Samsung RL17ESQSB/EDC FCC Information User Instructions, User Information, IC Compliance Notice

Page 84

FCC Information IC Compliance Notice MPR II Compliance

European Notice (Europe only) PCT Notice VCCI

TCO'95-Ecological requirements for personal computers (TCO'95 applied model only)

TCO'99-Ecological requirements for personal computers (TCO'99 applied model only)

TCO'03-Ecological requirements for personal computers (TCO'03 applied model only)

TCO'03 Recycling Information (TCO'03 applied model only)

Medical Requirement

Mercury Statement (LCD Monitor, LCD TV, DLP Projection TV, Projector for USA only)

FCC Information

User Instructions

The Federal Communications Commission Radio Frequency Interference Statement includes the following warning:

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television receptions, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

zReorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

zIncrease the separation between the equipment and receiver.

zConnect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.

zConsult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

User Information

Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. If necessary, consult your dealer or an experienced radio/television technician for additional suggestions. You may find the booklet called How to Identify and Resolve Radio/TV Interference Problems helpful. This booklet was prepared by the Federal Communications Commission. It is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402, Stock Number 004-000-00345-4.

The party responsible for product compliance:


3351 Michelson Drive,

Suite #290, Irvine, CA92612 USA Tel) 949-975-7310

Fax) 949-922-8301


User must use shielded signal interface cables to maintain FCC compliance for the product.

Provided with this monitor is a detachable power supply cord with IEC320 style terminations. It may be suitable for connection to any UL Listed personal computer with similar configuration. Before making the connection, make sure the voltage rating of the computer convenience outlet is the same as the monitor and that the ampere rating of the computer convenience outlet is equal to or exceeds the monitor voltage rating.

For 120 Volt applications, use only UL Listed detachable power cord with NEMA configuration

5-15P type (parallel blades) plug cap. For 240 Volt applications use only UL Listed Detachable power supply cord with NEMA configuration 6-15P type (tandem blades) plug cap.

IC Compliance Notice

This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment Regulations of ICES-003.

Cet appareil Numérique de classe B respecte toutes les exigences du Règlemont NMB-03 sur les équipements produisant des interférences au Canada.

Image 84
Contents SyncMaster 720B/720T/920T Ɂɚɯɪɚɧɜɚɧɟ Ɇɟ ɢɡɩɨɥɡɜɚɣɬɟ ɩɨɜɪɟɞɟɧ ɢɥɢ ɪɚɡɯɥɚɛɟɧ ɳɟɩɫɟɥɁɡɩɨɥɡɜɚɣɬɟ ɫɚɦɨ ɩɪɚɜɢɥɧɨ ɡɚɡɟɦɟɧ ɳɟɩɫɟɥ ɢ ɳɟɩɫɟɥɧɚ ɪɨɡɟɬɤɚ ɁɧɫɬɚɥɚɰɢɹɆɟ ɢɡɩɭɫɤɚɣɬɟ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚ ɩɪɢ ɩɪɟɧɚɫɹɧɟ Ɉɨɫɬɚɜɟɬɟ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚ ɜɴɪɯɭ ɩɥɨɫɤɚ ɢ ɫɬɚɛɢɥɧɚ ɩɨɜɴɪɯɧɨɫɬɈɨɫɬɚɜɟɬɟ ɜɧɢɦɚɬɟɥɧɨ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚ Ɇɟ ɫɥɚɝɚɣɬɟ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚ ɫ ɩɪɟɞɧɚɬɚ ɫɬɪɚɧɚ ɧɚɞɨɥɭɆɟ ɢɡɩɨɥɡɜɚɣɬɟ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚ ɛɟɡ ɫɬɨɣɤɚɬɚ Ɉɫɬɚɜɟɬɟ ɩɪɨɫɬɪɚɧɫɬɜɨ ɡɚ ɜɟɧɬɢɥɚɰɢɹ ɦɟɠɞɭ ɫɬɟɧɚɬɚ ɢ ɭɪɟɞɚȾɪɭɝɢ Ɇɢɤɨɝɚ ɧɟ ɫɥɚɝɚɣɬɟ ɦɟɬɚɥɧɢ ɩɪɟɞɦɟɬɢ ɜ ɨɬɜɨɪɢɬɟ ɧɚ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚ Ɇɟ ɩɨɤɪɢɜɚɣɬɟ ɨɬɜɨɪɢɬɟ ɧɚ ɤɨɪɩɭɫɚ ɧɚ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚɆɟ ɩɨɫɬɚɜɹɣɬɟ ɬɟɠɤɢ ɩɪɟɞɦɟɬɢ ɜɴɪɯɭ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚ Ⱦɪɴɠɬɟ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚ ɞɚɥɟɱ ɨɬ ɦɚɝɧɢɬɧɢ ɭɫɬɪɨɣɫɬɜɚȻɧɢɦɚɜɚɣɬɟ ɞɚ ɧɟ ɧɚɦɨɤɪɢɬɟ ɚɞɚɩɬɟɪɚ Ɇɟ ɫɴɯɪɚɧɹɜɚɣɬɟ ɡɚɯɪɚɧɜɚɳɢɬɟ ɚɞɚɩɬɟɪɢ ɛɥɢɡɨ ɟɞɢɧ ɞɨ ɞɪɭɝPage Ɋɚɡɨɩɚɤɨɜɚɧɟ ɞɪɚɣɜɟɪ ɡɚ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚɁɚ ɦɭɥɬɢɦɟɞɢɣɧɢɹ ɦɨɞɟɥ ɨɩɰɢɨɧɚɥɟɧ Ɦɭɥɬɢɦɟɞɢɣɧɢɹ ɦɨɞɟɥ ȺɭɞɢɨɤɚɛɟɥɈɪɟɞɧɚ ɱɚɫɬ Ȼɭɬɨɧ Menu Ȼɭɬɨɧ əɪɤɨɫɬGame SportMovie Ɂɚɞɧɚ ɱɚɫɬƖɨɫɬɨɹɧɟɧ ɬɨɤ Ɂɚ ɦɭɥɬɢɦɟɞɢɣɧɢɹ ɦɨɞɟɥ Ɨɩɰɢɨɧɚɥɟɧ Ɂɡɜɨɞ ɡɚ ɚɭɞɢɨɜɪɴɡɤɚPage SyncMaster 720T/920T Ɂɚ ɦɭɥɬɢɦɟɞɢɣɧɢɹ ɦɨɞɟɥ ɨɩɰɢɨɧɚɥɟɧ Ɂɚɞɧɚ ɱɚɫɬ ɤɨɦɩɸɬɴɪ Ʉɚɤ ɫɟ ɪɚɡɟɞɢɧɹɜɚɬ ɤɚɛɟɥɢɬɟ Ɂɡɜɨɞ ɡɚ ɜɪɴɡɤɚ ɫ ɢɡɬɨɱɧɢɤ ɧɚPage SyncMaster 720B Ɫɬɨɣɤɚ, ɩɨɡɜɨɥɹɜɚɳɚ ɨɛɪɴɳɚɧɟɬɨ ɦɭ ɧɚ Ɇɨɧɬɚɠɧɚ ɫɤɨɛɚ ɬɢɩ VesaɈɨɫɬɚɜɹɧɟ ɧɚ ɨɫɧɨɜɚɬɚ Ɋɬɟɧɧɨ ɨɤɚɱɜɚɧɟ ɧɚ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚ Page Windows ME Windows XP/2000Ɉɩɟɪɚɰɢɨɧɧɚ ɫɢɫɬɟɦɚ Microsoft Windows XP Next Ɂɧɫɬɚɥɢɪɚɧɟ Advanced Advanced PropertiesɁɧɫɬɚɥɢɪɚɧɟ ɧɚ ɩɪɨɝɪɚɦɚɬɚ Ɋɟɚɥɢɫɬɢɱɧɢ ɰɜɟɬɨɜɟ Ɂɡɬɪɢɜɚɧɟ ɧɚ ɩɪɨɝɪɚɦɚɬɚ Ɋɟɚɥɢɫɬɢɱɧɢ ɰɜɟɬɨɜɟSyncMaster 720T/920T Ɂɧɫɬɚɥɚɰɢɹ ɧɚ Pivot Pro Ɇɨɧɬɚɠɧɚ ɫɤɨɛɚ ɬɢɩ Vesa Ɉɨɫɬɚɜɹɧɟ ɧɚ ɨɫɧɨɜɚɬɚ Ɋɬɟɧɧɨ ɨɤɚɱɜɚɧɟ ɧɚ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚ Page Windows ME Ɉɩɟɪɚɰɢɨɧɧɚ ɫɢɫɬɟɦɚ Microsoft Windows XP Next Ɂɧɫɬɚɥɢɪɚɧɟ Advanced Ɂɧɫɬɚɥɢɪɚɧɟ ɧɚ ɩɪɨɝɪɚɦɚɬɚ Ɋɟɚɥɢɫɬɢɱɧɢ ɰɜɟɬɨɜɟ Auto Ɇɟɧɸ Ɉɩɢɫɚɧɢɟ Ɂɚɤɥɸɱɜɚɧɟ/ɨɬɤɥɸɱɜɚɧɟ ɧɚ ɟɤɪɚɧɧɨɬɨ ɦɟɧɸMagicBright BrightnessɆɟɧɸ Brightness ContrastɈɩɢɫɚɧɢɟPlay/Stop Color ɋɚɦɨ ɡɚ ɦɨɞɟɥɚ, ɨɬɝɨɜɚɪɹɳ ɧɚ TCO03 Ɇɟɧɸ Description Play/StopGamma Ɇɚɫɬɪɨɣɤɚ ɧɚ ɝɚɦɚ ɧɢɜɨɬɨ Color MagicColor Color Tone SRGB Color Control GammaDescriptionPlay/Stop Image Coarse Fine Sharpness PositionOSD Language Position Positon Transparency Display TimeSetup Ɇɟɧɸ Ɉɩɢɫɚɧɢɟ Play/StopInformation ꞪɟɧɸSyncMaster 720T/920T Ɜɤɥɸɱɟɧ Auto Pattern MagicBright Source Picture Ɇɟɧɸ Ɉɩɢɫɚɧɢɟ Play/Stop Color Image OSD Auto Source Image Reset Color Reset Ɫɴɨɛɳɟɧɢɟɬɨ Check Signal Optimum Mode, Recommended mode 1280 x 1024 60Hz ɧɚ ɟɤɪɚɧɚ?Ɋɢɦɩɬɨɦ Ʉɨɧɬɪɨɥɟɧ ɫɩɢɫɴɤ Ɋɟɲɟɧɢɹ Control Panel Ʉɨɧɬɪɨɥɟɧ ɩɚɧɟɥ , Ⱦɢɫɩɥɟɣ Display Ɇɚɫɬɪɨɣɤɢ Settings Ⱥɤɨ ɢɦɚ ɩɪɨɛɥɟɦɢ ɫ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚ, ɩɪɨɜɟɪɟɬɟ ɫɥɟɞɧɨɬɨȻɴɩɪɨɫɢ ɢ ɨɬɝɨɜɨɪɢ Ȼɴɩɪɨɫ ɈɬɝɨɜɨɪDisplay , ɇɚɫɬɪɨɣɤɢ Settings Ɫɩɨɫɨɛɧɨɫɬ ɜ Ʉɨɧɬɪɨɥɟɧ ɩɚɧɟɥ Control Panel , ȾɢɫɩɥɟɣɊɚɦɨɞɢɚɝɧɨɫɬɢɤɚ ɧɚ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚ ɈɪɟɞɭɩɪɟɠɞɟɧɢɹɈɨɥɟɡɧɢ ɫɴɜɟɬɢ Jɉɪɟɰɟɧɤɚ ɧɚ ɪɚɛɨɬɧɨɬɨ ɫɴɫɬɨɹɧɢɟ ɧɚ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚɊɢɦɩɬɨɦ Ʉɨɧɬɪɨɥɟɧ ɫɩɢɫɴɤ Ɉɪɢ ɫɜɴɪɡɜɚɧɟ ɱɪɟɡ D-sub ɤɚɛɟɁɡɨɛɪɚɠɟɧɢɟɬɨ ɧɚ ɟɤɪɚɧɚ ɦɨɠɟ ɞɚ ɟ ɧɟɭɫɬɨɣɱɢɜɨ ɩɨɪɚɞɢ ɰɢɤɴɥɚ Ⱥɤɨ ɢɦɚ ɩɪɨɛɥɟɦɢ ɫ ɦɨɧɢɬɨɪɚ, ɩɪɨɜɟɪɟɬɟ ɫɥɟɞɧɨɬɨ Ȼɴɩɪɨɫ Ɉɬɝɨɜɨɪ Ɉɪɟɞɭɩɪɟɠɞɟɧɢɹ Ɉɛɳɢ LCD ɩɚɧɟɥSynchronization Ɇɚɤɫɢɦɚɥɟɧ ɛɪɨɣ ɰɜɟɬɨɜɟ, ɢɡɨɛɪɚɡɹɜɚɧɢ ɧɚ ɞɢɫɩɥɟɹɄɨɧɫɭɦɚɰɢɹ ɧɚ ɟɧɟɪɝɢɹ Ɋɚɡɦɟɪɢ ɒɯȾɯȼ / ɌɟɝɥɨⱾɤɨɥɨɝɢɱɧɢ ɫɴɨɛɪɚɠɟɧɢɹ Plug and Paly ɫɴɜɦɟɫɬɢɦɨɫɬɈɪɟɞɜɚɪɢɬɟɥɧɨ ɡɚɞɚɞɟɧɢ ɱɟɫɬɨɬɢ ɧɚ ɨɩɪɟɫɧɹɜɚɧɟ Sync PolarityKHz Ɏɨɪɢɡɨɧɬɚɥɧɚ ɱɟɫɬɨɬɚSyncMaster 720T Ɋɚɡɦɟɪɢ ɒɯȾɯȼ / Ɍɟɝɥɨ ɨɛɢɤɧɨɜɟɧɚ ɫɬɨɣɤɚ Sync Polarity SyncMaster 920T Ɉɨɞ 37ȼɬ Sync Polarity Ɋɟɪɜɢɡɧɢ ɩɪɟɞɫɬɚɜɢɬɟɥɫɬɜɚ Australia BrazilGermany Portugal United KingdomɌɫɥɨɜɢɹ Ɂɚ ɩɨ-ɤɚɱɟɫɬɜɟɧɚ ɤɚɪɬɢɧ Ⱥɜɬɨɪɫɤɢ ɩɪɚɜɚFCC Information User Instructions User InformationIC Compliance Notice Why do we have environmentally-labelled monitors? MPR II ComplianceEuropean NoticeEurope Only PCT NoticeWhat does labelling involve? Environmental RequirementsLead CadmiumWhy do we have environmentally labelled computers? TCO DevelopmentFlame retardants ErgonomicsEnergy Emissions EcologyTCO03 Recycling Information TCO03 applied model only Medical Requirement ClassificationsVideo In / RS 232 / Video Out Transport and Storage LimitationsɄɚɤɜɨ ɩɪɟɞɫɬɚɜɥɹɜɚ ɡɚɞɴɪɠɚɧɟɬɨ ɧɚ ɢɡɨɛɪɚɠɟɧɢɟ? Ɋɴɜɟɬɢ ɡɚ ɤɨɧɤɪɟɬɧɢ ɩɪɢɥɨɠɟɧɢɹ
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RL17ESQSB/EDC specifications

Samsung's RL19PSQSQ/EDC, RL17ESUSB/EDC, RL19PSUSQ/EDC, and RL17ESQSB/EDC refrigerators represent a blend of advanced technology and stylish design, suitable for modern kitchens.

The RL19PSQSQ/EDC model showcases a sleek stainless steel exterior that is not only appealing to the eye but also fingerprint-resistant, ensuring your refrigerator stays looking immaculate. It features a spacious interior with a 196-liter capacity, allowing ample space for groceries and leftovers. The dual cooling system is a standout technology, providing independent cooling for both the refrigerator and freezer to maintain optimal humidity levels and prevent the mingling of odors.

Meanwhile, the RL17ESUSB/EDC offers smart features that enhance user convenience. It comes equipped with an energy-efficient inverter compressor, delivering precise temperature control while reducing energy consumption. The All-around Cooling technology ensures that cold air flows uniformly throughout the appliance, keeping food fresh for longer. This model also includes a wine rack and adjustable shelving for customized storage solutions, catering to diverse storage needs.

On the other hand, the RL19PSUSQ/EDC emphasizes functionality combined with a distinguished design. It includes a Power Freeze feature that allows rapid freezing of items, which is ideal for preserving the freshness of frozen goods. With its digital display panel, users can easily monitor and adjust settings with a touch, providing a seamless user experience.

The RL17ESQSB/EDC model offers specialized compartments, including a fresh food zone designed to maintain optimal conditions for fruits and vegetables. The Energy Star rating on each of these models highlights Samsung's commitment to sustainability, ensuring consumers can shop with the planet in mind.

These refrigerators are equipped with advanced multi-air flow systems, ensuring that every corner of the fridge receives an even distribution of cool air. With a 10-year warranty on the compressor, peace of mind accompanies your investment.

Each of these Samsung refrigerator models demonstrates the brand’s dedication to quality, innovation, and practical design, making them valuable additions to any home. They not only cater to the needs of busy households but also elevate the aesthetic of modern kitchens, all while prioritizing freshness and energy efficiency.