Samsung RSG5FUPN1/SML manual Controlling Temperature, Canceling Exhibition Mode

Page 14


This icon will light up when you activate the “Lighting” feature. In this case, the dispenser light (under the display) will be on constantly. If you would like the dispenser light to come on only when using the dispenser, turn the “Lighting” feature off.


This icon will light up when you activate the “Power Cool” feature.

For a quick fridge cool down, use “Power Cool”.

If you select “Power Cool”, the inside temperature of the Fridge will decrease for about two and a half hours.


When the fi lter indicator light changes to red, it is time to change the fi lter. Typically this happens about every 6 months.

The fi lter Indicator will be Blue when you initially insert the water fi lter.

The fi lter Indicator will be purple when you have used your water fi lter for 5 months.

The fi lter Indicator will be Red when you have used your water fi lter for 6 months.

After removing the old water fi lter and installing a new one (see page 19 for instructions on how to do this), reset the indicator status light by pressing the Ice off button for about 3 seconds.


Enjoy cubed or crushed ice by selecting your preference from the digital control panel.

The ice light indicates the type of ice that is currently chosen.


This icon will light up when you activate the “Water” feature.


This icon will light up when you activate the “Ice Off” feature. In this case, the ice will not be produced. When Ice Off blinks on the display panel, reinsert the bucket and/or make sure it’s installed properly.

14_ operating


This icon will light up when you activate the Child Lock function by pressing Child Lock button.

Press this button again to reactivate. Use this function to prevent children from tampering with temperature and fi lter settings.

Canceling Exhibition Mode

In case of Exhibition Mode, It seems working CAUTION but doesn’t make cool air. To cancel this

mode, press the Power Freeze and Freezer buttons at the same time for 8 seconds until “Ding-dong” sounds.

Exhibition mode



Basic Temperature of Freezer and Fridge

The basic and recommended temperature of Freezer and Fridge compartments are -20ºC/3ºC.

If the temperature of Freezer and Fridge compartments are too high or low, adjust the temperature manually.

Controlling the Freezer temperature

The freezer temperature can be set between -14°C and -25ºC to suit your particular needs. Press

the Freezer button repeatedly until the desired temperature is shown in the temperature display. Keep in mind that foods like ice cream may melt at -16ºC.

DA99-01745W-09.indb ￿￿3:14

14. 7. 17. ￿￿ 3:27

Image 14
Contents Refrigerator Safety Information Severe Warning Signs This provides the best performance and alsoAdditional Tips for Proper Usage CleaningDisposal Dispenser hole and ice chuteContents When moving your refrigerator Getting Ready to Install the RefrigeratorUsing the ICE Maker Selecting the best location for the refrigeratorRemoving the Front Leg Cover To Refit The Ice BucketNormal Operation Separating the Water Supply LineRemoving the freezer door Removing the Fridge Door Levelling RefrigeratorReattaching the freezer doors Reattaching the Fridge doorWhen the Freezer door is higher than the fridge Making Minor Adjustments to the DoorsWhen the Freezer door is lower than the fridge When the door of the freezer is higher than the fridgeConnecting the water line to the refrigerator Installing the Water Dispenser LineParts for water line Installation Connecting to the water supply lineOpen the refrigerator door and make sure there are no Operating Refrigerator Using the Digital DisplayUsing the Control Panel / Digital Display Basic Temperature of Freezer and Fridge Controlling TemperatureCanceling Exhibition Mode Controlling the Freezer temperatureControlling the Fridge temperature Using the ICE and Cold Water DispenserUsing the Water Dispenser Using the Ice DispenserChill Using the Coolselect Zone Drawer OptionalSoft Freeze ThawRemoving the FREEZER/ Fridge Accessories Cleaning the RefrigeratorChanging the Interior Lights Using the DoorsOrdering replacement filters Changing the Water Filter OptionalKeeping them in the CoolSelect Zone drawer Is the freezer door closed properly?Memo Memo Ambient Room Temperature Limits EnglishХолодильник Инструкции по технике безопасности Инструкции ПО Технике БезопасностиСимволы Предупреждения О Серьезной Опасности Символы ПредостереженийПредостережения О Чистке Предупреждения ОБ Утилизации ХолодильникаСодержание Советы ПО Экономии ЭнергииПодготовка К Установке Холодильника Использование ЛьдогенератораУстановка Дверец Холодильника Демонтаж дверцы морозильной камеры Крепление дверц Установка дверцы морозильной камерыДемонтаж дверцы холодильной камеры 10 Установка Подсоединение трубки для подачи воды к холодильнику Проверка Трубопровода Диспенсера ВодыКомплект для подключения трубопровода подачи воды 12 Установка Индикатор Усиленное Замораживание Эксплуатация ХолодильникаИспользование Цифровых Индикаторов Индикатор ОтпускИндикатор Усиленное Охлаждение Индикатор Звуковой СигналИндикатор Освещение Индикатор Filter ФильтрИспользование диспенсера льда Использование Диспенсера Льда И Холодной ВодыУправление температурой в холодильной камере Использование диспенсера водыChill Охлаждение Использование Отделения Coolselect Zone ОпцияSoft Freeze Мягкое замораживание Thaw ОттаиваниеРазборка Принадлежностей МОРОЗИЛЬНОЙ/ХОЛОДИЛЬНОЙ Камеры Чистка ХолодильникаЗамена осветительных светодиодов Замена Фильтра ДЛЯ Воды ОпцияПользование Дверцами Холодильника Заказ новых фильтров для водыВозможные неисправности и способы их устранения Memo Memo Температурные границы окружающей среды  ʣʡʬʡʤʹʧʮʤʪʸʥʶʬʭʩʹʮʹʮʺʸʡʥʧʡʭʩʸʥʩʠʤʡʩʺʫʥ ʸʶʥʮʤʩʲʥʶʩʡʡʥʺʥʧʩʨʡʤʺʥʰʥʫʺʡʲʥʢʴʬʩʬʡʮğĦħğĦijĜĠĢĩħĩĴĢğĭIJĵĴěĞĠ ĴĠĤĭĜĪĠijĵį 03ĞĤĭĜ ĪĠġĩğĵě76ĝĠĬĩğijĠěĵĵįħĢğ ĴĠĤĩĤīįğĵĠijĠīğĵįħĢğĨĤĩğĪīĬĩĵįħĢğ ĴĠĵħĞĜĴĠĩĤĴIJijIJĩğĤĠIJĤī ĚĤįIJĩğijijIJĩğĤijġĤĜěĵijĬğ ğijĴįğ Thaw ĦIJĴĩ ĞijĴįğĪĩġĞħĭįğ 02 IJijIJĩğĵijĠģijįĩģĜğģĤħĴĨĤĩğĪIJĵĩĜĴĠĩĤĴ ĢijIJěħħ @A57ĨĤĩğĪīĬĩĵěĬĤīĦĵĴijĢěħĞĤĤĩħĠĢĦĜijĤěĤĪīĬĩğĪĠĠĢĩ ĞijĠģijįĩģğĵijIJĜ ĝīĠĞ  ĨĤĩ IObS`ğĤıIJīĠįğħĴğħĭįğğĵĭĜIJħĞīħĩĬğ ğěijĵğ  33D? ĴĤħģĤĝĤĞğğĝĠıĵĜĴĠĩĤĴIJijIJĩğĵħĭįğ DE9=86BGĞħěĵĠĩĠIJĩĜĵĠħĤġīğĵěIJĠĞĜħĴĤĴĠĩĤĴğĤīįħ ĪīĬĩğĵīIJĵğijĢěħĨĤĩğĵIJįĬěijĠīĤıĩĨĤĭIJĴĩĵijĬğĞĜħĜğĤĤĵĴĤĩijĠIJĩħĨĤĩğijĠīĤıĵěijĜĢ ğīIJĵğğĨĤĩğijĠīĤıĵīIJĵğħĨĤĴijĞīğĨĤIJħĢ ĨĤĩğĪIJĵĩijĠīĤıĵIJĤĞĜIJijIJĩħĨĤĩğijĠīĤıijĠĜĤĢ ĨĤĩğĵIJįĬěijĠīĤıijĠĜĤĢĪīĠĠĦĵĩIJħĢ IJijIJĩğĩğĦĠĩīěĤįIJĩğĵħĞijĴěĦIJijIJĩğĩğğĠĜĝěĤįIJĩğĵħĞijĴěĦ ĜijĠĜ ĨĠěĴĠĵħĞğĵĜĦijğ ĚĤįIJĩğĵĠĵħĞħĴĴĞĢĩijĠĜĤĢIJijIJĩğĵħĞĵijĬğ IJijIJĩğĪĠġĤěĵĠīĤĞĭĜĨĵĞijįğĤĞĤħĭĨĤģĠĢğĵě ĚĤįIJĩğĵħĞĵijĬğĪĠĵĢĵğ ĨĤĩĤĠĬĩĨĤĩĝĞĜĨĤĩğĵIJįĬěijĠīĤıħĴĴĞĢĩijĠĜĤĢ IJijIJĩğĵĠĵħĞĵīIJĵğĴĤĩĞIJğĵĤħĝijğĤĠĬĤĦĵijĬğ ĞħĤĝijğħĠĭįĢijIJĵīĦğħĪIJĵĩĜĴĠĩĤĴ IJijIJĩğĵīIJĵğĤīįħĵĠīĦğIJijIJĩğĵġġğĵĭĜ IJijIJĩħijĵĠĤĜĜĠģğĨĠIJĤĩğĵijĤĢĜĞĤĝijīěĜĪĠĦĬĤĢħĵĠıĭ ĨħĠğĴĠĩĤĴħĵĠįĬĠīĵĠıĭ 9000 ĪěĬIJğĠijĠěĠħįijįħĴ GWPĤĠIJĤīĵĭĜĵĠijĤğġĤīĩĤĬ ĞĦħĴğĵĭĜğijğġěĤīĩĤĬĴĠijĤğġĤīĩĤĬ ğįĤijĴĵīĦĬğĠĠğĩijĜĞğ ĴĠijĠĩĢĵĠijğġěĤīĩĤĬĨĤĩĨĭĭĝĩĜěĠĜħĤĠĴĭěĠğ IJĠġĤīĠěğħĜĵĩħĩĴĢğħĜĦĴğijIJĩĜĞġĥĤijĞĩĜĴĠĩĤĴĨğĜğĴĭīĴğijğġěĵĠijĤğġĤīĩĤĬ ĴĠĢĤģĜěĴĠīĜĭĞĤĩĴĠĩĤĴĜĨĤěıĩīğĨĤijĢěĨĤħĩĬ IJijIJĩ
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