System Support
4.3 System Resources
This section describes the availability and basic control of major subsystems, otherwise known as resource allocation or simply “system resources.” System resources are provided on a priority basis through hardware interrupts and DMA requests and grants.
4.3.1 Interrupts
The microprocessor uses two types of hardware interrupts; maskable and nonmaskable. A maskable interrupt can be enabled or disabled within the microprocessor by the use of the STI and CLI instructions. A nonmaskable interrupt cannot be masked off within the microprocessor, but may be inhibited by legacy hardware or software means external to the microprocessor.
The maskable interrupt is a
Most IRQs are routed through the I/O controller of the super I/O component, which provides the serializing function. A serialized interrupt stream is then routed to the ICH component.
Interrupts may be processed in one of two modes (selectable through the F10 Setup utility):
■8259 mode
■APIC mode
These modes are described in the following subsections.
8259 Mode
The 8259 mode handles interrupts
The Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) mode provides enhanced interrupt processing with the following advantages:
■Eliminates the processor's interrupt acknowledge cycle by using a separate (APIC) bus
■Programmable interrupt priority
■Additional interrupts (total of 24)
The APIC mode accommodates eight PCI interrupt signals
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