Sanus Systems BF16 important safety instructions Προσοχη Αποφύγετε την πιθανή πρόκληση

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EN Attach top plate [05] to pillars [06]. Position the top plate [05] so that the pair of countersunk holes faces the front of the stand, as shown.

CAUTION: Avoid potential personal injuries and property damage!Do not use power drivers to tighten screws. Do not overtighten wood screws.

FR Fixez la plaque supérieure [05] aux piliers [06]. Positionnez la plaque supérieure [05] pour que les deux fraisures soient en face de l’avant du support tel qu'illustré.

ATTENTION: Évitez les dommages matériels et les blessures! N’utilisez pas de tournevis électrique pour serrer les vis. Ne pas trop serrer les vis à bois.

DE Bringen Sie die obere Platte [05] an den Stützen [06] an. Positionieren Sie die obere Platte [05] so, dass die zwei eingesenkten Öffnungen, wie abgebildet, zur Vorderseite des Ständers zeigen.

VORSICHT: Vermeiden Sie möglichen Personenschaden und Sachschaden! Verwenden Sie keine Bohrmaschinen zum Anziehen der Schrauben. Ziehen Sie Holzschrauben nicht zu fest an.

ES Conecte la placa superior [05] a los pilares [06]. Coloque la placa superior [05] de modo que el par de orificios fresados se oriente hacia la parte delantera del soporte, según se indica en la ilustración.

PRECAUCIÓN: Evite posibles lesiones personales y daños a la propiedad. No use destornilladores eléctricos para ajustar los tornillos. No ajuste en exceso los tornillos para madera.

PT Prenda a placa superior [05] às colunas [06]. Coloque a placa superior [05] de modo que o par de furos escareados fiquem voltados para a parte dianteira da plataforma, como mostrado.

ATENÇÃO: Evite possíveis ferimentos pessoais e danos à propriedade! Não use brocas elétricas para apertar os parafusos. Não aperte demais os parafusos de madeira.

NL Bevestig de topplaat [05] aan de kolommen [06]. Plaats de topplaat [05] zo, dat de twee verzonken schroeven naar voren wijzen, zoals weergegeven.

LET OP: Voorkom persoonlijk letsel of schade aan de apparatuur! Gebruik geen elektrische schroevendraaiers om de schroeven vast te draaien. Draai de houtschroeven niet te vast!

IT Fissare la piastra superiore [05] ai supporti [06]. Posizionare la piastra superiore [05] in modo che i due fori svasati siano rivolti verso il fronte del supporto verticale, come illustrato.

PRECAUZIONE: Evitare di causare danni a persone e/o a cose! Non utilizzare un trapano con accumulatore per serrare le viti. Do not overtighten wood screws.

EL Συνδέστε την πάνω πλάκα [05] στις στήλες [06]. Τοποθετήστε την πάνω πλάκα [05] έτσι ώστε το ζεύγος κωνικών οπών να είναι στραμμένο προς το μπροστινό μέρος της βάσης, όπως φαίνεται στην εικόνα.

ΠΡΟΣΟΧΗ: Αποφύγετε την πιθανή πρόκληση

τραυματισμού ή υλικής βλάβης! Μη χρησιμοποιήσετε ηλεκτρικό κατσαβίδι για να σφίξετε τις βίδες. Μη βιδώνετε υπερβολικά σφιχτά τις ξυλόβιδες.

NO Fest topplaten [05] på stolpene [06]. Plasser topplaten [05], slik at de to forsenkede hullene vender mot stativets forside, som vist.

FORSIKTIG: Unngå potensiell personskade og materiell skade! Stram ikke skruene med elektriske drivere. Stram ikke treskruene for hardt.

DA Sæt den øverste plade [05] på stolperne [06]. Anbring den øverste plade [05], så de forsænkede huller vender mod standerens front som vist.


personskader og tingskade! Brug ikke elværktøj til at stramme skruer. Træskruerne må ikke overspændes.

SV Montera den övre plattan [05] på pelarna [06]. Placera den övre plattan [05] så att de två försänkta hålen är vända mot stativets framsida som bilden visar.

OBSERVERA: Undvik personskada och skada på egendom! Använd inte elektrisk skruvmejsel för att dra åt skruvar. Dra inte åt träskruvar för hårt.

RU Прикрепите верхнюю панель [05] к стойкам [06]. Разместите верхнюю панель [05] так, чтобы пара потайных отверстий выходила на переднюю часть стойки, как показано на рисунке.

ОСТОРОЖНО! Соблюдайте правила безопасности, чтобы предотвратить возможные травмы и повреждение имущества! Не используйте электрические отвертки для затягивания винтов. Не затягивайте деревянные винты с излишним усилием!


Zamocować płytę górną [05] do podpór [06]. Ustawić płytę górną

[05]tak, aby para otworów z pogłębieniem stożkowym zwrócona była do przodu podstawy, jak pokazano na rysunku.

UWAGA:Należy unikać potencjalnych obrażeń ciała i uszkodzenia mienia! Do dokręcania wkrętów nie wolno używać śrubokrętów elektrycznych. Nie dokręcać wkrętów do drewna zbyt mocno.


Připevněte horní desku [05] na sloupky [06]. Umístěte horní desku

[05]tak, aby byly dva zahloubené otvory umístěny proti přední části stojanu, jak je uvedeno na obrázku.

POZOR:Dejte pozor na nebezpečí úrazu nebo poškození majetku! K dotahování šroubků nepoužívejte elektrické šroubováky. Dřevěné vruty nedotahujte nadměrnou silou.

TR Üst plakayı [05], çubuklara [06] takın. Üst plakayı [05] havşa delik çifti, şekilde gösterildiği gibi, standın ön tarafına bakacak şekilde konumlandırın.

DİKKAT: Olası kişisel yaralanmalardan ve mal zararından sakının! Vidaları sıkmak için elektrikli vidalama aleti kullanmayın. Ağaç vidalarını çok fazla sıkmayın.

JP 天板[05]を支柱[06]に取り付けます。図のように、2つの皿穴が スタンドの前方に向くように天板[05]を配置します。

注:ケガや壁面の破損が起こらないように注意してくださ い。ネジを締めるのに、電気ドライバーを使用しないでください。木製 ネジを締めすぎないでください。

MD 将顶板 [05] 安装到立柱 [06]。放置顶板 [05],使得两个埋头 螺孔朝向支架的前部,如图所示。

注意 避免潜在人身伤害和财产损毁!不要使用电动螺丝 刀来紧固螺钉。不要过度紧固木螺钉。

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Contents Lb chacun 6901-17015800感谢您选择 Sanus Systems 底座。每件 BF24 和 BF31 可支承重量不超 Precauzione Il presente ΠΡΟΕΙΔΟΠΟΙΗΣΗ!Αυτό το προϊόν OPT 随带有硬件和多项安装配置步骤。 看到该符号时,请根据需要选择 正确的配置。 并非随带的所有硬件都会用到。 6901-170158 EN Supplied Parts and Hardware Använd aldrig skadade delar01 x 02 x Forsigtighed Undgå mulige 6901-170158 Προσοχη Αποφύγετε την πιθανή πρόκληση 6901-170158 Coloque las almohadillas de aislamiento 01 y los topes para Attach isolation pads 01 and carpet spikesBringen Sie Isolationspolster 01 und Teppich-Spikes 03 an Alfombras6901-170158 Kabelmanagement. Für den BF31 benötigen Sie zwei Wire management. The BF31 will require two wire coversGestire i cavi. The BF31 will require two wire covers Kabelabdeckungen6901-170158 Milestone AV Technologiesおよびその関連会社と支店総称してMilestoneは、本

BF16 specifications

The Sanus Systems BF16 is a state-of-the-art soundbar mount that brings exceptional versatility and convenience to home entertainment setups. Designed with modern aesthetics and functionality in mind, the BF16 enhances your viewing and listening experience by seamlessly integrating your soundbar with your television.

One of the standout features of the BF16 is its universal compatibility. It can accommodate most soundbars available on the market, with an adjustable design that allows for easy alignment with your TV. This flexibility ensures that whether you have a slim soundbar or a larger one, it can be mounted securely and at the right height for optimal sound delivery.

Installation is a breeze thanks to Sanus's intuitive design. The BF16 comes complete with all necessary hardware, and its step-by-step instructions make the setup process straightforward, even for those who may not be particularly handy. Additionally, the mount supports a cable management system, allowing users to keep HDMI and power cords organized and out of view, contributing to a clean and polished appearance.

The BF16 is built with durability in mind. Constructed from high-quality materials, it ensures that your soundbar remains securely in place without any risk of sagging or falling. Its robust design can support a substantial weight, providing peace of mind for users concerned about the stability of their audio equipment.

Another noteworthy characteristic is its adjustable height. The BF16 allows for vertical positioning adjustments, which means you can fine-tune the placement of your soundbar to match your TV screen perfectly. This feature enhances both sound quality and aesthetic appeal, as it can be set to enhance audio projection directly toward the viewer’s ears.

Moreover, the BF16's sleek design ensures that it complements any decor style, making it an excellent choice for contemporary living spaces. Its minimalist look blends well with various television models and room setups, ensuring that it does not detract from the overall aesthetic.

In conclusion, the Sanus Systems BF16 is a versatile and highly functional mount for anyone looking to elevate their home theater experience. With its universal compatibility, ease of installation, durability, adjustable height, and sleek design, it is an essential accessory for maximizing the impact of your soundbar while ensuring a clean and organized entertainment space.