A handy way to identify the speaker leads and the speaker they connect with is to test the leads using a 1.5 volt AA battery as follows.
Hold one lead against one pole of the battery and stroke the other lead across the other pole. You will hear a scraping sound in a speaker if you are holding a speaker lead.
If not, keep testing different lead combinations until you have located all the speaker leads. When you label them, include the speaker location for each.
The antenna lead is a thick, black wire with a metal plug at the end.
❏Connect All Leads
Now that you have identified all the wires in the vehicle, you’re ready to begin connecting them to the stereo unit wires. The connection diagram on page 25 show the proper connections and color coding of the leads.
We strongly recommend that you test the unit before making a final installation.
You can set the unit on the floor and make temporary connections to test the unit. Use electrical tape to cover all exposed wires.
Important: Connect the red power lead last, after you have made and insulated all other connections.
Connect the black ground lead of the power connector to the metal vehicle chassis.
Connect the speaker wires. See the wiring diagram below for the proper hookups. Follow the diagram carefully to avoid damaging the speakers and the stereo unit.
The speaker used must be able to handle more than 37 watts of audio power. If using an optional audio power, the speakers should be able to handle the maximum amplifier output power. Speakers with low input ratings can be damaged.
Speaker impedance should measure 4 - 8 ohms, which is typically marked on most speakers. Lower or higher impedance speakers will affect output and can cause both speaker and stereo unit damage.
Caution: Never ground the speaker cords. For example, do not use a chassis ground system or
No Common Ground
L |
| + |
| – | |
R |
| + |
| ||
| – | |
Common Chassis Ground
L | + |
– | |
R | + |
– |
Speaker Common
(common earth lead)
L –
R –