Pickup and Return Warranty Service
Your HP Limited Warranty may include a pickup and return warranty service. Under the terms of pickup and return service, HP will pick up the defective unit from your location, repair it, and return it back to your location. HP will incur all repair, logistics, and insurance costs in this process.
Carry-in Warranty Service
Under the terms of
In-Home Warranty Service
Your HP Limited Warranty service may include
30 mi/50 km), response times may be longer or there may be additional charges. To locate the nearest HP authorized service provider refer to the HP Web site at: http://www.hp.com/support
HP may, at its sole discretion, determine if
HP employees or subcontractors; (c) subject to its reasonable security requirements, provide HP with sufficient, free, and safe access to and use of all facilities, information, and systems determined necessary by HP to provide timely support; (d) ensure that all manufacturer’s labels (such as serial numbers) are in place, accessible, and legible;
(e)maintain an environment consistent with product specifications and supported configurations.
If you require an HP representative to handle all component replacements, support uplift contracts are available at additional cost.
Service Upgrades
HP has a range of additional support and service coverage for your product that can be purchased locally. However, some support and related products may not be available in all countries/regions. For information on availability of service upgrades and the cost for these service upgrades, refer to the HP Web site at: http://www.hp.com/support