Optional Equiptment
11DIKL Draft Inducer Kit w/ Limit Swich
This optional kit allows your furnace to be thermostati- cally controlled and gives the option to change the on/off times of the distribution blower(s).
UFB908 Universal Filter Box
When installing ANY warm air furnace, proper installation is the key and required for getting the most efficiency and longest life out of your unit. Failure to install your furnace as outlined from the manufacturer, often will result in in- adequate heating and problems associated with drafting. U. S. Stove Co. offers the UFB908, a universal filter box that mounts to the rear of the unit that your return air duct work will attach to. It uses a standard 16 x 20 x 1 filter (NOT INCLUDED) to reduce the amount of dust particles from being transfered thru you duct work system.
DR-6 Barometric Damper Regulator
In the unlikely event that your furnace “overfires” (a con- dition evidenced by elbows, stove pipes, and connectors glowing red in appearance or otherwise discoloring), then your installation is subject to excessive draft cre- ated by either a chimney too tall or too great in diameter in conjunction with its height, or some other factor of an indeterminate cause. In this event, you should install a barometric draft regulator. Such installation will preclude any
Barometric draft regulators are generally available where you purchased your stove or may be ordered directly from United States Stove Company at a nominal charge.