| Appendix |
Antenna Converter | A connection part that is used to link a Wide antenna cable (feeder | |
| cable) to the TV. | |
English Caption (= Caption Set- | A kind of language selection feature that provides English subti- | |
ting) | tles (caption) or character information services from broadcasting | |
| services (ex: AFKN) or video tapes (marked CC), and which are | |
| especially useful for studying English. | |
Multiplex Broadcasting | This enables the user to enjoy the broadcasting service in both | |
| Korean and foreign (original) language as well as in stereo mode. | |
A2 | This system uses two carriers to transmit voice data. Countries | |
| such as South Korea and Germany use this system. | |
BTSC | Broadcast Television System CommitteeThe stereo broadcasting | |
| system that is used in most of the countries that have adopted the | |
| NTSC system, including the United States, Canada, Chile, Vene- | |
| zuela and Taiwan. It also refers to the organization that has been | |
| organized to promote its development and management. | |
EIAJ | Electronic Industries Association of Japan. | |
DVI | DVI is the acronym for Digital Video Interface. It is a new type | |
| of video interface technology that provides the maximum screen | |
| quality for high quality display devices and | |
| cards including flat panel LCD monitors. | |
HDMI(High Definition Multi- | This is an interface that connects both quality video signals and | |
media Interface) | digital audio signals with a cable without any compression. | |
| • | HD (High Definition) |
| In HD, |
| provides a five times clearer screen quality than the existing |
| analog method and has a wide 16:9 aspect ratio. |
| • | SD (Standard Definition) |
| In SD, |
| a screen quality somewhere between HD and the existing an- |
| alog method. It exhibits a two times better screen quality than |
| analog TV. |
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