followingApache Server Information web page opens, as shown in Figure Apache Server Status web page opens, as shown in FigureApache Http Server Log # /etc/init.d/apache2 restart# webalizer Using Virtual Host Support For detailed information, see the Webalizer website atCreate the following file Using Apache Http Server URL Redirection Configure virtual hosting by creating a file namedOn the second server, create the following Html file Add the following lines to the preceding file Using Apache Http Server Proxy FeaturesEdit the following configuration file Add the following line to the preceding fileCreate the following Html file Error Responses and RedirectsPopulate the preceding file with the following lines Using Per-User Web DirectoriesIntegrating the Web Server Stack Components Configuring the Apache and Tomcat ConnectorHttp//YOURHOSTNAME/jsp-examples Restart Apache by entering the following commandIf there are any errors, check the following log files Insert the following line below the DocumentRoot lineCreate the following test file Integrating the Apache Web Server and PHPIntegrating the Apache Web Server and Perl # rpm -q php5 apache2-modphp5Connecting Tomcat to a Database Integrating the Apache Web Server and PythonWeb page displays the following text # tar zxf mysql-connector-java-version.tar.gz Connecting Tomcat and MySQL# /etc/init.d/mysql start # mysqladmin -u root -p create osmsdb# $CATALINAHOME/bin/startup.sh # ps -efgrep mysqldTest page opens as shown in Figure Connecting Tomcat and OracleIf needed, start Tomcat by entering the following command Http//YOURHOSTNAME8080/mysqltest.jspCreating an Oracle Data Source Obtaining and Installing the Oracle Jdbc DriverConfiguring the Oracle Server Testing the Oracle Database ConnectivityOracle Database Test Http//YOURHOSTNAME8080/oracleTest.jsp# mysql -u root -p Password Connecting Tomcat to MySQL or Oracle Using HibernateInstalling Hibernate, Tomcat, and JDK Configuring a Database Driver in TomcatFor an Oracle database server Creating a Simple Application in Tomcat# sqlplus osmsusr/osmspass@osmsdbora For a MySQL database serverAsm.jar asm-attrs.jar antlr-2.7.6rc1.jar File HibernateSessionFactory.class is generated This directory, create a Hibernate Pojo file named Preceding command creates a class file namedHttp//YOURHOSTNAME8080/SimpleDemo/hibernate.jsp Verifying the Simple Application OperationSecure the Web Server Stack Enabling Https Support in the Apache Http ServerRestart Apache by entering the following Create the following test Html file Apache Http Server AuthorizationApache default document root is Verify that the certificate is displayed as in FigureIf the login fails, the following message appears Protecting Apache Http Server Authorization with Symas CDSConfiguring Apache Http Server Services Html Head Protecting Tomcat Authorization with Symas CDSHtml Head # $CATALINA/bin/shutdown.sh # $CATALINA/bin/startup.sh Monitor Tomcat with OpenView Tomcat SPITomcat SPI Components Software Prerequisites and Reference GuidesPolicies ToolsComplete these steps Complete these steps # /sbin/SuSEfirewall2 stop Appendix B Frequently Asked QuestionsAppendix C Vendor Information Reference Appendix D Hibernate Test Application Source Code Following are the contents of the hibernate.jsp filePage Appendix D Hibernate Test Application Source Code