HP OpenVMS 8.3-1H1 Macro Compiler, Posix Threads Library, Librarian Utility, Hypersort, Debugger

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HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.3 and HP OpenVMS Version 8.3-1H1 for Integrity Servers SPD 82.35.14

At a lower level, programs can call system services di- rectly for security, event flag, asynchronous system trap, logical name, record and file I/O, process control, timer, time conversion, condition handling, lock management, and memory management. Again, system services use the appropriate platform calling standard and condition- handling conventions.

OpenVMS supports the execution of user-mode images created on earlier versions of OpenVMS. Typically, re- compiling and relinking are not required.

MACRO Compiler

With minor modifications, VAX MACRO-32 sources can be compiled for execution on Alpha or Integrity servers.

POSIX Threads Library

OpenVMS includes a user-mode, multithreading capa- bility called POSIX Threads Library. POSIX Threads Library provides a POSIX 1003.1-1996 standard style threads interface. Additionally, POSIX Threads Li- brary provides an interface that is the OpenVMS imple- mentation of Distributed Computing Environment (DCE) threads as defined by The Open Group.

POSIX Threads Library is a library of run-time rou- tines that allows the user to create multiple threads of execution within a single address space. With POSIX Threads Library Kernel Threads features en- abled, POSIX Threads Library provides for concurrent processing across all CPUs by allowing a multithreaded application to have a thread executing on every CPU (on both symmetric and asymmetric multiprocessor sys- tems). Multithreading allows computation activity to overlap I/O activity. Synchronization elements, such as mutexes and condition variables, are provided to help ensure that shared resources are accessed correctly. For scheduling and prioritizing threads, POSIX Threads Library provides multiple scheduling policies. For de- bugging multithreaded applications, POSIX Threads Li- brary is supported by the OpenVMS Debugger. POSIX Threads Library also provides Thread Independent Ser- vices (TIS), which assist in the development of thread- safe APIs.

Librarian Utility

The Librarian utility permits storage of object modules, image files, macros, help files, text files, or any gen- eral record-oriented information in central, easily acces- sible files. Object module and image file libraries are searched by the linker when the linker finds a reference it cannot resolve in one of its input files. Macro libraries are searched by MACRO-32 and MACRO-64 when ei- ther finds a macro name that is not defined in the input file.


Hypersort is a portable library of user-callable routines that provide a high-performance sorting capability for Alpha and Integrity servers.

Traceback Facility

When an application is compiled and linked with trace- back information, the Traceback facility translates stack frame addresses into routine names and line numbers and displays a symbolic traceback whenever a runtime error occurs in that application.


The OpenVMS Debugger allows users to trace program execution, as well as display and modify register con- tents using the same symbols that are present in the source code.

The debugger contains a heap analyzer feature that dis- plays a graphic view of memory allocations and deallo- cations in real time.

System Code Debugger

The OpenVMS System Code Debugger is a kernel code debugger. It allows a system code developer to trace the execution of nonpageable system code at any inter- rupt priority level (IPL). Based on the OpenVMS Debug- ger, the System Code Debugger uses the same inter- face and most of the same command set.

System Dump Analyzer (SDA) Utility

In the event of a system failure, OpenVMS writes the contents of memory to a preallocated dump file. This dump file can later be analyzed using System Dump Analyzer (SDA). System dumps can either be full mem- ory dumps, where all memory is written, or selective memory dumps, where only portions of memory in use at the time of the system failure is written. The dump file can be located on any locally connected disk. On Alpha and Integrity servers, dump compression allows both full and selective dumps to be written to smaller files than required for uncompressed dumps. Full mem- ory dumps, if not compressed, require a dump file big enough to hold all memory. Selective memory dumps write as much of the memory in use at the time of the system failure that will fit into the dump file.

Spinlock Tracing Utility

The Spinlock Tracing Utility provides a mechanism for characterizing spinlock usage and can collect perfor- mance data for a given spinlock on a per-CPU basis.


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Contents Description User EnvironmentMarch Program Development Environment Hypersort Macro CompilerPosix Threads Library Librarian UtilitySystem Management Environment HP OpenVMS Management Station HP Availability ManagerDECamds Management Agents for OpenVMSClass Scheduler for CPU Scheduling Enterprise Capacity and Performance AnalyzerPerformance Data Collector Graphical Configuration Manager for OpenVMSSecurity Sysman OperationsTiCAP Temporary iCAP Government Security RatingsHP Utility Pricing on OpenVMS for Integrity Servers Instant CapacityProcesses and Scheduling Very Large Memory VLM FeaturesPay per use Operating System EnvironmentDECdtm Services Interprocess CommunicationSymmetric Multiprocessing SMP Integrity Server Systems AlphaServersTerminal Server Products Universal Serial Bus SupportVirtual I/O Cache Alpha only Performance FeaturesInput/Output Extended File Cache XFCBusiness and Integration Technologies Disk and Tape VolumesAssociated Products HP Galaxy Software Architecture on OpenVMS AlphaHP OpenVMS Cluster Software HP Pathworks for OpenVMS Advanced Server HP Volume Shadowing for OpenVMSHP RMS Journaling for OpenVMS HP Advanced Server for OpenVMS AlphaHP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS HP DECnet-Plus and HP DECnet SoftwareHP DECram for OpenVMS Standards Supported by OpenVMS Conformance to StandardsDistributed Computing Environment DCE Support Support for OSF/Motif and X Window System StandardsNetwork Installation and Upgrade InstallationPolycenter Software Installation Virtual ConnectVirtual Media vMedia Test Package and Diagnostics VmsinstalWbemcim Layered Product Disk Space Requirements DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Alpha Disk Space RequirementsMemory Space Requirements Distribution MediaDocumentation Growth Considerations Source ListingsOrdering Information Software Licenses Sold with System Ordering OE License UpgradesOpenVMS Hardcopy Documentation Sets OE License Upgrade OptionsOpenVMS Alpha Ordering Information Alpha CD Media and Online DocumentationSoftware Licensing Software Product ServicesOpenVMS Alpha and Integrity servers Source List- ings Kit OpenVMS Alpha Software Products Library SPL CD OfferingsProduct Name Description SPD Software License Information Alpha and Integrity serversSystem Support Services OpenVMS Alpha License InformationVMS Integrity Server Systems Supported Systems SupportedPCI Bus-Based Systems Alpha Systems SupportedTURBOchannel Bus-Based Systems XMI Bus-Based SystemsLAN Options Dssi Bus-Based SystemsModular Computing Component Appendix a OpenVMS for Integrity serversTape Devices Parallel Scsi Storage OptionsSerial Attached Scsi SAS Storage Options Storage and Network Combo CardsDisks Terminals and Terminal Line InterfacesPBXRW-JC Tapes Swxna Networks Storage ServersControllers and Adapters Enterprise Storage ArraysHubs and Switches Asynchronous Terminal ControllersSynchronous Controllers Graphics Options Dglpb DefpaDapba DapcaMiscellaneous Adapters and SwitchesCI Options Memory Channel OptionsSoftware Warranty