Samsung EC-PL70ZZBPRVN manual DE-6, Akku und Speicherkarte einsetzen, Mit dem, Samsung-Logo

Page 16

Inbetriebnahme der Kamera

Akku und Speicherkarte einsetzen

Akku aufladen


Bitte laden Sie den Akku unbedingt auf, bevor Sie die Kamera verwenden.





Mit dem

3 Mit den goldfarbenen



Kontakten nach oben


nach unten





Akku entnehmen

Speicherkarte entnehmen


Drücken Sie vorsichtig gegen


die Speicherkarte, so dass sie


ausrastet, und ziehen Sie sie dann


aus dem Speicherkarteneinschub.


▪▪ Rot: Aufladen

▪▪ Grün: Voll aufgeladen

PL70_EUR1.indb 6

2009-09-16 오전 10:02:36

Image 16 Samsung EC-PL70ZZBPRVN, EC-PL70ZZBPBFR DE-6, Akku und Speicherkarte einsetzen, Mit dem, Samsung-Logo, Nach unten Weisend
Contents Quick Start Manual Contents Health and safety informationProtect batteries, chargers, and memory cards from damage Camera layout Optional accessories Setting up your cameraUnpacking Inserting the battery and memory card Charging the battery WithFacing down With the gold-colouredTurning on your camera Selecting optionsTaking a photo Capturing photos or videosRecording a video Viewing photos Playing filesViewing videos Disconnecting safely for Windows XP Transferring files to a PC WindowsConnect the camera to the PC with the USB Cable Turn on the cameraSpecifications WeightOperating temperature 40 C Operating humidity 85 % 95.8 x 59.5 x 23.9 mmInhalt Hinweise zu Sicherheit und GesundheitDE-2 Hinweise zu Sicherheit und Gesundheit… …………………DE-3 AchtungAufbau der Kamera DE-4Inbetriebnahme der Kamera DE-5Auspacken Optionales ZubehörDE-6 Akku und Speicherkarte einsetzenMit dem Samsung-LogoKamera einschalten DE-7Drücken Sie im Aufnahmemodus m Fotografieren DE-8Video aufzeichnen Dateien wiedergeben DE-9Fotos anzeigen Drücken Sie PDE-10 Dateien auf einen PC Windows übertragenSicheres Abtrennen unter Windows XP Technische Daten DE-11Sommaire Informations relatives à la santé et à la sécuritéFR-2 Lecture de fichiers… ………… Transfert de fichiers versManipulez et stockez votre appareil avec soins FR-3Protégez les batteries, les chargeurs et les cartes mémoire Présentation de lappareil photo FR-4Accessoires en option Assemblage de votre appareil photoFR-5 Contenu du coffretFR-6 Le logoSamsung est Vers le haut Orienté vers le basMise en route de lappareil FR-7Sélection des options Prise de vues photo ou vidéo FR-8Prise de vues Filmer une séquence vidéoLecture de fichiers FR-9Visionner des photos Affichage des vidéosTransfert de fichiers vers un PC Windows FR-10Débranchement en toute sécurité Pour Windows XPCaractéristiques FR-11Broches Humidité de fonctionnement 85 %Contenido Información sobre salud y seguridadES-2 Información sobre salud y Seguridad… ……………………ES-3 PrecaucionesDiseño de la cámara ES-4ES-5 Configuración de la cámaraDesembalaje Insertar la batería y la tarjeta de memoria ES-6Cargar la batería ES-7 Encender la cámaraSelección de opciones En el modo de disparo, pulse mES-8 Tomar una fotografíaGire el selector de modos hasta a Alinee el sujeto en el marcoReproducción de archivos ES-9Ver fotografías Pulse PTransferencia de archivos a un ordenador para Windows ES-10Desconectarse de manera segura Para Windows XPEspecificaciones ES-11Contenuto Informazioni sulla salute e la sicurezzaIT-2 Informazioni sulla salute e La sicurezza… …………………IT-3 AttenzioneLayout fotocamera IT-4Accessori opzionali Preparazione della fotocameraIT-5 Apertura dellimballaggioInserimento della batteria e della scheda di memoria IT-6Come caricare la batteria Come accendere la fotocamera IT-7Selezione delle opzioni Cattura di foto o video IT-8Scattare una foto Allineate il soggetto al riquadroRiproduzione di file IT-9Visualizzazione delle fotografie Visualizzazione dei videoTrasferimento di file ad un PC Windows IT-10Disconnessione sicura per Windows XP Accendete la fotocameraSpecifiche Batteria ricaricabile Dimensioni L x a x P PesoIT-11 Inhoudsopgave Informatie over gezondheid en veiligheidNL-2 Informatie over gezondheidNL-3 VoorzichtigCamera-indeling NL-4Optionele accessoires Uw camera gereedmaken voor gebruikNL-5 UitpakkenNL-6 De batterij en geheugenkaart plaatsenHet Samsung De goudkleurige Logo wijst naar Beneden Naar bovenDe camera inschakelen NL-7Opties selecteren Foto’s en videos maken NL-8Een foto nemen Een video opnemenBestanden afspelen NL-9Fotos weergeven Videos bekijkenNL-10 Bestanden overzetten naar een pc WindowsVeilig loskoppelen voor Windows XP NL-11 SpecificatiesGewicht Sumário Informações de saúde e segurançaPT-2 Informações de saúde e Segurança………………………PT-3 CuidadosLayout da câmera PT-4Configurando sua câmera PT-5Desembalando Acessórios opcionaisCom o logotipo Com os contatos Da Samsung PT-6Para cima Ligando a câmera PT-7Selecionando opções Capturando fotos ou vídeos PT-8Tirando uma foto Gravando um vídeoReproduzindo arquivos PT-9Exibindo fotos Exibindo vídeos Use os botões a seguir para controlar a reproduçãoTransferindo arquivos para um PC Windows PT-10Conecte a câmera ao PC com o cabo USB Ligue a câmera Desconectando com segurança Windows XPEspecificações PT-11Sensor de imagens Lente Tela Foco ArmazenamentoPL70EUR1.indb AD68-04163A 2009-09-16 오전
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The Samsung EC-PL70 series, including models EC-PL70ZZBPBE1, EC-PL70ZZBPRIT, EC-PL70ZZBPRVN, EC-PL70ZZBPRE3, and EC-PL70ZZBPBE3, represents a blend of style, performance, and user-friendly technology designed for both amateur and experienced photographers. These compact cameras are ideal for everyday use and travel, combining portability with impressive imaging capabilities.

One of the standout features of the EC-PL70 series is its 14.2-megapixel sensor, which delivers high-resolution images with vibrant colors and sharp details. This sensor allows users to capture stunning photographs even in challenging lighting conditions, thanks to the enhanced noise reduction technology incorporated into the design. The cameras also benefit from a 5x optical zoom lens, offering versatility in framing shots from various distances.

The EC-PL70 models include Samsung's Smart Auto technology, which automatically selects the best settings for the scene being photographed. This feature helps users achieve optimal results without needing extensive camera knowledge or experience. Additionally, the cameras come equipped with a variety of scene modes, including Portrait, Landscape, and Night mode, further assisting users in making the most of their photography in diverse environments.

Another key characteristic of the EC-PL70 series is its compact design. The sleek and lightweight body makes it easy to carry around, making it an excellent choice for those on the go. The user-friendly interface and intuitive controls enhance the overall shooting experience, allowing users to focus on capturing moments without getting bogged down by complicated settings.

The cameras also feature a range of advanced technologies, such as Face Detection and Smile Shot, which help ensure that every precious moment is perfectly captured. With the ability to shoot HD video, users can record their experiences not only through photographs but also through high-quality video clips, adding another dimension to their storytelling.

Overall, the Samsung EC-PL70 series represents a compelling choice for anyone looking to elevate their photography skills without sacrificing convenience. Its combination of smart technology, high-performance imaging, and portability makes it an exceptional option in the compact camera market. Whether exploring new destinations or documenting everyday life, the EC-PL70 series is designed to meet the needs of a wide range of users.