Samsung MZ19FSSS/EDC Mercury, CFCs freons, Why do we have environmentally labelled computers?

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Mercury is sometimes found in batteries, relays and switches. Mercury damages the nervous system and is toxic in high doses.

zTCO'95 requirement states that batteries may not contain more than 25 ppm (parts per million) of mercury. It also demands that no mercury is present in any of the electrical or electronics components concerned with the display unit.

CFCs (freons)

CFCs (freons) are sometimes used for washing printed circuit boards and in the manufacturing of expanded foam for packaging. CFCs break down ozone and thereby damage the ozone layer in the stratosphere, causing increased reception on Earth of ultraviolet light with consequent increased risks of skin cancer (malignant melanoma).

zThe relevant TCO'95 requirement: Neither CFCs nor HCFCs may be used during the manufacturing of the product or its packaging.

TCO'99-Ecological requirements for personal computers (TCO'99 applied model only)


You have just purchased a TCO'99 approved and labelled product! Your choice has provided you with a product developed for professional use. Your purchase has also contributed to reducing the burden on the environment and also to the further development of environmentally adapted electronics products.

This product meets the requirements for the TCO'99 scheme which provides for an international environmental and quality labelling labelling of personal computers. The labelling scheme was developed as a joint effort by the TCO(The Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees), Svenska Naturskyddsforeningen(The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation), Statens Energimyndighet(The Swedish National Energy Administration) and SEMKO AB.

The requirements cover a wide range of issuse: environment, ergonomics, usability, reduction of electric and magnetic fields, energy consumption and electrical safety.

Why do we have environmentally labelled computers?

In many countries, environmental labelling has become an established method for encouraging the adaptation of goods and services to the environment. The main problem, as far as computers and other electronics equipment are concerned, is that environmentally harmful substances are used both in the products and during their manufacture. Since it is not so far possible to satisfactorily recycle the majority of electronics equipment, most of these potentially damaging substances sooner or later enter nature.

There are also other characteristics of a computer, such as energy consumption levels, that are important from the viewpoints of both the work (internal) and natural (external) environments. Since all methods of electricity generation have a negative effect on the environment (e.g. acidic and climate-influencing emissions, radioactive waste), it is vital to save energy. Electronics equipment in offices is often left running continuously and thereby consumes a lot of energy.

What does labelling involve?

The environmental demands has been developed by Svenska Naturskyddsforeningen (The Swedish Society for Nature Conservation). These demands impose restrictions on the presence and use of heavy metals, brominated and chlorinated flame retardants, CFCs(freons) and chlorinated solvents, among other things. The product must be prepared for recycling and the manufacturer is obliged to have an environmental policy which must be adhered to in each country where the company implements its operational policy.

The energy requirements include a demand that the computer and/or display, after a certain period of inactivity, shall reduce its power consumption to a lower level in one or more stages. The length of time to reactivate the computer shall be reasonable for the user.

Below you will find a brief summary of the environmental requirements met by this product. The

Image 54 Contents
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