Samsung WF6458N7W/YLR, WF7350N7W/YLR manual Selecting a location, Adjusting the leveling feet

Page 7

Installing the Washing Machine

Selecting a location

Before you install the washing machine, select a location with the following characteristics:

• A hard, level surface (if the surface is uneven, see "Adjusting the leveling feet," below)

• Away from direct sunlight.

• Adequate ventilation

• Room temperature that will not fall below 0 ˚C

• Away from sources of heat such as coal or gas

Make sure that the washing machine does not stand on its power cord.

Ventilation openings must not be obstructed by carpeting when the washing machine is installed on a carpeted floor.

Adjusting the leveling feet

If the floor is uneven, adjust the feet (do not insert pieces of wood or any other objects under the feet):

1. Loosen the leg bolt by turning it with your hand until it is at the desired height.

2. Tighten the locking nut by turning it with the supplied wrench.

Place the washer on a sturdy, flat surface.

If the washer is placed on an uneven or weak surface, noise or vibration occurs. (Only a l degrees angle is allowed.)

Removing the shipping bolts

Before using the washing machine, you must remove the five shipping bolts from the back of the unit. To remove the bolts:

1. Loosen all bolts with the supplied wrench before removing them.

2. Take each bolt head and pull it through the wide part of the hole. Repeat for each bolt.

3. Fill the holes with the supplied plastic covers.

4. Keep the shipping bolts for future use.

Connecting the water supply hose(Option)


Remove the adaptor from the water



Connect the water supply hose to the


supply hose.



adaptor. Pull down part (c) of the water





supply hose. When you release part (c)





the hose automatically connects to the





adaptor making a ’click’ sound.

2. First, using a “+” type screw driver,


5. Connect the other end of the water


loosen the four screws on the





supply hose to the inlet water valve at


adaptor. Next, take the adaptor and






the top of the washer. Screw the hose


turn part(b) following the arrow until






clockwise all the way in.


there is a 5mm gap.








Connect adaptor to the water tap by


If the water tap has a screw type faucet,


tightening the screws firmly. Then,



connect the water supply hose to the tap as


turn part (b) following the arrow and





put(a) and (b) together.




NOTICE After completing connection, if water leaks from the hose, then repeat the same steps.Use the most conventional type of faucet for water supply. In case the faucet is square or too big, remove the spacing ring before inserting the faucet into the adaptor.

SAMSUNG Washing Machine Owner’s Instructions 3

Image 7
Contents Washing Machine Owner’s Instructions Page Features Safety instructions Before using the applianceTable of Contents Unpacking the Washing Machine Installing the Washing MachineOverview of the washing machine Removing the shipping bolts Adjusting the leveling feetConnecting the water supply hoseOption Selecting a locationPositioning the drain hose Connecting the water supply hose13 AMP Wiring lnstructionsPlugging in the machine For U.K. UsersOverview of the control panel Washing a Load of LaundryDelay Start selection button Putting detergent in the washing machine Washing for the first timeWhen the cycle is finished Washing clothes using Fuzzy LogicWashing clothes manually Using Delay StartFabric Type Load Capacity Washing tips and hintsDraining the washing machine in an emergency Repairing a frozen washing machineCleaning the exterior Maintaining the Washing MachineCleaning the debris filter Cleaning the detergent drawer and recessTo do this Cleaning the water hose mesh filterProblems and solutions TroubleshootingUnderstanding error messages Type of Wash Programme ChartClothing worn only once Baby CottonTowels, shirts, etc Shirts, jeans, etcAppendix Fabric care chartElectrical warnings Rpm 1400 1200 1000 800 SpecificationProtecting the environment Declaration of conformityContact Samsung World Wide Pesumasin Omaniku kasutusjuhend Page Hõlbus triikimine valikuline KirjeldusEnne kui hakkate toodet kasutama EttevaatusabinõudOhutusjuhised Sisekaanel SisukordPesumasina lahtipakkimine Pesumasina paigaldaminePesumasina ülevaade Veevarustusvooliku ühendamine võimalus Koha valimine paigaldamiseksJalgade seadistamine Transportpoltide eemaldamineÄravoolu vooliku ots võib olla paigaldatud kolmel viisil Veevarustusvooliku ühendmaineÄravoolutou paigutamine Et ühendada veevarustusvoolikutJuhised ühendamiseks Pesumasina ühendamine vooluvõrkuKasutajatele Ühendkuningriikides Kontrollpaneeli ülevaade Musta pesu pesemineLoputuse seiskamine Triikimishõlbustuse nupp Easy Iron Pesuvahendi panemine pesumasinasse Esimest korda pesu pesemineEttevaatust Kui pesutsükkel on lõppenud Pesu pesemine kasutades programmi Fuzzy LogicHilisema stardi kasutamine Pesuprogrammi seadmine käsitsiKanga tüüp Sisestatav hulk Juhised ja soovitused pesemiseksPesumasina välispinna puhastamine Pesumasina hooldaminePesumasina kuivatamine hädaolukorras Külmunud pesumasina parandamineMustuse filtri puhastamine Pesumasina sahtli ja selle laegaste puhastamineToimige järgmiselt Veevooliku võrkfiltri puhastamineProbleemid ja nende lahendused ProbleemidHäiresõnumitest arusaamine Pesu tüüp Programmi kaartVärvitud linased riided, teksad jne Voodipesu Daily Wash ‰tikud, s‰rgid, teksad, jneNäiteks vaid üks kord kantud riiete pesemiseks Tehase hoolduse kaart LisaHoiatused elektri alal Sobivuse deklaratsioon Keskkonna kaitsmineSpetsifikatsioonid 501# Suhong East Rd. Industry Zone SUZHOU, JIANGSU, Hiina Skalbimo ma‰ina Vartotojo instrukcijos Page Lengvas lyginimas pasirinktinai Apra‰ymasPrietaisas skirtas tik nam˜ vartojimui Perspòjimai dòl saugumoPrie‰ naudojant prietaisà Saugos instrukcijosSkalbimo ma‰inos prieÏira TurinysSkalbimo ma‰inos i‰pakavimas Skalbimo ma‰inos prijungimasSkalbimo ma‰inos apra‰ymas Vandens tiekimo Ïarnos prijungimas pasirinkimas Vietos pasirinkimasKojeli˜ auk‰ãio reguliavimas PerveÏimo varÏt˜ nuòmimasPrausyklòs nutekamojo vamzdÏio at‰akoje Vandens tiekimo Ïarnos prijungimasNutekòjimo Ïarnos prijungimas Per prausyklòs kra‰tàRudas Fazò Skalbimo ma‰inos ∞jungimas ∞ elektros tinklàElektros prijungimo instrukcijos DidÏiosios Britanijos vartotojams800+ apm Skalbini˜ skalbimasValdymo panelòs apra‰ymas 1000 apmPasirinkimo mygtukas Easy Iron lengvas lyginimas Veas ielÇde un mazgljanaPerspòjimas Skalbimo priemonòs naudojimas skalbimo ma‰inojePasibaigus ciklui Skalbimas, naudojant programos pasirinkimo ratukàPasukite program˜ valdymo rankenòl´ Spin gr´Ïti, Drain nupylimasUÏdelstas starotas Skalbimas, nustatant programà rankiniu bduAudinio tipas Skalbini˜ kiekis Skalbimo patarimai ir nuorodos‰oròs valymas Skalbimo ma‰inos prieÏiraVandens nupylimas ekstra atvemju Uωalusios skalbimo ma‰inos taisymasØstumkite stalãiukà ∞ jo vietà Skalbimo priemoni˜ stalãiuko ir ni‰os valymasTer‰al˜ filtro valymas ‰valykite stalãiuko ni‰à senu dant˜ ‰epetòliuVandens Ïarnos tinklinio filtro valymas Problemos ir sprendimai Problem˜ sprendimasPrane‰imai apie klaidas Delicates Program˜ lentelòSkalbimo tipas Pana‰i˜ medÏiag˜Skalbinius, pvz., vienà kartà dòvòtus drabuÏius Vartotojo pasirinkimasRank‰luosãiai, mar‰kiniai, dÏinsai ir t.t Lininò patalynò Baltumas Daily WashMedÏiag˜ prieÏiros lentelò PriedaiPerspòjimai dòl elektros Atitikimo deklaracija Aplinkos apsaugaCharakteristikos Page Veas mazgÇjamÇs ma‰¥nas lieto‰anas instrukcija Page VieglÇ gludinljana opcija AprakstsDro‰¥bas norÇd¥jumi Dro‰¥bas tehnikas noteikumiDro‰¥bas tehnikas noteikumi Iek‰ïjais vÇks Satura rÇd¥tÇajsVeas mazgÇjamÇs ma‰¥nas izpako‰ana Veas mazgÇjamÇs ma‰¥nas uzstÇd¥‰anaVeas mazgÇjamÇs ma‰¥nas izskats Ìdens padeves ‰tenes pievieno‰ana opcija Vietas izvïle ma‰¥nas uzstÇd¥‰anaiKÇji¿u augstuma regulï‰ana Transportï‰anas skrvju izskrvï‰anaPÇri izlietnes malai Ìdens padeves ‰tenes pievieno‰anaÌdens nolie‰anai paredzïtÇs ‰tenes novietojums Iespïjamais variantsZa‰ un dzeltens Zeme Zils Veas mazgÇjamÇs ma‰¥nas pievieno‰ana strÇvas avotamNorÇd¥jumi par vadu savieno‰anu LietotÇjiem ApvienotajÇ KaralistïVea netiek izgriezta Vad¥bas panea izskatsVea tiek izskalota un veas ma‰¥na tiek apturïta Easy Iron iestat¥‰anas tausti¿‰ Mazgljanas l¥dzeka ielie‰ana iebïr‰ana ma‰¥nÇ PirmÇ veas mazgljanas reizeBr¥dinÇjums Indikatoru panel¥ iedegsies attiec¥gie indikatori Fuzzy Logic mazgljanas reÏ¥ma izmanto‰anaPïc mazgljanas cikla pabeig‰anas Palai‰anas aiztures funkcijas izmanto‰ana Mazgljanas reÏ¥ma uzstÇd¥‰ana manuÇliVeas tips Padomi un norÇd¥jumi par veas mazgljanuSasalu‰as veas mazgÇjamÇs ma‰¥nas darbaspïjas atjauno‰ana Veas mazgÇjamÇs ma‰¥nas apkopeVeas ma‰¥nas Çrpuses t¥r¥‰ana Mazgljanas l¥dzeka atvilktnes t¥r¥‰ana Lai izt¥r¥tu filtru Ìdens padeves ‰tenes t¥kla filtra t¥r¥‰anaProblïmas un to novïr‰ana IespïjamÇs darb¥bas kdas un to novïr‰anadu zi¿ojumi MazgÇjamÇs veas vai apÆïrba tips Mazgljanas programmu tabulaMazgljana Galdauti, apak‰vea, dviei, krekli uttGultas vea Daily Wash IkdienasApÆïrbu mar˙ïjumÇ izmantotie apz¥mïjumi PielikumsAtbilst¥bas deklarÇcija ApkÇrtïjÇs vides aizsardz¥baTehniskie raksturlielumi Raîotåjs Samsung Sazinieties ar Samsung World Wide501# Suhong East Rd. Industry Zone SUZHOU, JIANGSU, µ±NA
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WF6520N7W/YLW, WF6520N7W/YLR, WF7350N7W/YLR, WF6528N7W/YLP, WF6520N7W/YLP specifications

The Samsung WF6458N7W/YLW, WF6458N7W/YLR, WF6528N7W/YLR, WF7350N7W/YLW, and WF6528N7W/YLW are part of Samsung's washing machine lineup, known for their innovative features and user-friendly technologies. These models are designed to offer efficient washing solutions while ensuring superior washing performance, making them ideal for various household needs.

One of the standout features across these models is the EcoBubble technology. This innovative system produces bubbles that penetrate fabrics more quickly than conventional washing methods, ensuring effective cleaning at lower temperatures. This not only helps in preserving colors and textures but also contributes to energy savings by allowing users to operate the machines at cooler settings.

Another significant feature is the Diamond Drum design, which consists of a unique drum surface with small water exit holes. This design reduces fabric snagging and helps to prevent damage to clothes, thus extending the life of your garments. Users can wash delicate fabrics such as silk and lace with confidence, knowing they are protected.

The Digital Inverter Motor is employed in these models, providing a quieter and more energy-efficient operation compared to traditional motors. This technology reduces vibration and noise during the wash cycle, making it ideal for homes where noise levels must be kept to a minimum. The longevity of the motor also means reduced maintenance costs over time.

Furthermore, the Quick Wash feature is designed for convenience, allowing users to clean lightly soiled clothes in just 15 minutes. This feature is particularly useful for busy individuals or families who need to freshen up their outfits quickly without going through a full wash cycle.

In terms of usability, the machines come equipped with intuitive control panels and a range of wash programs tailored to different fabric types and levels of soiling. Features like Smart Check enable users to troubleshoot minor issues through a smartphone app, helping to prevent potential problems and providing peace of mind.

The sleek design and modern aesthetics of these washing machines make them a stylish addition to any laundry room. With a variety of colors and finishes, they can seamlessly integrate into different home décor themes.

Overall, the Samsung WF6458N7W/YLW, WF6458N7W/YLR, WF6528N7W/YLR, WF7350N7W/YLW, and WF6528N7W/YLW models showcase a blend of advanced technology, user-friendly features, and elegant design, providing unparalleled washing solutions tailored for today’s modern households.