Mathematical Calculations
First priority: the power function (y x)
Second priority: combinations and permutations
Third priority: multiplication and division
Fourth priority: addition and subtraction
in Algebraic mode by pressing:
1+2*5:b2:m=. The result is 241.
Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) Mode
To set the calculator in RPN mode, refer to the section titled, The Mode Menu: Setting Preferences.
In RPN mode, numbers are entered first, separated by pressing I, followed by an operation key.
Note: pressing Iis optional after entering a number if the next key pressed is an operation.
Each time you press an operation or function key, the answer is calculated
immediately and displayed. For example, suppose you wanted to add two numbers in RPN, 1 and 2. Press 1I2+. The result, 3.00, is
calculated and displayed immediately on the bottom line along with the (+) symbol on the top line.