Samsung EC-ST45ZZBPUVN, EC-ST45ZZBPUE1 manual Dateien wiedergeben, DE-9, Fotos anzeigen, Symbolen

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Contents Quick Start Manual Contents English Camera layout Unpacking Optional accessoriesWith the Samsung logo Inserting the battery and memory cardFacing up Selecting options Charging the batteryPress Shutter all the way down to take the photo Press To select Align your subject in the frameTaking a photo Viewing videos Viewing photosUse the following buttons to control playback Select the files you want and drag or save them to the PC Disconnecting safely for Windows XPConnect the camera to the PC with the USB Cable Turn on the cameraSpecifications Hinweise zu Sicherheit und InhaltHinweise zu Sicherheit und Gesundheit DE-2Achtung DE-3DE-4 Aufbau der KameraOptionales Zubehör Inbetriebnahme der KameraDE-5 AuspackenAkku und Speicherkarte einsetzen DE-6Drücken Sie DE-7Akku aufladen Drücken Sie im AufnahmemodusDE-8 Fotos und Videos aufnehmenVideo aufzeichnen Fotos anzeigen SymbolenDateien wiedergeben DE-9Sicheres Abtrennen unter Windows XP Dateien auf einen PC Windows übertragenDE-10 → Wechseldatenträger → Dcim →DE-11 Technische DatenInformations relatives à La santé et à la sécurité……… SommaireInformations relatives à la santé et à la sécurité FR-2Manipulez et stockez votre appareil avec soins FR-3Protégez les batteries, les chargeurs et les cartes mémoire FR-4 Présentation de lappareil photoContenu du coffret Accessoires en optionAssemblage de votre appareil photo FR-5Insertion de la batterie et de la carte mémoire FR-6Atteindre une option ou un menu En mode Prise de vue, appuyez surFR-7 Chargement de la batterieFR-8 Prise de vues photo ou vidéoLa lecture Lecture de fichiersFR-9 Appuyez sur Ou sur pour parcourir Les fichiersDébranchement en toute sécurité pour Windows XP Transfert de fichiers vers un PC WindowsFR-10 SaffichentCapteur dimages Objectif Batterie rechargeable Dimensions l x h x p PoidsCaractéristiques FR-11Reproducción de archivos…… ContenidoInformación sobre salud y seguridad ES-2Utilice y guarde la cámara con cuidado y de manera prudente ES-3Utilice y deseche las baterías y los cargadores con cuidado PrecaucionesES-4 Diseño de la cámaraAccesorios opcionales Configuración de la cámaraES-5 DesembalajeSamsung hacia arriba ES-6Insertar la batería y la tarjeta de memoria Con el logotipo deCargar la batería ES-7ES-8 Captura de fotografías o vídeosGrabar un vídeo Pulse Para desplazarse por los Archivos Reproducción de archivosES-9 Ver fotografíasPara Windows XP ES-10Peso Batería recargable DimensionesEspecificaciones ES-11Specifiche…………………… ContenutoInformazioni sulla salute e la sicurezza IT-2Attenzione IT-3IT-4 Layout fotocameraApertura dellimballaggio Accessori opzionaliPreparazione della fotocamera IT-5Inserimento della batteria e della scheda di memoria IT-6Rivolto verso lalto Menu evidenziato IT-7Come caricare la batteria Un menu o unopzioneIT-8 Cattura di foto o videoRegistrazione di un video Premete Per scorrere i file Riproduzione di fileIT-9 Visualizzazione delle fotografieDisconnessione sicura per Windows XP Trasferimento di file ad un PC WindowsIT-10 Disco rimovibile → Dcim → 100PHOTOIT-11 SpecificheSpecificaties… ……………… InhoudsopgaveInformatie over gezondheid en veiligheid NL-2De camera voorzichtig en verstandig behandelen en opslaan VoorzichtigNL-4 Camera-indelingUitpakken Optionele accessoiresUw camera gereedmaken voor gebruik NL-5Wijst naar boven NL-6De batterij en geheugenkaart plaatsen Het Samsung-logoDe batterij opladen NL-7NL-8 Foto’s en videos makenEen video opnemen Videos bekijken Bestanden afspelenNL-9 ScrollenNL-10 Bestanden overzetten naar een pc WindowsVeilig loskoppelen voor Windows XP Oplaadbare batterij SpecificatiesNL-11 Beeldsensor Lens Scherm Scherpstelling Sluitertijd OpslagLayout da câmera… ………… SumárioInformações de saúde e segurança PT-2Manipule e armazene sua câmera com cuidado PT-3Manipule e descarte baterias e carregadores com cuidado CuidadosPT-4 Layout da câmeraAcessórios opcionais Configurando sua câmeraPT-5 DesembalandoInserindo a bateria e o cartão de memória PT-6Carregando a bateria PT-7PT-8 Capturando fotos ou vídeosGravando um vídeo Pressione Ou para percorrer os Arquivos Reproduzindo arquivosvPT-9 Exibindo fotosDisco removível → Dcim → 100PHOTO Transferindo arquivos para um PC WindowsPT-10 Desconectando com segurança Windows XPTela Foco EspecificaçõesPT-11 Sensor de imagensAD68-04413A
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The Samsung EC-ST45ZZ series is a collection of compact digital cameras designed to deliver solid performance and innovative features in a user-friendly package. This series includes models such as the EC-ST45ZZBPRE3, EC-ST45ZZBPAIT, EC-ST45ZZBPBIT, EC-ST45ZZBPAE3, and EC-ST45ZZBPBE2. Each of these models is geared towards photography enthusiasts looking for portability without sacrificing image quality.

One of the standout features of the Samsung EC-ST45ZZ series is its impressive 16.1 MP CCD sensor. This high-resolution sensor ensures that photos are crisp, clear, and packed with detail, making it suitable for everything from landscapes to intimate portraits. The cameras also support a 5x optical zoom, allowing users to get closer to the action without compromising image integrity. This zoom capability is particularly useful for capturing subjects from a distance, whether it's wildlife or a bustling street scene.

Another key characteristic of these models is their Smart Filter feature, which allows for creative imaging by offering an array of artistic effects and filters. Users can experiment with various styles, from vintage looks to dramatic monochromes, enhancing their creative expression directly through the camera. This feature, combined with Samsung's intuitive interface, makes these cameras ideal for those looking to explore their artistic side.

The Samsung EC-ST45ZZ series also comes equipped with a range of shooting modes that cater to different photography situations. Users can select from a variety of modes such as beauty shot, night mode, and landscape mode, making it easier to capture the perfect shot regardless of the conditions. The face detection feature enhances portrait photography by ensuring that subjects' faces are in sharp focus and well-lit, even in challenging lighting situations.

In terms of build quality, these cameras are compact and lightweight, making them ideal for travel and everyday use. Their sleek design is not only aesthetically pleasing but also quite functional, fitting comfortably in a pocket or small bag. The easy-to-navigate controls ensure that users can swiftly change settings, allowing for spontaneity in capturing fleeting moments.

Overall, the Samsung EC-ST45ZZ series represents a blending of advanced features and user-friendly design. With their high-resolution sensors, versatile zoom capabilities, creative filters, and robust shooting modes, these cameras stand out as practical options for anyone wanting to elevate their photography experience without the hassle of professional equipment. Whether for casual snapping or more serious photography pursuits, the EC-ST45ZZ series fulfills the needs of modern users.