Samsung DA-E750/KE, DA-E750/UM manual دعابملا ءاطﻏ مادختسا, يسكلااج زاهج يمدختسمل لبأ زاهج يمدختسمل

Page 46

دعابملا ءاطﻏ مادختسا

.جودزملا ءاسرلإا ماظن ىلع يئاقو فلاغ ىلع يوتحي لا Apple وأ Samsung Galaxy زاهج ءاسرإ ديرت تنك اذإ دعابملا ءاطغ بيكرتب مق

.زاهجلا لكش ةاعارم عم كزاهجل رقتسم تيبثتل همادختساب مق -

5 سوبد لصوت 30 سوبد لصومل يئاقولا فلاغلا مدختسا .انسً 30 نم نوكملا Apple ةزهجأ لصومل قاوٍ ءاطغ جودزملا ءاسرلإا ماظنب اضيأً قفرم

.يسكلااج جنوسماس زاهجب صاخلا

.تامولعملا نم ديزم ىلع لوصحلل هاندأ ةيحيضوتلا موسرلا عجار

>يسكلااج زاهج يمدختسمل<

>لبأ زاهج يمدختسمل<

.تابثلا نم ديزم قيقحتل زاهجلا لكش وأ ءاسرلإا زاهجل يئاقولا فلاغلا ةاعارم عم ةمئلام ةماعد مدختسا ،زاهج ءاسرإ دنع

ةيامحلا ءاطغ

ةيامحلا ءاطغ لصاوفلا ءاطغ

.يئاقو فلاغ اهيلع دجوي لا يتلا ةزهجلأا ءاسرلإ مدختسي

لصاوفلا ءاطغ

.ةيداع ريغ ةريدتسم ةدعاق هل وأ ملم 1.5 نع اهكمس ديزي ةبلع هبو جودزملا ءاسرلإا ماظنب زاهج ءاسرإ نكمي لا


Image 46
Contents Wireless Audio with Dock Thank you for purchasing this Samsung productFeatures This symbol indicates dangerous voltage Safety informationSafety Warnings Accompanying the productPrecaUtiOns Contents BefOre reaDing tHe User’s ManUaL Getting startedWHat’s incLUDeD TOP/frOnt/rear PaneL DescriptionsDEscriPtions Selected mode is displayed in white on the Function Display Switches the mode as followsControls the volume level Lets you connect to a network using a LAN cableInstalling battery in the Remote Control Remote controlTour of the Remote Control Operation Range of the Remote ControlTUrning tHe POWer On/Off Power on and volume controlADJUsting tHe VOLUMe Connections InstaLLing tHe tOrOiDaL ferrite On tHe POWer caBLeInstaLLing tHe ferrite cOre On tHe Lan caBLe ConnEctionsUsing tHe sPacer cOVer For apple Device Users For galaxy Device UsersCOnnecting a DeVice tO tHe DUaL DOcK How to connect a device to the Dual DockExternal device COnnecting an aUDiO DeVice Using aUXAUX Service COnnecting tO yOUr netWOrKTo connect the wireless Audio with Dock to a wired network Broadband service ModemWPA-PSK Tkip WPA2-PSK AES Network connection is completeButton on the top panel of the Wireless Audio with To connect the wireless Audio with Dock using wPS PBcBlinks once in white. After the indicator blinks, release Page To connect the Wireless Audio with Dock using a WPS PIN Bluetooth What is Bluetooth?To pair to your tv COnnecting tO BLUetOOtH DeVicesTo cancel pairing to your tv ConnectDock Playing Using tHe tV MODe soundshareTap install Samsung galaxy DevicesCompatibility list Apple Device Apple DevicesWireless Audio with Dock will be disconnected Using tHe BLUetOOtH MODeCurrently connected device will be disconnected Bit rate Using tHe UsB MODeBefore you connect a USB device KbpsUsing airPLay anD aLLsHare PLay MODe Basic fUnctiOns Using the input modeFunctions You can select the following inputs aUX LeD OffAdvanced functions This is useful when answering a doorbell or telephone callRestore the sound Muting the soundSOftWare UPgraDe OnLy UsB MODe Troubleshooting Specifications AppendixOpen Source Announcement Contact Samsung World Wide مدختسملا ليلد ايازملا صيخرتلاةملاسلا تاريذحت ةملاسلا تامولعمجتنملا عم ةقفرم ةماه تاداشرإ دوجو ىلإ زمرلا اذه ريشي تاطايتحلاا تايوتحملا مدختسملا ليلد ةءارق لبق ليغشتلا ءدبةوبعلا تايوتحم ايلع تافصاوملاةيفلخلا/ةيماملأا/ايلعلا ةحوللا ةيمامأ ةيفلخFunction رز LED حابصم فاقيإ AUX ةفيظو عفر -/+ Volume رز توصلا ىوتسم ضفخPLAY/PAUSE رز تقؤم فاقيإ/ليغشت ةفيظولا ةشاشدعب نع مكحتلا ةدحو ليغشت قاطن دعب نع مكحتلا ةدحودعبُ نع مكحتلا ةدحو ضارعتسا دعب نع مكحتلا ةدحوليغشتلا فاقيإ/ليغشتلا توصلا ىوتسمب مكحتلاو ليغشتلاتوصلا ىوتسم طبض ةيلحملا ةكبشلا لباكب ةيندعملا ةقلحلا بيكرت تلايصوتلاةقاطلا لباك ىلع ةيندعملا ةقلحلا بيكرت تلايصوتلايسكلااج زاهج يمدختسمل لبأ زاهج يمدختسمل دعابملا ءاطﻏ مادختساةيامحلا ءاطغ ةيامحلا ءاطغ لصاوفلا ءاطغ جودزملا ءاسرلإا ماظنب زاهج ليصوت جودزملا ءاسرلإا ماظنب زاهج ليصوت ةيفيكيفاضإ لخدم AUX in مادختساب توصلا زاهج ليصوت يجراخلا زاهجلا يفاضإ لخدم AUXةيكلس ةكبشب Wireless Audio with Dock زاهج ليصوتل ﻚب ةصاخلا ةكبشلاب لاصتلااةيكلسلا ةكبشب Wireless Audio with Dock زاهج ليصوتل ضيمولا يف رمتسيو رمحلأا ىلإ ضيبلأا نم رشؤملا ريغتي WPS PBC مادختساب يئانﺜلا توصلا بيكرت ماظن ليصوتلرزلا كرتا ضيبلأا Wi-Fi دادعإ ةحفصب بسانملا لقحلا WPS PIN مادختساب Wireless Audio with Dock زاهج ليصوتلةقدلاب يمحملا دادعلإا WPS/RESET رز ىلع رارمتسلاا عم طغضا Bluetooth ؟ثوتولبلا وه امنويزفلتلا زاهج نارقإ ءاغللإ ثوتولب ةزهجﺄب ليصوتلانويزفلتلا زاهج نارقلإ لاصتلااBluetooth زاهجب Wireless Audio with Dock ماظن لاصتلا لاصتلاا يجراخلا زاهجلاApple ةزهجأو Samsung Galaxy ةزهجأ عم ءاسرلإا عضو مادختسا ليغشتلاتوصلا ةكراشم نويزفلتلا عضو مدختسا Samsung Galaxy ةزهجأApple زاهج Apple Device Apple زاهج Apple Device تاقفاوتلا ةمئاقءاسرلإا عضو عم ةقفاوتملا iPod/iPhone/iPad زرط Bluetooth زاهج نم Wireless Audio with Dock زاهج لصفل Wireless Audio with Dock ـب Bluetooth زاهج لاصتا عطقب مقثوتولبلا عضو مادختسا ىقيسوملا قيسنتلا USB عضو مدختساUSB زاهج ليصوت لبق تبلا لدعمAllShare Play عضو ALLSHAREو Airplay عضو مادختساGalaxy زاهجل ةيسيئرلا ةشاشلا ىلع ةمئاقلا ددح لاخدلإا عضو مادختسا فئاظولاةيساسلأا فئاظولا LED حابصم فاقيإ يفاضإ AUX لاخدإفلخلل/مامﻸل يطختلا ةمدقتم فئاظوتقؤم فاقيإ/ليغشت توصلا متكطقف USB عضو ﺞماربلا ةيقرت ةحفصلا نيمي ىلعأ يف معد Support قوف رقنااهحلاصإو ءاطخلأا فاشكتسا قحلملا تافصاوملاOpen Source Announcement ملاعلا ءاحنأ عيمج يف Samsung ةكرشب لاصتلال ةقطنملا  تلااصتلاا زكرم بيولا عقومGuide d’utilisation Merci davoir choisi ce produit SamsungCaractéristiques Fonction BluetoothPrise en charge des hôtes USB Consignes de sécurité Mises EN GardePRÉcAUTiOnS Utilisation du mode téléviseur SoundShare Table des matièresAVAnT De LiRe Le GUiDe DUTiLiSATiOn Pour vous aider à démarrerCe QUi eST incLUS DeSSUS/FAceS AVAnT/ARRiÈRe ARRiÈReLorsque vous changez le mode à l’aide du bouton Function Change de mode dans l’ordre suivantRègle le volume Cette prise ne doit être utilisée que pour la maintenancePortée opérationnelle de la télécommande TélécommandeInstallation des piles dans la télécommande FRA andeRÉGLAGe DU VOLUMe MiSe SOUS/HORS TenSiOnConnexions InSTALLATiOn DU TORe MAGnÉTiQUe SUR Le cÂBLe D’ALiMenTATiOnInSTALLATiOn DU TORe MAGnÉTiQUe SUR Le cÂBLe RL ConnexionsUTiLiSATiOn DU cAPUcHOn De cALe D’eSPAceMenT Pour les utilisateurs d’un appareil Apple GalaxyCOnneXiOn D’Un APPAReiL AU Dual DOcK Connexion d’un appareil à la station d’accueil doublePériphérique Entrée AUXRouteur Service large bande Modem large BandeCOnneXiOn À VOTRe RÉSeAU BandeWPA-PSK Tkip WPA2-PSK AES LAN Page Entrez le numéro WPS PIN NIP WPS du Wireless Audio Ex. Appareil Galaxy de SamsungQu’est-ce que Bluetooth? Pour annuler le jumelage avec votre téléviseur COnnecTiOn AUX APPAReiLS BLUeTOOTHPour le jumeler avec votre téléviseur ConnecterDock Appareils galaxy de Samsung UTiLiSATiOn DU MODe TÉLÉViSeUR SoundShareLecture Clear data effacer les donnéesListe de compatibilité Appareil Apple Appareil AppleUTiLiSATiOn DU MODe BLUeTOOTH Avant de connecter un périphérique USB UTiLiSATiOn DU MODe USB56 à UTiLiSATiOn DeS MODeS De LecTURe AiRPLAY eT ALLSHARe Fonctions Utilisation du mode d’entréeFOncTiOnS De BASe Couper le son Utilisation de la fonction Bass BasseMiSe À niVeAU DU LOGicieL UniQUeMenT en MODe USB Cliquez sur Firmware Micrologiciel au centre de laDépannage Annexe Caractéristiques TechniquesOpen Source Announcement Communiquez avec Samsung Dans LE Monde Entier Code No. AH68-02480J
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DA-E750/UM, DA-E750/ZN, DA-E750/KE specifications

The Samsung DA-E750 is a versatile and elegant wireless audio docking system that caters to audiophiles and casual listeners alike. With its sleek design featuring a combination of traditional wood accents and modern materials, it seamlessly complements any home decor while providing exceptional sound quality.

One of the standout features of the DA-E750 is its ability to support a variety of wireless audio streaming options, including Bluetooth and Samsung's AllShare technology. This allows users to effortlessly stream music from their smartphones, tablets, or computers without the hassle of connecting cables. The DA-E750 also supports NFC (Near Field Communication), enabling quick pairing with compatible devices by simply tapping them against the speaker.

The DA-E750 is equipped with a high-quality built-in amplifier, which delivers rich, powerful sound that can fill a room. It integrates premium speakers and advanced audio technologies, ensuring that music sounds clear and immersive across all frequencies. The system also includes a subwoofer, enhancing bass performance for a fuller, more dynamic listening experience.

For audiophiles who favor wired connections, the DA-E750 has a USB port and an auxiliary input, providing flexibility for connecting various devices. The built-in dock is compatible with both Apple and Samsung devices, allowing users to charge their smartphones while enjoying their favorite tunes.

In terms of compatibility, the DA-E750 excels by supporting a wide range of audio formats, including MP3, WMA, and WAV, ensuring that users can enjoy their music regardless of the source. The system also features a user-friendly remote control, allowing for easy navigation through playlists and settings from a distance.

An important aspect of the DA-E750 is its design philosophy that combines aesthetics with functionality. With its minimalist form factor, it not only serves as a high-fidelity sound system but also as a stylish piece of furniture.

In summary, the Samsung DA-E750 is a multifunctional audio solution that combines classic design with modern wireless technology. With features like Bluetooth connectivity, a robust built-in amplifier, dual compatibility for Apple and Samsung devices, and a stylish appearance, it stands out as a premium choice for anyone looking to enhance their audio experience. Whether you are hosting a gathering or enjoying a quiet evening at home, the DA-E750 delivers exceptional sound in an attractive package, making it a worthy addition to any home entertainment setup.