Samsung SCR-3000P manual 1Search Menus, Entering the DVR Search Menu

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1Search Menus

Entering the DVR SEARCH MENU


To search the recorded data, press the SEARCH ( ) button. Then the following screen

Returning to the Upper Menu or Exit the Current Menu


Press the SEARCH ( ) button to exit the current menu level or to return to the upper menu.

should appear.










-If the system is in Live Screen mode, Record mode, or Play mode, you can search all recorded data.

-If you search the recorded data during playback, the newly searched data will be played regardless of which data was playing previously.

-While you are in a menu, you cannot go into the SEARCH MENU by pressing the


SEARCH ( ) button. To go into the SEARCH MENU, exit the menu you are cur- rently in.

Selecting a Menu Item

Use the UP( ) or DOWN() buttons to move to the menu item you want.


A highlighted cursor should appear over the selected item. Next, press the ENTER (






button to accept the choice. In submenus, you can set the criteria for your data search or


select and play back an item from the list of recorded data.


Setting the Search Criteria & Selecting an Item from the List

In the DATA & TIME SEARCH menu, set the search criteria. In the RECORD EVENT

Menu Items



DATE&TIME 2003-07-10 13:37:48












ALARM START 2003-07-13 17:25:52


ALARM START 2003-07-12



ALARM START 2003-07-11





CH 1 : ON CH 5 : ON CH 9 : ON CH13 : ON

CH 2 : ON CH 6 : ON CH10 : ON CH14 : ON

CH 3 : ON CH 7 : ON CH11 : ON CH15 : ON

CH 4 : ON CH 8 : ON CH12 : ON CH16 : ON







01 RECORD START 2003-07-13 09:23:55

02 RECORD START 2003-07-12 13:43:21

03 RECORD START 2003-07-12 11:13:42

04 RECORD START 2003-07-11 09:23:55

05 RECORD START 2003-07-11 05:11:42

06 RECORD START 2003-07-10 23:51:12

07 RECORD START 2003-07-10 13:37:48











2003-07-13 22:42:16


















SEARCH and ALARM EVENT SEARCH, MOTION EVENT SEARCH menus, select one from the list of recorded data. Methods of setting the search criteria and selecting an item from the list are the same as in other menus.

-No list will be displayed when you go into the RECORD EVENT SEARCH or ALARM EVENT SEARCH, MOTION EVENT SEARCH menu, or the POWER EVENT LIST screen because no data is recorded on the hard drive when it is first shipped from the factory.



Image 197
Contents Digitalervideo Recorder Digitaler Video Recorder Wichtige SicherheitshinweiseII. Anschluss anderer Geräte Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise Inhalt ZusammenfassungIII. Grundlagen der Bedienung IV. DVR-MenüsZusammenfassung 2LeistungsmerkmaleD 1EinleitungBildqualität in 4 verschiedenen Stufen einstellbar Komfortable SuchfunktionenAlarm Zeigt den Alarmbetrieb an Empfängt die Signale von der FernbedienungEine Liste der aufgezeichneten Daten anzeigen und Diese Daten durchsuchenRückseite Gerät Installations-CD für FernüberwachungsprogrammBedienungsanleitung NetzkabelZurück. Wenn das Festplattengehäuse Klappen Sie den Bügel hoch undSchieben Sie die Festplatte in das Gerät II. Anschluss anderer Geräte Anschluss externer Geräte Kommunikationsmethode Anschluss über RS-232CRS-232C-Anschluss D-SUB 9-polig und Stiftbelegung Pol Nr GNDRS-485-Anschluss und Stiftbelegung Anschluss über RS485Datenformat Samsung Protokoll Code-Wert an TasteIII. Grundlagen der Bedienung Erkennung des ankommenden Videosignals 1System bootenEinschalten AusschaltenOder Rechts in dem Datum & Uhrzeit Anzeigen des UHR/ANZEIGE Die Sicht des ganzen BildschirmsVor- und Rückwärtsrichtung AngegebenDer Bildschirm bei der Aufnahme Der Live-BildschirmDer normale Live-Bildschirm sieht folgendermaßen aus Der normale Aufnahmebildschirm sieht folgendermaßen ausDer normale Wiedergabebildschirm sieht folgendermaßen aus Der Bildschirm bei der WiedergabeIV. DVR-Menüs Haüptmenu DVR aufrufen 1MenüübersichtEinen Menüpunkt wählen Einstellungen ändern➂ Drücken Sie UP Beispiel einer Menüeinstellung zur Änderung der UhrzeitOder Down ❷ , um die aktuelle Stundenangabe anzuzeigen Minutenangabe geändert werden kannÜbersicht über die einzelnen Menüpunkte 3Aufnahme einstellen ② Alarm Signal Polarität ① Alarm Signal Erkennung➂ Alarmton ➃ Hauptalarmdauer➅ NACHALARM-ZEITLIMIT ➄ VORALARM-ZEITLIMIT➆ Hauptalarm Bildrate ⑧ BewegungsdetektorGrösse Alarm AufnahmeBewegen Beschrieben② Passwortschutz ① Passwort➂ HDD Löschen ➃ Werkseinstellungen① Baudrate 7Kommunikation einstellen② NETZWERKZUGANG/IP-ADRESSE/GATEWAY/SUBNET Mask ➂ NETZWERKBENUTZER-ID/NETZWERKBENUTZER-PWDMenüpunkte 1VCR-MenüsVCR Main Menu aufrufen Ereignisliste 2MANUELL ArchivierenBewegungsereignisliste AlarmereignislisteBildabtastrate ZeitraumDirekt Archivieren 3TIMER Archiv 4ARCHIV Einstellen 5ARCHIV Überprüfen VI. Aufnahme ② Aufnahme Anhalten Grundlagen der Aufnahme① Current Image Aufnahme 2Sicherheitsverriegelung 3AlarmaufnahmeDVorgemerkte Aufnahme abbrechen 4Vorgemerkte AufnahmeVorgemerkte Aufnahme einstellen VII. Daten suchen und wiedergeben DVR Suchmenü aufrufen 1SuchmenüsEinen Menüpunkt auswählen Suchkriterien eingeben und Punkte aus der Liste auswählenNach Datum und Uhrzeit suchen Alarm Ereignis Suchen Playback Kanal Einstellen 7SYSTEMANZEIGEDHDD Rest HDD SystemVCR System BandstatusGrundlagen der Wiedergabe Menü verlassen 9VCR-WiedergabeB Wiedergabe-Wiederholung für VCR B Wiedergabe-Wiederholung für DVRVIII. Sonstiges Technische Daten Backup VCR-VIDEOKASSETTE2GerätedarstellungD VHS-VIDEOAnhänge Kontrollpunkt bevor Sie den Kundendienst rufen Probleme KontrollpunktAB68-00406A 2F & aFrage Antwort Enregistreur Vidéo Numerique Enregistreur Vidéo Numerique Consignes de sécurité importantesVisualisation du menu du mag- nétoscope III. Méthode de base à utiliserVI. Enregistrer VII. Retrait et LectureSommaire Il est équipé de fonctions de recherche pratiques 1Introduction2Caractéristiques Visualisation avant 3Désignation et fonction de chaque pièceVisualisation arrière 5Vérification du contenu de l’emballage 4Introduction à la télécommandeMontage du HDD 6Connecter/ Déconnecter le lecteur de disque durII. Brancher d’autres appareils Avertissement 2Branchement avec un multiplexeur EX SDMMéthode de communication Branchement sur RS-232CTerminal RS-232C D-SUB 9 Pin et spécifications du Pin Numéro d’identification personnelFormat des données Protocole Samsung Branchement sur RS485Valeur de codes par touche AutreIII. Méthode de base à suivre 1Démarrage du système Reconnaissance du signal vidéo entrantMise sous tension Mise à l’arràtVisualisation Plein Ecran 2Ecran d’affichage de baseDétails, consultez les pages Pour plus de détailsImage de l’enregistreur Ecran d’affichage actif’écran d’affichage normal ressemble à ceci Image normale a l’ecran montre’écran de lecture normal ressemble à ceci Ecran d’affichage en lectureIV. DVR-Menu Sélection d’un élément du menu Affichage du menuModification des paramètres Accéder au menu parent ou à la fin du menuHeure Chaque élément du menu 2Régler la date, l’heure et l’écran3Paramètres enregistrement ① Détection Signal Alarme 4PARAMETRE Enregistrement Alarmhe② Polarité Signal Alarme ➂ Sonnerie Alarme➅ Temps POST-ALARME ➄ Temps PRE-ALARME➆ Vitesse D’IMAGE EN Alarme ⑧ Detection DE MouvementMouvement Taille6Paramètres système ① Debit EN Bauds 7Paramètres Communication② Acces RESEAU/ Adresse IP /PASSERELLE/MASQUE SOUS-RESEAU ➂ ID UTILI. RESEAU/PASSE UTILI. ReseauÉléments du menu Menus du magnétoscopePour démarrer la sauvegarde 2ARCHIVE ManuelleDE Laliste ENR Événement Archive Événementmouvement Archive ÉvénementalarmeTaux Déchantillonnage Image Archive Gamme DE TempsArchive Direct 3ARCHIVE Minuterie 4CONFIGURER Archive 5VÉRIFIER Archive VI. Enregistrer Enregistrement de base 1Enregistrement de base① Enregistrement Dìmage EN Cours ② PAS Enregistrement2Verrouillage d’enregistrement 3Enregistrement d’alarme4Programmation d’enregistrement VII. Recherche automatique et lectureParamètres de programmation d’enregistrement Annulation de la programmation d’enregistrementRetour au menu supérieur ou Quitter le menu actuel 1Menus rechercheEntrée dans le Menu Recherche 3Affichage de liste de données enregistrées 2Rechercheet heure automatique par dateÉvénement Date 4Recherche automatique d’enregistrement d’alarme7INDICATION DU Systéme 6PARAMETRAGE DU Canal DE LectureHDD Restant HDD SystémeSystéme Magnétoscope Cassette RestantePour lire à nouveau, appuyez sur la touche PLAY/STILL ❿II 8Lecture de baseStill ❿II 9Lecture du magnétoscope Lecture répétée A-B magnétoscope 10Recherche des données sauvegardées VissLecture répétée A-B magnétoscope numérique VIII. Autre Backup Bande Video Magnétoscope 2DimensionsNormes produit HDDAppendices Problème Dépannage Vérifications avant de Contacter le Centre de ServiceTé au système de télésurveillance par un PC, vous Question RéponseRegistratore Digitale DI Video Registratore Digitale DI Video Importanti istruzioni di sicurezzaII. Collegamento con altri dispositivi Importanti norme di sicurezza Indice SommarioIII. Operazioni principali IV. Menu DVRSommario ’unità è provvista di pratiche funzioni di ricerca 1Introduzione2Caratteristiche DVR 3Nomenclatura e funzioni delle partiVista frontale Vista posteriore Unità principale 5confezioneManuale d’uso Cavo di alimentazioneMontaggio dell’HDD 6Inserimento e rimozione dell’HDDII. Collegamento con altri dispositivi Di questa unità Trigger OUT Segnale video dell’SDM-160Unire entrambi i terminali GND 160Terminal RS-232C D-SUB 9 Pin e specifiche dei pin Pin N Collegamento con l’RS-232CMetodo di comunicazione Terminale RS-485 e specifiche dei pin Collegamento con l’RS-485Formato dati Protocollo Samsung Code value by keyIII. Operazioni principali Accensione 1Avvio del sistemaRiconoscimento del segnale video in ingresso SpegnereVisione Schermo Pieno 2Visualizzazione schermate10, 20 volte la velocità normale Fare riferimento alla pagina 4-6 per i dettagliVisualizzazione schermata durante la registrazione Visualizzazione schermata LiveLa normale schermata Live ha questo aspetto La normale schermata di registrazione ha questo aspettoLa normale schermata in riproduzione ha questo aspetto Visualizzazione schermata in riproduzioneIV. Menu DVR Attivazione del Menu Principale DVR 1Vista dei menuSelezione di una voce di menu Modifica delle impostazioniORA Esempio di impostazione nel menu modifica dell’oraTutti gli elementi del menu 2Impostazione di data, ora e schermo3Impostazione registrazione ① Rilevazione Segnale Allarme 4Impostazione registrazione allarme② Tipologia Segnale Allarme ➂ Abilitazione Buzzer➅ Tempo Post Allarme ➄ Tempo PRE Allarme➆ Velocità Allarme ⑧ Rilevazione MovimentoSposta Dimensione6Impostazioni del sistema Visualizzazione del menu VCR ② Accesso RETE/INDIRIZZO IP/GATEWAY/SUBNET Mask① Baud Rate ➂ ID Utente RETE/PWD Utente ReteVoci dei menu 1Menu VCRAttivazione del Menu Archiviazione VCR DA Lista Eventi Registrazione 2ARCHIVIAZIONE ManualePer avviare DA Lista Eventi AllarmeDA Lista Eventi Movimento VEL Campionamento IMM Intervallo DI TempoARCHIV. Diretta 3ARCHIVIAZIONE SU Timer 4CONFIGURAZIONE Archivio 5CONTROLLO Archivio VI. Registrazione Registrazione di base 1Registrazione di base① Registrazione DELL’IMMAGINE Corrente ② Interruzione RegistrazioneBlocco registrazione 2Blocco registrazioneDisattivazione del blocco registrazione Registrazione attivata da un allarme4Registrazione programmata VII. Richiamo e riproduzioneImpostazioni registrazione programmata Annullamento registrazione programmataRitorno al menu superiore o chiusura del menu corrente 1Menu RicercaAttivazione del menu DVR Ricerca 3Visualizzazione elenco dati registratia 2Ricerca secondo data e ora5Visualizzazione elenco stato Si/No 4Ricerca registrazioni da allarme7INDICAZIONE DI Sistema 6CONFIGURAZIONE Canale PBHDD Rimasto HDD SistemaVCR Sistema Stato NastroPer riprendere il playback, premere il tasto PLAY/STILL ❿II 8Riproduzione di base9Riproduzione con VCR Riproduzione ripetuta della sezione A-B con il VCR Riproduzione ripetuta della sezione A-B con il DVRVIII. Miscellanea 1Standard del prodotto Backup Videocassetta VCR2Immagine dispositivo Video S-VHSAppendice 1Controlla questi punti prima di chiamare Centro Servizio Problemi Controllo PuntiDomanda Risposta 2D e RDigital Video Recorder Important Safety Instructions Contents Summary Picture quality can be adjusted to 4 different levels 2FeaturesNumber of recording fields per second can be adjusted It has convenient search functionsFront View 3Name and Function of Each PartBack View Checking the Package Contents Mounting HDD 6Attaching/Detaching HDDLift up the racks front handle and push Rack into the main unit. OnceII. Connection with Other Devices 2Connection with Multiplexer 1Connection to External DevicesConnection with PC for Use RS-232C terminal D-SUB 9 Pin and Pin specificationsConnection with RS-232C Communication MethodConnection with RS-485 RS-485 terminal and Pin specificationsData Format Samsung Protocol OthersIII. Basic Method to use Power On 1Booting the SystemRecognizing incoming video signal Power OffWrite 2Basic Screen ViewingViewing Full Screen Viewing Screen during recording Live Screen ViewingNormal Live screen looks like this Normal recording screen looks like thisNormal Playback screen looks like this Playback screen ViewingIV. DVR Menus 1Menu View Changing the SettingsEntering the DVR Main Menu Selecting a Menu ItemTime Example of menu setting in case of changing timeEach menu item 2Setting of Date, Time and Screen3Record Setup ① Alarm Signal Detection 4Alarm Record Setup② Alarm Signal Polarity ➂ Alarm Buzzer➅ Post Alarm Time Limit ➄ PRE Alarm Time Limit➆ Main Alarm Picture Rate ⑧ Motion DetectionMove 5Reservation Timer SetupSize 6System Setup ② Network ACCESS/IP ADDRESS/GATEWAY/SUBNET Mask 7Communication Setup➃ PAN/TILT Type Remote Control of Camera Viewing VCR Menu➂ Archive Setup ➃ Archive Check ① Manual Archive ② Timer Archive1VCR Menus Entering the VCR Main MenuFrom Record Event List 2MANUAL ArchiveFrom Motion Event List From Alarm Event ListPicture Sampling Rate Time RangeDirect Archive 3TIMER Archive 4ARCHIVE Setup 5ARCHIVE Check VI. Record Basic Record 1Basic Record① Current Image Record ② Record Stop2Record Lock 3Alarm RecordReservation Record Cancel Reservation Record SetupVII. Retrieval and Playback 4Reservation RecordReturning to the Upper Menu or Exit the Current Menu 1Search MenusEntering the DVR Search Menu 3Recorded Data List View 2Retrieval by Date and Time5Searching Motion Detection Recordings 4Alarm Record Retrieval7SYSTEM Indication 6PB Channel SetupFollowing screen appears when you select System Indication Tape Status HDD RemainTape Remain This shows the amount of physical tape capacity remainingTo play back again, press the PLAY/STILL❿II button 8Basic PlaybackBy pressing VCR button once. Then press PLAY/STILL❿II button 9VCR PlaybackVCR A-B Repeat Playback 10Searching the Backed-up Data VissDVR A-B Repeat Playback VIII. Others Product Standards Backup VCR Video Tape2Appearance Drawing VHS VideoAppendix Trouble Check Points 1Check Points before Call Service CenterOther system to LAN to be connected to Question AnswerGrabador Digital DE Video Instrucciones importantes de seguridad II. Conexión con otros dispositivos Instrucciones importantes de seguridad Contenido ResumenIII. Método básico de utilización IV. Menús del DVRResumen 2Características 1IntroducciónOfrece varias velocidades de reproducción Dispone de cómodas funciones de búsquedaVista frontal 3Nombre y función de cada piezaVista posterior Precaución Montaje de la unidad del disco duro HDD 6Acoplar y quitar la unidad de disco duroII. Conexión con otros dis positivos 2Connection with Multiplexor 1Conexión con dispositivos externosREC in Entrada DE Grábacion Disk END FIN DE Disco Conexión con RS-232CMétodo de comunicación Terminal RS-485 y especificaciones de las patillas Conexión con RS-485Formato de datos Protocolo Samsung OtrosIII. Método básico de utilización Encendido 1Arrancar el sistemaReconocimiento de la señal de vídeo entrante ApagadoVisión de Pantalla Completa 2Visualización de las pantallas básicasLocalización de la indicación de la fecha y del tiempo Ca a Refiera a la página 3-14 para los detallesVisualización de la pantalla durante la grabación Visualización de la pantalla en vivoLa pantalla en vivo normal se ve así La pantalla de grabación normal se ve asíLa pantalla de reproducción normal se ve así Visualización de la pantalla de reproducciónIV. DVR Menús Entrar en DVR Menú Principal 1Vista de menúsSelección de un elemento de menú Cambio de ajustesHora Ejemplo de ajuste del menú en el caso del cambio de horaPantallas de menú 2Ajustes de fecha, hora y pantalla3Configuración de la grabación ① Detección Señal Alarma 4Configuración de grabación por alarma② Polaridad Señal Alarma ➂ Pitido DE Alarma➅ Tiempo Postalarma ➄ Tiempo Prealarma➆ Velocidad DE Imagen ⑧ Detección DE MovimientoMover Tamaño6Configuración del sistema ① Velocidad DE Baudios 7Configuración de la comunicación➂ ID. DE USUARIO/CONTRASEÑA DE Usuario ➃ Tipo de PAN/TILT mando a distancia de la cámaraElementos de menú 1Menús del VCREntrar en VCR Menú Principal Para iniciar la copia de 2ARCHIVO ManualDE Lista Evento DE Grabación Para iniciar la copia de seguridad DE Lista Evento DE AlarmaDE Lista Evento DE Movimiento Velocidad Muestreo Imagen Intervalo DE TiempoArchivo Directo Rizador 3ARCHIVO TemporizadorGRAB. CIN. SI Prob HDD 4ARCHIVO ParámetroVelocidad VCR Seleccionar Cinta5COMPROBACIÓN DE Archivo VI. Grabación Grabación básica 1Grabación básica① Grabación DE Imagen Presente ② Parada DE LA Grábacion2Bloqueo de la grabación 3GRABACIÓN POR AlarmaCancelación de la grabación sincronizada Configuración de grabación sincronizadaVII. Búsqueda y reproducción 4Grabación sincronizadaVolver al menú superior o salir del menú actual 1Menús de búsquedaEntrar en Menu DE Búsqueda 3Vista de la lista de datos grabados 2Búsqueda por fecha y hora5Vista de la lista de los eventos de encendido/apagado 4Búsqueda de grabación por alarma7INDICACIÓN DE Sistema 6CONFIGURACIÓN DE Canal PBStop Resto Disco DuroEstado DEL Sistema Resto DE LA CintaPuede reproducir de nuevo pulsando el botón PLAY/STILL ❿II 8Reproducción básica9Reproducción del VCR Repetición del VCR A-B Repetición del DVR A-BVIII. Otros VCR Video Cinta 1Especificaciones del productoLos apéndices RECORD/el botón El problema Punto de inspecciónPregunta Respuesta
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SCR-3000P specifications

The Samsung SCR-3000P is an innovative mobile device that combines cutting-edge technology with user-centric design, making it a standout option in today's competitive market. This device exemplifies Samsung's commitment to delivering advanced features in a sleek and sophisticated form.

At the heart of the SCR-3000P lies a robust processor that ensures smooth performance across all applications. Whether users are multitasking between various apps or streaming high-definition content, the device handles everything with ease. The impressive RAM capacity further enhances this multitasking capability, allowing for seamless transitions and efficient management of resources.

One of the key highlights of the SCR-3000P is its stunning display. Equipped with a high-resolution screen, the device offers vibrant colors and sharp contrast, making it ideal for both media consumption and productivity tasks. The display also features cutting-edge technology that ensures optimal visibility in various lighting conditions, whether indoors or outside in direct sunlight.

In terms of photography, the SCR-3000P boasts a powerful camera system that includes multiple lenses designed for versatility. Users can capture stunning images with high detail and clarity, aided by advanced features such as optical image stabilization and low-light performance enhancements. The front-facing camera is equally impressive, catering to selfie enthusiasts and video callers alike.

Battery life is another significant aspect of the SCR-3000P. The device is equipped with a high-capacity battery that supports fast charging technology, ensuring that users can spend more time enjoying their device and less time tethered to a power outlet. Additionally, power-saving modes help maximize usage time, making it a reliable choice for those on the go.

Security features are paramount in today's digital landscape, and the SCR-3000P does not disappoint. It includes biometric authentication methods such as fingerprint recognition and facial recognition, providing users with peace of mind regarding data protection and privacy.

Connectivity options are robust, with support for the latest wireless technologies, including 5G, Wi-Fi 6, and Bluetooth 5.0. This ensures that users can enjoy fast internet speeds and seamless connections to other devices, enhancing the overall user experience.

In conclusion, the Samsung SCR-3000P is a remarkable device that delivers a blend of performance, design, and functionality. With its array of features tailored to meet the needs of modern users, it stands out as a compelling choice for anyone in search of a high-quality mobile device.