Tefal KD500012 manual Éôëò, Èi‰Íβ˜ÂÌÌfl Ú‡ Ôóôâ, ¥ ‚ flÍÓÏÛ ÎflÈÚ ‰¥ÚflÏ ÍÓ

Page 56

TEF-COOKPARTY-2017206.020 22/11/07 15:09 Page 56

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Image 56
Contents Cookies Party TEF-COOKPARTY-2017206.020 22/11/07 1509 ABC FGH Installation DescriptionBranchement et préchauffage Prévention des accidents domestiquesCuisson Après utilisationRangement Participons à la protection de l’environnementMacarons aux amandes Pour 6 personnes RecettesSablé à la confiture Pour 6 personnes TEF-COOKPARTY-2017206.020 22/11/07 1509 Installatie BeschrijvingAansluiten en voorverwarmen Het voorkomen van ongelukken in huisBakken Na gebruikOpbergen Wees vriendelijk voor het milieuRecepten Zandgebak met jam Voor 6 personenKwarkrotsjes met kokosnoot Voor 6 personen Bitterkoekjes met amandelen Voor 6 personenTEF-COOKPARTY-2017206.020 22/11/07 1509 Vorsorge gegen Haushaltsunfälle BeschreibungAnschluss und Vorheizen Backen Nach dem GebrauchAufbewahrung Denken Sie an den Schutz der UmweltRezepte Eischwerkuchen Für 6 PersonenSandkuchen mit Konfitüre Für 6 Personen Quarkplätzchen mit Kokosnussraspel Für 6 PersonenMini-Kokosnusskuchen Für 6 Personen Installazione DescrizioneCollegamento e preriscaldamento Prevenzione degli incidenti domesticiCottura Dopo l’utilizzoSistemazione Partecipiamo alla protezione dell’ambienteRicette Quattro-quarti Per 8 personeFrollini alla marmellata Per 8 persone Amaretti alle mandorle Per 8 personeDolce marmorizzato Per 8 persone Descripción InstalaciónConexión y precalentado Prevención de los accidentes domésticosCocción Después de la utilizaciónAlmacenamiento ¡¡ Participe en la conservación del medio ambienteRecetas Cookies Galletas Para 6 personasPastas con mermelada Para 6 personas Rocas de queso fresco y coco Para 6 personasBizcocho marmolado Para 6 personas Merenguitos de coco Para 6 personasDescrição InstalaçãoLigação e pré-aquecimento Prevenção de acidentes domésticosCozedura Após a utilizaçãoArrumação Protecção do ambiente em primeiro lugarReceitas Bolo Quatre-quarts Para 6 pessoasBolo seco com compota Para 6 pessoas Bolinhos com queijo fresco e coco Para 6 pessoasTEF-COOKPARTY-2017206.020 22/11/07 1509 Tan KurulumBağlant ve ön Ev içi kazalarPişirme KullanMuhafaza Önce çevre korumaTarifler Mozaik Kek 6 kişilik Installering Tilslutning og foropvarmningUndgå ulykker derhjemme Lad aldrig børn bruge dette apparat uden opsynTilberedning Efter brugOpbevaring Vi skal alle være med til at beskytte miljøetOpskrifter Kage med marmelade til 6 personerToppe med skørost og kokosnød til 6 personer Makroner med mandler til 6 personerTEF-COOKPARTY-2017206.020 22/11/07 1509 Beskrivning MonteringAnslutning och förvärmning Förebyggande av olyckor i hemmetVar rädd om miljön TillagningEfter användning Recept Mördegskaka med sylt För 6 personerKokostoppar med färskost För 6 personer Mandelbiskvier För 6 personerTvåfärgad sockerkaka För 6 personer Beskrivelse Tilkobling og oppvarmingForebygging av ulykker i hjemmet La aldri barn bruke dette apparatet uten tilsynTa hensyn til miljøet Etter brukOppbevaring Oppskrifter Sandkaker med syltetøy For 6 personerMakroner med kesam og kokosnøtt For 6 personer Mandelmakroner For 6 personerKokosmakroner For 6 personer Kuvaus AsennusKytkentä ja esilämmitys Kotitapaturmien ehkäisyPaistaminen Käytön jälkeenSäilytys Huolehtikaamme ympäristöstäValmistusohjeita Marmorikakut 6 hengelle Kongolaiskakut 6 hengelleConnection and pre-heating Prevention of accidents at homeCooking After useStoring Environment protection firstRecipes Butter biscuit with jam For 8 peopleFromage blanc and coconut rochers For 8 people GB Almond macaroons For 8 peopleMarble cake For 8 people Coconut cake For 8 peopleÇ ÔÓÁ‚ÓÎflÈÚ ‰ÂÚflÏ ÔÓθÁÓ‚‡Ú¸Òfl ÔÚ ÉÔËÒ‡ÌËÂÌÒÚ‡Ìӂ͇ Ïp‡ÌÂÌË ÈÚÓ‚ÎÂÌË ·Î˛‰ÈÓÒΠËÒÔÓθÁÓ‚‡ÌËfl ʈÂÔÚ˚ ȘÂÌ¸Â Ò ¯ÓÍÓ·‰ÓÏ Íûíëá ç‡ 6 ÔÓÅËÒÍ‚ËÚ ä‡Ú ÈÂÒÓ˜ÌÓ Ôëêìóâ Ò ÍÓÌÙËÚ˛ÈËÊÌÓ äÓÌ„ÓÎÂ ç‡ 6 ÔÓ ÅË̉‡Î¸ÌÓ Ô˜Â̸ χ͇ÅÊÌÓ ¥ ‚ flÍÓÏÛ ÎflÈÚ ‰¥ÚflÏ ÍÓ ÉÔËÒÈi‰Íβ˜ÂÌÌfl Ú‡ Ôóôâ ·ÂpÂÊÂÌÌfl ÈÚÛ‚‡ÌÌflÈiÒÎfl ‚ËÍÓ ÊˆÂÔÚ ÈÂ˜Ë‚Ó äÛÍ¥Á ç‡ 6 ÔÂ¥ÒÚ˜͇ óÓÚË ¥ÒӘ̥ Ú¥ÒÚ˜͇ Á ÍÓÌÙ¥Ú˛¥ÒÚ˜͇ Á ÏË„‰‡ÎÂÏ ç‡ 6 Ô ¥ÒÚ˜͇ äÓÌ„ÓÎÂ ç‡ 6 ÔÂOpis InstalacjaPodłączenie i wstępne podgrzewanie Dzieci nigdy nie powinny używać urządzenia bez nadzoruPieczenie Po użyciuPrzechowywanie Bierzmy czynny udział w ochronie środowiskaPrzepisy Ciasto marmurkowe Dla 6 osób Kokosanki Dla 6 osóbPL 60
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KD500012 specifications

The Tefal KD500012, a standout model in the realm of kitchen appliances, seamlessly combines style, innovation, and performance. Designed for those who value both functionality and aesthetics, this multifunctional cooking device caters to various culinary needs with ease.

One of the main features of the Tefal KD500012 is its multifunctionality. This versatile appliance allows you to prepare a myriad of dishes ranging from fried foods to baked goods. Its ability to cook, steam, grill, and even roast provides an expansive cooking experience, making it an ideal tool for any home chef.

Equipped with an advanced heating system, the Tefal KD500012 ensures even cooking and optimal results. The unique technology promotes rapid heat circulation, allowing for quicker cooking times without compromising flavor or texture. This makes it particularly useful for busy households where time efficiency is key.

Another notable characteristic of the Tefal KD500012 is its user-friendly interface. The device features a digital display with intuitive controls that enable users to easily adjust temperature settings and cooking modes. Whether you're a seasoned cook or a novice, you’ll appreciate how the appliance simplifies the cooking process.

The build quality of the Tefal KD500012 is impressive, featuring a sleek design and durable materials that not only enhance its aesthetic appeal but also ensure longevity. The non-stick cooking surface makes cleanup a breeze, while the dishwasher-safe components add convenience for busy users.

Safety is another priority for Tefal, and the KD500012 is no exception. The appliance is equipped with multiple safety features, including an automatic shut-off function and a cool-touch exterior, minimizing the risk of accidents during use.

In summary, the Tefal KD500012 is a versatile kitchen appliance that incorporates advanced cooking technologies, user-friendly features, and safety mechanisms. Whether you’re looking to experiment with new recipes or streamline your everyday cooking tasks, this device is designed to meet diverse culinary needs while enhancing efficiency in the kitchen. Its elegant design combined with superior functionality makes it a valuable addition to any culinary setup, promising to elevate the cooking experience.