HP 7.2 Initializing the update from the web, Configuring automatic update for HP Vcrm directory

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The command configures the HP VCRM repository directory to the new location while retaining all of the other settings.


vcrmcli.exe /repository c:\new repository

The command configures the HP VCRM repository directory to c:\new repository.

NOTE: HP VCRM is restarted while executing vcrmcli.exe file.

NOTE: Specify the values for the parameters in double quotation marks ("").

Initializing the update from the web

From the command prompt, enter the following command:

vcrmcli.exe /updatenow

NOTE: HP VCRM is restarted while executing vcrmcli.exe file.

The command starts automatically updating the current HP VCRM repository directory from the web based on the current settings while retaining all of the other settings including the HP VCRM autoupdate schedule settings.

NOTE: If /updatenow command is entered with other options like /repository, /autoupdate, etc, VCRM CLI applies all the new settings and then start the update once.

Configuring automatic update for HP VCRM directory

From the command prompt, enter the following command:

vcrmcli.exe /autoupdate /interval "Interval" /dayofweek "Day of the week" /time "Update Start time"

/proxyname "Proxy server name or IP address" /proxyport "Proxy Port Number"

/proxyuser "Proxy User Name" /proxypwd "Proxy Password"

NOTE: HP VCRM is restarted while executing vcrmcli.exe file.

The command configures the HP VCRM autoupdate schedule settings.


vcrmcli.exe /autoupdate /interval "7" /dayofweek "0" /time "22" /proxyname "proxy.domain.com" /proxyport "1234"

NOTE: Specify the values for each of the parameters in double quotation marks ("").


/interval "7" corresponds to one week (7 days, valid values: 1, 2, 7, 14, 28)

/dayofweek "0" corresponds to Sunday (0 is default, and is not used if the interval is less than 7. Valid values: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)

/time "22" corresponds to 10PM (24–hour time format, valid values: 0 to 23)

10 Getting started

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Contents HP Version Control Repository Manager 7.2 User Guide Acknowledgments Contents Documentation feedback Product overview Navigating the software Getting started LoggingLogging out About software repositoriesDisplaying the current HP Vcrm settings Changing the repository folderInitializing the update from the web Configuring automatic update for HP Vcrm directoryRepository Population Initial Installation HP Vcrm Setup Repository DirectoryPopulating a repository Configuring automatic update for HP Vcrm directory Uploading a HP Service Pack for ProLiant Updating the RepositoryGetting started Updating the repository Navigating the software Configuring Internet Explorer firewall settings HomeViewing component details Overview of statisticsOverview of software baselines Viewing a custom software baselineConfiguring auto update Navigating the software Uploading HP Service Pack for ProLiant Creating a custom software baseline English, French, or GermanCatalog Setting display options Catalog iconsViewing specific custom software baseline Configuring component Viewing recently added HP Service Pack for ProLiantViewing component details Copying items to another repository Navigating the software Rescanning repository Updating repository immediately Deleting items from the repositoryReports Generating detailed report Reports Reports Archive Archiving the baselined software bundles/componentsRestoring/Deleting the archived components Archive Log HelpViewing the log Log status icons Status icons and definitionsViewing log entry details Changing log settings Clearing the logLog Access problems TroubleshootingBrowser problems Catalog problems Pre-configuration problems Log problemsHP Service Pack for ProLiant Problems Miscellaneous problems Windows events Support and other resources How to contact HPSubscription service Information to collect before contacting HPHP authorized resellers Typographic conventionsTIP Documentation feedback Glossary Component in the Reference Support Pack Index 27, 29, 38, 39