HP OpenVMS Alpha Version 8.3 and HP OpenVMS Version
•Through a purchase of a new, full priced, license for that product
Other differences from OpenVMS Alpha licensing prac- tices:
•User licenses are not required. The Foundation Op- erating Environment (FOE) license includes unlimited OpenVMS users.
•Version update licenses are not available. Update services are available only through a Support Agree- ment.
For more information regarding OpenVMS for Integrity servers licensing terms and policies, contact your local HP sales office, or find HP software licensing informa- tion on the World Wide Web at:
| Software Product |
Product Name | Description (SPD) |
BridgeWorks | SPD 80.58.xx |
COM for OpenVMS | SPD 70.45.xx |
DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) | SPD 44.15.xx |
for OpenVMS |
ECP Data Collector | SPD 80.89.xx |
ECP Performance Analyzer | SPD 80.88.xx |
Open3D for OpenVMS Alpha | SPD 45.08.xx. |
OpenVMS Enterprise Direc- | SPD 81.03.xx |
tory (LDAPv3/X.500) |
Reliable Transaction Router | SPD 51.04.xx |
The following technologies are licensed as part of the OpenVMS for Integrity servers operating system:
| Software Product |
Product Name | Description (SPD) |
DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) | SPD 44.15.xx |
for OpenVMS |
HP Distributed Computing | SPD 43.05.xx |
Environment (DCE) |
Open3D for OpenVMS for | SPD 45.08.xx. |
Integrity servers |
OpenVMS Enterprise Direc- | SPD 81.03.xx |
tory (LDAPv3/X.500) |
Software License Information (Alpha and Integrity servers)
The right to use Capacity On Demand for OpenVMS is included with the OpenVMS Operating System Base License.
Beginning with OpenVMS Version 8.2, the OpenVMS operating system license includes the right to use Open3D Graphics Software. With this version of the operating system, the right to use Open3D graphics dis- play software is bundled with the OpenVMS operating system license. Media and documentation are bundled with the operating system software. Refer to the Open- VMS Version 8.2 Release Notes for more information.
The OpenVMS Alpha operating system license includes the right to use OpenVMS Alpha licenses for multiple in- stances of OpenVMS on the first and then once again on each subsequent hard partition of a single AlphaServer ES80 or GS80/160/320/1280 system.
The following technologies are licensed as part of the OpenVMS Alpha operating system:
The following technologies are distributed with the OpenVMS Alpha and OpenVMS for Integrity servers op- erating systems, under the applicable open source soft- ware license, or other software license. Additional infor- mation can be found in the HP OpenVMS
•Extensible Markup Language (XML) Technology
•NetBeans and Distributed NetBeans
•Secure Web Server including mod_PHP, mod_Perl, Perl, Tomcat, and Secure Sockets Layer (bundled with SWS)
•Secure Web Browser
•Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) Toolkit
•Java SE Development Kit (JDK)
•Universal Description, Discovery, and Integration (UDDI) Client Toolkit
The following are separately licensed products for OpenVMS Alpha. For information on OpenVMS for In- tegrity servers products, please refer to the HP Oper- ating Environments for OpenVMS Version