ASRock A75 Pro4-M manual Surround Display Feature, For Windows XP / XP 64-bit OS

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Surround Display Feature

This motherboard supports surround display upgrade. With the internal VGA output support (DVI-D, D-Sub and HDMI) and external add-on PCI Express VGA cards, you can easily enjoy the benefits of surround display feature.

Please refer to the following steps to set up a surround display environment:

1.Install the PCI Express VGA cards on PCIE1 and PCIE2 slots. Please refer to page 16 for proper expansion card installation procedures for details.

2.Connect DVI-D monitor cable to DVI-D port on the I/O panel, connect D-Sub monitor cable to D-Sub port on the I/O panel, or connect HDMI monitor cable to HDMI port on the I/O panel. Then connect other monitor cables to the corresponding connectors of the add-on PCI Express VGA cards on PCIE1 and PCIE4 slots.

3.Boot your system. Press <F2> or <Del> to enter UEFI setup. Enter “Share Memory” option to adjust the memory capability to [32MB], [64MB], [128MB], [256MB] or [512MB] to enable the function of D-sub. Please make sure that the value you select is less than the total capability of the system memory. If you do not adjust the UEFI setup, the default value of “Share Memory”, [Auto], will disable D-Sub function when the add-on VGA card is inserted to this motherboard.

4.Install the onboard VGA driver and the add-on PCI Express VGA card driver to your system. If you have installed the drivers already, there is no need to install them again.

5.Set up a multi-monitor display.

For Windows® XP / XP 64-bit OS:

Right click the desktop, choose “Properties”, and select the “Settings” tab so that you can adjust the parameters of the multi-monitor according to the steps below.

A.Click the “Identify” button to display a large number on each monitor.

B.Right-click the display icon in the Display Properties dialog that you wish to be your primary monitor, and then select “Primary”. When you use multiple monitors with your card, one monitor will always be Primary, and all additional monitors will be designated as Secondary.

C.Select the display icon identified by the number 2.

D.Click “Extend my Windows desktop onto this monitor”.

E.Right-click the display icon and select “Attached”, if necessary.

F.Set the “Screen Resolution” and “Color Quality” as appropriate for the second monitor. Click “Apply” or “OK” to apply these new values.

G.Repeat steps C through E for the diaplay icon identified by the number one to six.


ASRock A75 Pro4-M Motherboard

Image 24
Contents Copyright Notice DisclaimerEnglish Motherboard Layout LAN Port LED Indications Off No Link Blinking Data ActivityTable for Audio Output Connection Activity/Link LEDEnglish Package Contents IntroductionEnglish Specifications Connector AudioRear Panel I/O USBBios Feature Unique FeatureSupport CD HardwareEnglish English English Installation Pre-installation PrecautionsCPU Installation Installation of CPU Fan and HeatsinkEnglish Installation of Memory Modules Dimm Dual Channel Memory ConfigurationsInstalling a Dimm Installing an expansion card Expansion Slots PCI and PCI Express SlotsPcie Slots Graphics Card Setup CrossFireXTM and Quad CrossFireXTM Operation GuideCrossFire Bridge Driver Installation and Setup Install the required drivers to your systemFor Windows XP OS For Windows 7 / VistaTM OSEnglish AMD Dual Graphics Operation Guide Enjoy the benefit of AMD Dual GraphicsWhat does an AMD Dual Graphics system include? AMD Vision Engine Control Center Dual Monitor and Surround Display Features Dual Monitor FeatureSub port DVI-D port Surround Display Feature For Windows XP / XP 64-bit OSWhat is HDCP? For Windows 7 / 7 64-bit / VistaTM / VistaTM 64-bit OSHdcp Function ASRock Smart Remote Installation Guide USB 2.0 header 9-pin, blue CIR header 4-pin, whiteCIR sensors in different angles Jumpers Setup JumperDescription Clear Cmos JumperOnboard Headers and Connectors Optional wireless transmitting Infrared Module HeaderThis header supports an Receiving infrared moduleChassis and Power Fan Connectors Chassis Speaker HeaderSpeaker to this header CPU Fan Connectors Cable to the connectorMatch the black wire to ATX Power ConnectorSerial port Header Serial port moduleHdmispdif Header Hdmispdif header, providing Spdif audio output to HdmiDriver Installation Guide Installing Windows XP / XP 64-bit Without RAID Functions\ RAID Installation Guide Install Windows XP / XP 64-bit OS on your systemEnglish Bios Information Kartoninhalt DeutschSpezifikationen Anschlüsse An derRückseite USB3.0Support-CD EinzigartigeEigenschaft Siehe Vorsicht BetriebssystemeVorsicht Deutsch Deutsch Sicherheitshinweise vor der Montage Deutsch CPU Installation Installation des CPU-Lüfters und des KühlkörpersInstallation der Speichermodule Dimm Dual-Kanal-SpeicherkonfigurationenBlau Weiß Bestückt Einsetzen eines DIMM-Moduls Erweiterungssteckplätze PCI- und PCI Express-Slots Einbau einer ErweiterungskartePCI Express-Slots CrossFireXTM- und Quad CrossFireXTM Bedienungsanleitung Bedienungsanleitung für AMD duale GrafikkartenASRock Smart Remote Schnellinstallationsanleitung Polig, blauCIR-Header Polig, weißEinstellung der Jumper Jumper Einstellun BeschreibungCmos löschen Nur gelöscht werden, wenn die CMOS-Batterie entfernt wirdAnschlüsse Anschluss BeschreibungDieser Header unterstützt ein Optionales, drahtloses SendeUnd Empfangs-Infrarotmodul Consumer Infrared-Modul-Header Dieser Header kann zumSystem Panel-Header Mehrere Funktion derSystemvorderseite Gehäuselautsprecher-Header Schließen Sie denPins 1-3 anschließen CPU-LüfteranschlussATX-Netz-Header Verbinden Sie die ATX HeaderBitte schließen Sie an diesen Anschluss die ATXStromversorgung an COM-Anschluss-Header Dieser COM-AnschlussDeutsch Treiberinstallation Windows XP / XP 64-Bit ohne RAID-Funktionalität installierenDeutsch BIOS-Information Contenu du paquet FrançaisFrançais Spécifications Panneau arrière ConnecteursCD d’assistance CaractéristiqueCaractéristique Voir Attention Unique SurveillanceFrançais Français Français Précautions à observer avant l’installation Installation du CPU Installation du ventilateur et du dissipateurFrançais Installation des modules m émoire Dimm Configurations de Mémoire à Canal DoubleSlot Bleu Slot Blanc Occupé Installation d’un module Dimm Installation d’une carte d’extension Slot d’extension Slots PCI et Slots PCI ExpressSlots Pcie Mode d’emploi pour CrossFireXTM et Quad CrossFireXTM Guide d’utilisation de AMD Dual GraphicsTélécommande intelligente ASRock Guide dinstallation rapide Embase USB 2.0 9 broches, bleue Embase CIR Broches, blancheCapteurs CIR à différents angles Réglage des cavaliers Le cavalier DescriptionEffacer la Cmos En-têtes et Connecteurs sur Carte Connecteurs Série ATA3Disque dur SATA3 ou au MereCet en-tête supporte un module Infrarouge optionnel deTransfert et de réception sans FilEn-tête du panneau système Cet en-tête permet d’utiliser Plusieurs fonctions duPanneau système frontal En-tête du haut-parleur Veuillez connecter le De châssisConnecteur du ventilateur De l’UCVentilateur d’UC sur ce Connecteur et brancher le filConnecteur ATX Guide d’installation des pilotes Installation de Windows XP / XP 64-bit sans fonctions\ RAID Installation Guide Guide d’installation RAID Français Informations sur le Bios Informations sur le CD de support Italiano Contenuto della confezioneSpecifiche Pannello PosterioreConnettori CD di SupportoCaratteristi Ca speciale Vedi AttenzioneAttenzione Italiano Italiano Installazione Precauzioni preinstallazioneItaliano Installazione del processore Installazione della ventolina e del dispersore di caloreInstallazione dei moduli di memoria Dimm Configurazioni Dual Channel MemoryPopolato Italiano Installare una Dimm Installare una scheda di espansione Slot di espansione Slot PCI ed Slot PCI ExpressGuida operativa per CrossFireXTM e Quad CrossFireXTM Guida al funzionamento di AMD Dual GraphicsASRock Smart Remote Guida allinstallazione rapida Connettore USB 2.0 9 pin, blu Connettore CIR 4 pin, biancoSensori CIR su angolazioni diverse Setup dei Jumpers Resettare la CmosJumper Settaggio del Jumper Collettori e Connettori su Scheda Questo collettore supporta Moduli ad infrarossi optionalPer la trasmissione e la Ricezione senza filiCollettore pannello di sistema Diverse funzioni di sistemaCollettore casse telaio Collegare le casse del telaio a Questo collettore100 Connettore alimentazione ATX Collegare la sorgenteConnettore Guida installazione del driver 101Connettore ATX 12 Installazione di Windows XP / XP 64 bit senza funzioni \ RAID Installation Guide Guida all’installazione RAIDPasso Installazione di Windows XP / XP 64-bit sul sistema 102103 Contenido de la caja Español104 Especificación 105106 Entrada/SalidaDe Panel Trasero107 108 Advertencia109 110 Precaución de Pre-instalación 111Español Instalación de Procesador Instalación del Ventilador y el Radiador de la CPU112 Paso 4. Encierre el zócalo bajando la palancaConfiguraciones de Memoria de Doble Canal Instalación de Memoria113 Instalación de una Dimm 114Ranuras de Expansión ranuras PCI y ranuras PCI Express Instalación de Tarjetas de Expansión115 Ranura PCI ExpressManual de uso de CrossFireXTM y Quad CrossFireXTM Manual del usuario de AMD gráfica dual116 117 Sensores CIR en diferentes ángulosSetup de Jumpers Jumper Setting118 Limpiar CmosCabezales y Conectores en Placas 119120 121 Cabezal de panel de sistemaSistema Cabezal del altavoz del chasis122 De la CPU De la CPU a este conector yHaga coincidir el cable negro Con el conector de tierra123 Español 10 Guía de instalación del controlador Instalación de Windows XP / XP 64 bits sin Funciones124 125 Bios Información Información de Software Support CD 126Комплектность Русский127 Спецификации Русский 128129 130 131 Осторожно132 133 Меры предосторожности 134Установка процессора Установка вентилятора и радиатора ЦП135 Русский Установка модулей памяти Dimm 136Синий Белый Заполнено Установка модуля Dimm 137Гнезда расширения PCI и PCI Express Установка карты расширения138 Руководство по эксплуатации CrossFireXTM и Quad 139CIR-датчика под различными углами Установка перемычек 141Перемычка Установка Описание Колодки и разъемы на плате 142143 Reset кнопка сброса 144Pwrbtn кнопка питания Pled индикатор питания системы145 Контакты 1-3 подключены10 Указания по установке драйверов 146147 ШАГ 2. Установите на свою систему Windows XP / XP 64-bitИнформация о Bios 148Paket İçindekiler Türkçe149 Özellikler 150Bios Özelliği 151Arka Panel Konektör152 Dİkkat 153154 155 Kurulum Öncesi Önlemler 156CPUnun Takılması CPU Fanı ve Isı Emicisinin Takılması157 Aşağı Bastırın ve Soket Mandalını KilitleyinBellek Modüllerinin Dimm Takılması 158Çift Kanallı Bellek Yapılandırmaları Beyaz Yuva Mavi YuvaBir Dimm takma 159Genişletme Yuvaları PCI ve PCI Express Yuvaları Genişletme kartı takma160 CrossFireXTM ve Quad CrossFireXTM Çalıştırma Kılavuzu Dual Graphics Çalışma Kılavuzu161 ASRock Akıllı Uzaktan Kumanda Hızlı Kurulum Kılavuzu 162USB 2.0 başlığı 9 pimli, mavi CIR başlığı Pimli, beyaz Farklı açılarda 3 CIR sensörüJumperların Ayarı 163Jumper Ayar CMOS’u temizlemeYerleşik Fişler ve Konektörler 164165 Kızılötesi Modülü FişiÖn Panel Ses Fişi Sistem Paneli FişiKasa Hoparlörü Fişi BağlayınGüç LEDi Fişi Kasa/güç Fan Konektörü167 10 Sürücü Yükleme Kılavuzu Windows XP / XP 64-biti RAID İşlevleri Olmadan Yükleme168 \ RAID Yükleme Kılavuzu169 Bios Bilgileri Yazılım Destek CD’si bilgileri 170제품소개 171172 플랫폼 Micro ATX 폼 팩터 9.6 x 9.6, 24.4 x 24.4 cm 완전 고체 축전지 디자인소켓 FM1 100W 프로세서 지원 V4 + 1 전원 위상 디자인173 174 175 176 177 설치전의 예방조치 178메인보드의 셋팅을 변경하거나 메인보드에 부품을 설치하기 전에 아 래의 안전 수칙을 따라 주세요 CPU 설치 179180 하얀색 슬롯장착됨 메모리의 설치 181확장 슬롯 PCI 슬롯 , PCI Express 슬롯 182CrossFireXTM 및 Quad CrossFireXTM 사용 설명 183ASRock Smart Remote 간편 설치 설명서 184점퍼세팅 185Cmos 초기화 186 187 188 새시 스피커 헤더연결하십시오 전원 LED 헤더189 190 10 드라이버 설치 가이드 191192 시스템 바이오스 정보 소프트웨어 지원 CD 정보 193パッケージ内容 日本語194 I/O パネルシールド195 196 197 198 199 ASRock Instant Flash は、Flash ROM(フラッシュ ROM)に組み込ま200 インストレーションを行う前の注意事項 201CPU インストレーション CPU ファンとヒートシンクのインストール202 メモリーモジュール Dimm 取り付け 203A75 Pro4-M マザーボードには、240 ピン DDR3 Double Data Rate 3 Dimm 用 204 拡張スロット(PCI スロット、PCI Express スロット) 拡張カードの装着205 CrossFireXTM および Quad CrossFireXTM 操作ガイド AMD Dual Graphics 操作ガイド206 このマザーボードは、CrossFireXTM と Quad CrossFireXTM 機能をサポートします。ASRock Smart Remote クイック取り付けガイド 207ジャンパ設定 208オンボードのヘッダとコネクタ類 209210 フロントオーディオパネルコネクタ GND211 シャーシに付いている電源スイッチ、リセットスイッチ、システムステータ212 CPU ファンコネクタ213 10 ドライバインストールガイド トをインストールするビットをインストールする RAID 機能を搭載しない Windows XP / XP 64-bit ビットトールする 215RAID 機能を搭載しない SATA3 HDD に Windows 7 / 7 64-bit / VistaTM 「SATA Mode」を Ahci に設定し。216 このマザーボードは Microsoft Windows 7 / 7 64-bit / VistaTM / VistaTM簡體中文 217主板規格 218219 220 警告! 221222 安全防范 223CPU 安裝 安裝 CPU 風扇和散熱片224 225 2 No.7)或者在雙通道 B 安裝同樣的 DDR3 Dimm 內存條(DDR3A2 和 DDR3B2;安裝步驟: 226擴展插槽 PCI 和 PCI Express 插槽 227在此主板上有 2 條 PCI 插槽和 2 條 PCI Express 插槽。 PCI 插槽: Pcie 插槽: PCIE1 Pcie x16 插槽 藍色 支持 PCI ExpressCrossFireXTM 和 Quad CrossFireXTM 操作指南 AMD 雙顯卡操作指南228 ASRock 智能遙控器快速安裝指南 229跳線設置 230清除 Cmos 板載接頭和接口 231232 可以方便連接音頻設備。233 CPU 風扇接頭234 ATX 電源接頭ATX 12V 接頭 10 驅動程序安裝指南 12.1 在不帶 RAID 功能的系統上安裝 Windows XP / XP 64 位元235 236 步驟 1 設置 UEFI。237 本主板支持各種微軟視窗操作系統:Microsoft Windows 7/7 64 位元 /VistaTM電子信息產品污染控制標示 238繁體中文 239繁體中文 主機板規格 240241 242 華擎 On/Off Play 技術(見警告 12 )CPU/ 機箱靜音風扇 XP SP3/XP 64 位元243 作的使用者介面便於微調不同的系統功能(例如:Hardware Monitor、244 安全防範 245246 記憶體安裝 247248 擴充插槽 PCI 和 PCI Express 插槽 249在此主機板上有 2 條 PCI 插槽和 2 條 PCI Express 插槽。 PCI 插槽: 於安裝 PCI Express 顯示卡以支援 CrossFireXTM 功能。250 ASRock 智慧型遙控器快速安裝指南 251252 253 254 可以方便連接音效設備。255 電源指示燈接頭256 ATX 12V 電源接口Pin ATX 電源安裝說明 Pin ATX 12V 電源安裝說明10 驅動程式安裝指南 257如果您只想在不帶 RAID 功能的 SATA3 硬碟上安裝 Windows 7 / 7 64 位元 / VistaTM XP / XP 64 位元操作系統。258 支援光碟訊息 259Installing OS on a HDD Larger Than 2TB 260
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