Samsung MZ-7KM120E, MZ-7KM480Z, MZ-7KM240E, MZ-7LM960Z, MZ-7LM960E Legal and additional information

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Legal and additional information

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Image 2 Samsung MZ-7KM120E, MZ-7KM480Z, MZ-7KM240E, MZ-7LM960Z, MZ-7LM960E, MZ-7LM480E, MZ-7KM480E Legal and additional information
Contents Samsung SSD Legal and additional information Legalities Table of Contents A.R.T IntroductionAbbreviations Features Software Requirements System RequirementsHardware Requirements Limited support for some ATA commands Windows Server Address, and FW UpdateFW Update Rhel 5.7 and laterKnown Issues Command Line Options Setmax Update EraseExecute SetUtility ClearVendor LicenseFind a Magician file and execute How to Use Magician DCStarting Magician DC software Magician --help HelpNone Magician -HMagician -C Command-historyMagician -- command-history Force Disk Magician -L ListMagician --list ※Note in case of OS disk Disk Number is preceded withSmart Smart Information Temperature log SSD Lifetime Analyzer Trim Disk a --firmware-update -p fwpackage-path Firmware-updateFirmware files and it should be given just after the switch Magician -d a -F -p fwpackage-pathErase Over-provision Overprovisioning on Windows ExampleOver-provision --query Overprovisioning on Linux Example10% of device size Over-provision --set 10% Over-provision -- clear Info Display the details of the selected Samsung SSDMagician -d 1 -M -r SetmaxMagician --disk 1 --setmax --read-native-max Setmax --set Setmax --read-native-maxSetfeature Writecache Enable/disable Write Cache on specified SSDWritecache --set 1enable Writecache--set 0disable Sct Samsung SSD Magician DC Sctcachestate SctcachestateVendor-utility Magician -license LicenseDisplay the End User License Agreement Display Tool Help Display History of CommandsExamples Display Disk ListSmart Information of the Disks Erase Trim CommandFirmware Update Set Max Address Over ProvisioningReserved area Magician --disk 1 --sct --writecache-set Set FeatureDisk Info License Bypass confirmation prompt --forceVendor Utility Below is the full license statement from hdparm Software is provided AS is without warranty of any kindEnd User License Agreement Eula Below is the full license statement from json-cppNo Liability Supported Commands for LSI RAID