Use the authorized charger only.
Never disassemble or attempt repair of this product. Doing so may damage the camcorder, cause electric shock and void your product warranty.
Set up time and date accurately before you use this device.
Exposing the camcorder to open flames can cause explosion.
Due to local laws and vehicles safety considerations, do not manually operate the device while driving.
The results of GPS positioning are only for reference, and should not affect the actual driving situation. The feature cannot ensure the location accuracy.
GPS location accuracy may differ depending on weather and location such as high buildings, tunnels, undergrounds, or forests.
GPS satellite signals cannot pass through solid materials (except glass). Tinted window may affect the performance of the GPS satellite reception.
GPS reception performance on each device may differ. The accuracy of the location results from different devices.
Please use the SuperCar software with recorded video for the electronic map.
The values displayed in this system, such as speed, position, and the distance warning to the speed camera set points, may be inaccurate due to the influence of surrounding environment. They are for your reference only.
The firmware function in device are reference only, please follow the actual road condition.
Before you start using the Car Camcorder it is assumed that you agree to the above statements.