9.4Get driving, public transportation or walking directions
9.4.1Get suggested routes for your trip
Touch icon from Maps screen.
•Touch enter bar or the triangle to edit your start point by one of the following methods: entering an address, using My Location, selecting a start point on a map, selecting a starred item, selecting an address from your contacts or using search history.
•Do likewise for your end point.
•To reverse directions, touch .
•A couple of suggested routes will appear in a list. Touch any routes to view their respective detailed directions.
To get reverse directions for a route you’ve already made, simply open that route’s directions window and touch . No need to enter your start point and end point again.
9.4.2Preview suggested routes and decide on a route more preferable or feasible to you
You can preview each turn in your route in Navigation, Satellite, and other views.
•Touch a left or right arrow to preview the next or previous leg of your route.