The Detailed Report page displays three major fields, with the option of customizing and selecting the options on these fields to generate a detailed report. The fields are:
•System filter: The system filter
◦Operating System: The Operating System field lists all the HP VCA operating systems connected to the HP VCRM.
Overall Software Status: The Overall Software Status field provides the list of the Overall Software Status icons, that is, Green, Major, Minor, and Unknown.
By default, all the options are selected.
Model Number: The Model Number field provides the list of all the model numbers of the servers connected to the HP VCRM.
•Inventory filter: The Inventory filter displays the status of the inventory, that is, Green, Major, Minor, and Unknown.
By default, all the options are selected.
•Sort Options: The Sort Options field provides the user with the option to sort the target systems by Server name or IP, Operating System, Last update, Reference Support Pack, and Overall Software Status.
The sort options field in turn displays two fields, namely the primary and the secondary target system parameters. Both the primary and the secondary target system parameters field provides the following options:
Server name or IP
Operating System
Last update
Reference Support Pack
Overall Software Status
Also, both the primary and the secondary target system parameters fields provide the option to select sort the target systems either by ascending order or descending order.
The primary target system parameter field takes priority over the secondary target system parameter field.