Samsung EC-S860ZSDA/E3, EC-S860ZSBA/FR, EC-S860U01KFR, EC-S760ZPDA/E3 Getting to know your camera

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Getting to know your camera


DANGER indicates an imminently hazardous situation which, if not avoided, will result in death or serious injury.

Do not attempt to modify this camera in any way. To do so may result in fire, injury, electric shock or severe damage to you or your camera. Internal inspection, maintenance and repairs should only be carried out by your dealer or Samsung Camera Service centre.

Should any form of liquid or a foreign object enter the camera, do not use it. Switch off the camera, and then disconnect the power source. You must contact your deal- er or Samsung Camera Service centre. Do not continue to use the camera as this may cause a fire or electric shock.

Please do not use this product in close proximity to flam- mable or explosive gases, as this could increase the risk of explosion.

Do not insert or drop metallic or inflammable foreign objects into the camera through access points e.g. the memory card slot and battery chamber. This may cause a fire or electric shock.

Do not operate this camera with wet hands. This could pose a risk of electric shock.


WARNING indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.

Do not use the flash in close proximity to people or animals. Positioning the flash too close to your subject’s eyes may cause eyesight damage.

For safety reasons keep this product and accessories out of reach of children or animals to prevent accidents e.g.: -Swallowing battery or small camera accessories. If an ac- cident should occur, please consult a doctor immediately.

-There is the possibility of injury from the camera’s moving parts.

Battery and camera may become hot during prolonged use and it may result in camera malfunction. Should this be the case, allow the camera to sit idle for a few minutes to allow it time to cool.

Do not leave this camera in places subject to extremely high temperatures, such as a sealed vehicle, direct sunlight or other places of extreme variances in temperature. Ex- posure to extreme temperatures may adversely affect the camera’s internal components and could cause a fire.

When in use, do not cover the camera or Charger. This may cause heat to build up and distort the camera body or cause a fire. Always use the camera and its accessories in a well-ventilated area.


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Contents Page Getting to know your camera ContentsGetting to know your camera Do not insert the memory card the wrong way round Identification of features / Contents of camera S760 Battery life & Number of shots Recording timeRechargeable batteries Optional SNB-2512 Ni-MH S860Recording mode LCD monitor indicatorUse this menu to take a picture of a person Mode dialShutter button again to stop the recording Taking a pictureLeft / Right button Selects images To add images to delete, press the T buttonMicroSoft DirectX 9.0C Downloading imagesSpecifications ·Still Image Jpeg DCF, Exif 2.2, Dpof · S760Capacity 256 MB Size · S860 DC AdapterPower Source Operating Temperature~ 40C Correct Disposal of This Product Memo Memo Die Kamera kennen lernen InhaltGefahr Verfügbarer Wechselstromadapter AchtungIdentifikation der Funktionen / Lieferumfang der Kamera LieferumfangOptional S760 Batteriebetriebsdauer und Anzahl der Aufnahmen AufnahmezeitS860 30 FPS 15 FPSSprachnotiz / Ohne Ton LCD-MonitoranzeigeUm eine Person zu fotografi eren ModuswahlWahlrads einen Kameramodus auswählen FotografierenSo werden Aufnahmen gemacht Halbes Herunterdrücken Vollständiges Des AuslösersOK-Taste löscht die ausgewählten Bilder Wiedergabe / Löschen von BildernTaste Löschung überprüfen Auswahl von JAHerunterladen von Bildern Je nach Bildgröße BewegungstimerObjektiv Nr. F2,8W ~ F5,2T Digitalzoom ·Fotomodus 1,0X ~ 3,0XKapazität 256 MB Größe Technische Daten2592 2048Ohne vorstehende Teile EFFEKT-TasteBildwiedergabe 93 X 62 X 26,5mmKorrektes Entsorgen dieses Produkts Notiz ~16~ Muutoksia SisältöKameraan tutustuminen Ovat omistajiensa rekisteröityjä tavaramerkkejäVaara ilmoittaa, että on olemassa hengen- tai vakava vaara VaaraHuomautus ilmoittaa, että on olemassa vaaran mahdollisuus Toimintojen tunnistaminen / kameran sisältö Toimitus SisältöLisävar Usteet Kuvan koko Akun kesto ja kuvien määrä tallennusaikaMukana tulevat paristot vaihtelevat myyntialueen mukaan TallennetunLisätietoja on CD-ROM-levyllä olevassa käyttöoppaassa LCD-näytössä näkyvät kuvakkeetTallennustila Aukon arvon tai suljinnopeuden valintaKilöstä TilanvalitsinVoit säätää manuaalisesti aukkoa ja suljinno- peutta Harjoittelemaan kuvaamistaElokuvan tallentaminen Käännä tilanvalitsinta ja valitse ´ Kuvan ottaminenValokuvan ottaminen Sommittele kuva Käynnistä tallennusKuvien toistaminen tai poistaminen Jos KYLLÄ-vaihtoehto on valittuna valitut kuvat poistetaanYksittäinen kuva Kuvien lataaminen Tekniset tiedot 2448 2176 ElokuvaleikeSdhc taattu 4 Gtuun asti Tiedostomuoto ·Elokuvaleike AVI Mjpeg ·Ääni WAV Kuvakoko · S860Liitännät Painike Tehoste VäriKuvien katselu Kuvaesitys, elokuvaTuotteen hävittäminen Muistiinpanoja Muistiinpanoja Lär känna din kamera InnehållDet är möjligt att kamerans rörliga delar kan orsaka skador FaraHållas ansvarigt för en felfungerande kamera Sätt inte in batterierna med omvänd polaritetTillgänglig nätadapter Spänning 3.3V, Ampere 2.0A, Diameter Nehåller bilder tagna med en annan kameraTillval Identifiering av egenskaper/ KamerainnehållBatteriets livslängd & Antalet bilder Inspelningstid Superfin Fin Normal 30 BPS 15 BPSfilm Kamera skakvarning LCD-skärm indikatorSkärpa Vitbalans Exponeringskompensation Datum / TidAnvänd den här menyn för att fotografera en människa LägesomkopplarePå slutar-knappen igen för att stoppa inspelningen Att ta en bildHur man tar en bild Håll kameran så som visas Bekräfta kompositionen Ta en bildOm JA väljs Visa / Radera bilderAvbryter Radera bild EnstakaNedladdning av bilder Specifikationer Kapacitet 256 MB storlek · S860 + þGränssnitt Digital utgångsanslutning USB Ljud Mono Knapp Effekt FärgBildvisning VideofilmKorrekt avfallshantering av produkten Memo Memo Lær dit kamera at kende IndholdsfortegnelseDet er muligt at blive skadet af kameraets bevægelige dele FareTilgængelig AC-adapter ForsigtigKameraets funktioner/kameraets indhold Medføl Gende deleEkstra Tilbehør Batterilevetid og antal billeder optagetid Det medfølgende batteri kan variere alt efter salgsområdet30 BPS 15 BPS Hvidbalance Eksponeringskompensation Dato / klokkeslæt Indikatorer på LCD-skærmenBenyt denne menu til at fotografere en person FunktionsknapMed denne funktion er det nemt og hurtigt at fotografere Du kan indstille blænde og lukkertid manueltFokus og blitzstatus Optagelse af et billedeSådan tages et billede Hold kameraet som vist Find motivet på LCD-skærmenOK-knap De valgte billeder Afspilning/Sletning af billederTryk på T-knappen for at tilføje billeder til sletning Knap Markerer til sletningFarvedybde Overførsel af billederKen Mere end 1 GB USB-indgang CD-Rom-drevDigital zoom ·Stillbilleder 1,0x ~ 3,0x Lydoptagelse Lydoptagelse maks timerBevægelsestimer S760 Cirka 7,2 megapixelKapacitet størrelse 256 MB · S860 Lagring af billeder MedieFilformater ·Filmoptagelser AVI MjpegUden batterier og hukommelseskort Strømforsyning Primærbatterier 2 x AA-alkalineSalgsregionen Vægt Cirka 123gKorrekt bortskaffelse af dette produkt Memo Memo Знакомство с фотокамерой СодержаниеОпасно Осторожно Комплект Поставки Рабочие элементы / содержимое упаковкиРесурс батарей и доступное количество снимков время записи Диафрагма/ Выдержка Информация, отображаемая на ЖК-дисплееАвто Селектор режимовФотосъемка Удаляются Воспроизведение / удаление изображенийЗагрузка изображений Фотоприемник Тип 1/2,5 ПЗС-матрица Технические характеристики· S860 Источники питания Как правильно утилизировать данное изделие Memo Memo
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EC-S860ZPBE/E1, EC-S760ZBBA/LV, EC-S760ZPBA/VN, EC-S760ZUBA/AU, EC-S760ZBBA/E2 specifications

The Samsung EC-S860ZUDA/E3, EC-S860ZBDA/E3, EC-S760ZSDA/E3, EC-S760ZPBA/E2, and EC-D760ZSDB/E3 are notable compact digital cameras that exemplify Samsung's commitment to delivering high-quality imaging and user-friendly features. These models, with their sleek designs and robust capabilities, cater to photography enthusiasts and casual users alike.

One of the standout features of the Samsung EC-S860 series is the incorporation of high-resolution sensors. With an 8-megapixel sensor featured in the EC-S860ZUDA/E3 and EC-S860ZBDA/E3, and a 7-megapixel sensor in the EC-S760ZSDA/E3 and EC-S760ZPBA/E2, these cameras are designed to capture crisp, clear images even in challenging lighting conditions. The EC-D760ZSDB/E3 further enhances this capability with its advanced image processing technologies, ensuring that photos retain their vibrancy and detail.

The optical zoom capabilities of these cameras are also impressive. With a range of 3x to 5x optical zoom, users can capture distant subjects without compromising image quality. This is complemented by the cameras' digital zoom features, which provide additional flexibility when framing shots.

Samsung's commitment to ease of use is evident in the intuitive interfaces and controls that these models offer. The user-friendly menus and button layouts make it easy for both novices and seasoned photographers to navigate settings quickly, allowing them to focus on capturing memorable moments. The inclusion of automatic scene modes helps to simplify shooting in various conditions, automatically adjusting settings to optimize results.

In addition, these cameras boast features such as face detection, which enhances portrait photography by ensuring subjects are in sharp focus, and blink detection, which alerts users if a subject’s eyes are closed in a shot. The built-in flash also aids in low-light situations, further improving versatility.

Connectivity options such as USB ports make it easy to transfer photos to computers and other devices. Overall, the Samsung EC-S860ZUDA/E3, EC-S860ZBDA/E3, EC-S760ZSDA/E3, EC-S760ZPBA/E2, and EC-D760ZSDB/E3 offer an appealing combination of advanced features, convenience, and quality, appealing to a broad range of users looking for reliable compact cameras.