HP 5991-5565 Obtaining and Installing the Oracle Jdbc Driver, Creating an Oracle Data Source

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layer for web applications. A JDBC connector for Oracle is needed to integrate an external Oracle Database server with the Tomcat Web server. This section describes the steps for connecting the Tomcat Web server to an Oracle database.

Obtaining and Installing the Oracle JDBC Driver

Perform the following steps from the Tomcat Web server:

1.Download the JDBC driver for Oracle 10g Release 2 from the Oracle website at: http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/tech/java/sqlj_jdbc/index.html

NOTE: For the Oracle JDBC driver with JDK 1.4 and 1.5, use the ojdbc14.jar file.

2.Copy the JDBC driver to the Tomcat environment by entering the following command:

# cp ojdbc14.jar $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib

Creating an Oracle Data Source

To create a data source binding for the Oracle JDBC driver data source, perform the following on the Tomcat Web server:

Create a file named $CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml and insert the following lines:


<Resource name="jdbc/oracleDB" type="javax.sql.DataSource" password="<DB_PASSWORD>"

driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" maxIdle="2" maxWait="5000" username="<DB_USERNAME>"

url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@ <IP_OR_NAME_OF_ORACLE_SERVER>:1521:<ORACLE_SID>" maxActive="4"/> </Context>

For example:

<Resource name="jdbc/oracleDB" type="javax.sql.DataSource" password="osmspass"

driverClassName="oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver" maxIdle="2" maxWait="5000" username="osmsusr" url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@" maxActive="4"/>

Configuring the Oracle Server

Perform the following steps on the Oracle Database server:

1.Verify that the Oracle server and the listener are running by entering the following command:

#lsnrctl status

2.Create a database user and grant the proper privileges, which should be the same as the user in the $CATALINA_HOME/conf/context.xml file, by entering the following commands:

#sqlplus / as sysdba

SQL> create user osmsusr identified by osmspass;

SQL> grant connect,resource to osmsusr;

Testing the Oracle Database Connectivity

Test the connectivity between the Tomcat server and the Oracle database by performing the following steps on the Tomcat Web server:


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Contents HP Open Source Middleware Stacks Blueprint Copyright 2007 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P Table of Contents Monitor Tomcat with OpenView Tomcat SPI Webalizer Usage Report Oracle Database TestPage List of Tables Page Executive Summary HP ServicesIntroduction Intended AudienceUserInput Typographic ConventionsHP Encourages Your Comments Feedback@fc.hp.comHP Open Source Web Server Middleware Stack Web Server Stack ArchitectureWeb Server Stack Architecture Installing the Linux Distribution Installing and Verifying the Linux DistributionRequired Packages and Installation Recommendations Verifying the Linux Distribution Installation YaST Software Selection and System TasksTomcat Configuring the Basic Apache Http ServerInstalling and Configuring Sun JDK on an HP Proliant System # /etc/init.d/apache2 startFor the alljava.sh file, add the following lines # ln -s /usr/java/jdk1.5.010 /usr/local/jdkFor the alljava.csh file, add the following lines Following messages appear Installing and Configuring Tomcat# java -version # /usr/local/apache-tomcat/bin/startup.shIf necessary, stop Tomcat by entering the following command Advanced Apache Http Server FeaturesUsing the Apache Http Server Benchmarking Tool # /usr/local/apache-tomcat/bin/shutdown.shApachemodules definition should now look like the following You can correct the error by entering the followingApache Http Server Status and Information Restart the Apache Http Server for the changes take effectApache Server Status web page opens, as shown in Figure Apache Server Information web page opens, as shown in Figure# /etc/init.d/apache2 restart Apache Http Server Log# webalizer For detailed information, see the Webalizer website at Using Virtual Host SupportCreate the following file Configure virtual hosting by creating a file named Using Apache Http Server URL RedirectionOn the second server, create the following Html file Add the following line to the preceding file Using Apache Http Server Proxy FeaturesEdit the following configuration file Add the following lines to the preceding fileError Responses and Redirects Create the following Html fileUsing Per-User Web Directories Populate the preceding file with the following linesConfiguring the Apache and Tomcat Connector Integrating the Web Server Stack ComponentsInsert the following line below the DocumentRoot line Restart Apache by entering the following commandIf there are any errors, check the following log files Http//YOURHOSTNAME/jsp-examples# rpm -q php5 apache2-modphp5 Integrating the Apache Web Server and PHPIntegrating the Apache Web Server and Perl Create the following test fileIntegrating the Apache Web Server and Python Connecting Tomcat to a DatabaseWeb page displays the following text Connecting Tomcat and MySQL # tar zxf mysql-connector-java-version.tar.gz# ps -efgrep mysqld # mysqladmin -u root -p create osmsdb# $CATALINAHOME/bin/startup.sh # /etc/init.d/mysql startHttp//YOURHOSTNAME8080/mysqltest.jsp Connecting Tomcat and OracleIf needed, start Tomcat by entering the following command Test page opens as shown in FigureTesting the Oracle Database Connectivity Obtaining and Installing the Oracle Jdbc DriverConfiguring the Oracle Server Creating an Oracle Data SourceHttp//YOURHOSTNAME8080/oracleTest.jsp Oracle Database TestConfiguring a Database Driver in Tomcat Connecting Tomcat to MySQL or Oracle Using HibernateInstalling Hibernate, Tomcat, and JDK # mysql -u root -p PasswordFor a MySQL database server Creating a Simple Application in Tomcat# sqlplus osmsusr/osmspass@osmsdbora For an Oracle database serverAsm.jar asm-attrs.jar antlr-2.7.6rc1.jar File HibernateSessionFactory.class is generated Preceding command creates a class file named This directory, create a Hibernate Pojo file namedVerifying the Simple Application Operation Http//YOURHOSTNAME8080/SimpleDemo/hibernate.jspEnabling Https Support in the Apache Http Server Secure the Web Server StackRestart Apache by entering the following Verify that the certificate is displayed as in Figure Apache Http Server AuthorizationApache default document root is Create the following test Html fileProtecting Apache Http Server Authorization with Symas CDS If the login fails, the following message appearsConfiguring Apache Http Server Services Protecting Tomcat Authorization with Symas CDS Html HeadHtml Head Monitor Tomcat with OpenView Tomcat SPI # $CATALINA/bin/shutdown.sh # $CATALINA/bin/startup.shSoftware Prerequisites and Reference Guides Tomcat SPI ComponentsTools PoliciesComplete these steps Complete these steps Appendix B Frequently Asked Questions # /sbin/SuSEfirewall2 stopAppendix C Vendor Information Reference Following are the contents of the hibernate.jsp file Appendix D Hibernate Test Application Source CodePage Appendix D Hibernate Test Application Source Code