Special heads for battery generators
| AcuteB Head |
For the
90 09 35 with Disc reflector
90 09 36 with Zoom reflector
For our smallest battery pack, the AcuteB 600, there is a special lamp head, the Profoto AcuteB Head. The Profoto AcuteB Head weighs in at a mere 1.45 kg. It gives you 600 Ws fllashes and an innovative modeling light, using a
The AcuteB Head includes: fllash tube, 65 W halogen lamp, protective transportation cap and a 3 m (10 ft) lamp cable.
90 09 35 with Disc Refllector
90 09 36 with Zoom Refllector
Lightshapers and other accessories
Get the right balance of shadow softness and sharpness with our range of reflectors, zoomable in different constellations from
Continuous Light
ProTungsten – Continuous Light source
The ProTungsten is a continous light source, and is used independently and does not need a generator.
Because of the heat generated, some light shaping tools (like ProBox and ProGlobe) can’t be used.
90 05 62 ProTungsten (230 V) with glass cover
(not available in all markets)