HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.3 and HP OpenVMS Version
longer need to remember complicated DCL syntax or command procedures to manage their OpenVMS Al- pha and Integrity server systems. OMS is based on the Microsoft Management Console (MMC). The Microsoft Management Console provides a common management framework for various administration programs. Open- VMS Management Station is implemented as an MMC
Enterprise Capacity and Performance Analyzer
Enterprise Capacity and Performance (ECP) Analyzer works with the data that is collected by a Data Collec- tor (ECP Data Collector for VAX and Performance Data Collector (TDC) Version 2.1 or later for Alpha and In- tegrity servers). ECP Analyzer provides both graphical
•ECP Data Collector (VAX)
•TDC (Alpha and Integrity servers)
The Performance Analyzer and related documentation is available on the OpenVMS System Management web page located at:
Performance Data Collector
Performance data for an AlphaServer or Integrity server system can be gathered using the Performance Data Collector (TDC). By default, TDC periodically collects and stores data in a file that can be retrieved by user applications. A TDC Software Developers Kit (SDK) supports integration of TDC with new or existing appli- cations and allows processing of "live" data as well as data read from files. TDC Version 2.2 runtime software is installed with OpenVMS Version
Performance Data Collector runtime software (TDC_RT Version 2.2) is installed with OpenVMS Version
Additional Performance Data Collector software and up- dates, the SDK, and related documentation are avail- able at:
Graphical Configuration Manager for OpenVMS
The Graphical Configuration Manager (GCM) for OpenVMS is a portable client/server application that provides a visual means of viewing and controlling the configuration of partitioned AlphaServer systems run- ning OpenVMS. The GCM client, a
Class Scheduler for CPU Scheduling
The Class Scheduler is a
Batch and Print Queuing System
OpenVMS provides an extensive batch and print capa- bility that allows the creation of queues and the setup of spooled devices to process
The OpenVMS batch and print operations support two types of queues: generic queues and execution queues. A generic queue is an intermediate queue that holds a job until an appropriate execution queue becomes avail- able to initiate the job. An execution queue is a queue through which the job (either print or batch) is actually processed. Because multiple execution queues can be associated with a generic queue, OpenVMS enables load balancing across available systems in an Open- VMS Cluster system, increasing overall system through- put.
Print queues, both generic and execution, together with queue management facilities, provide versatile print ca- pabilities, including support for various print file formats.
Accounting Utility
For accounting purposes, OpenVMS keeps records of system resource usage. These statistics include pro- cessor and memory utilization, I/O counts, print sym- biont line counts, image activation counts, and process termination records. The OpenVMS Accounting utility allows you to generate various reports using this data.
Audit Analysis Utility
For security auditing purposes, OpenVMS selectively records critical,