Samsung RSG5FUPN1/SML manual Keeping them in the CoolSelect Zone drawer

Page 19






The refrigerator does not

Check that the power plug is properly connected.

work at all or it does not

Is the temperature control on the display panel set to the correct

chill sufficiently.

temperature? Try setting it to a lower temperature.


Is the refrigerator in direct sunlight or located too near a heat source?


Is the back of the refrigerator too close to the wall and therefore keeping


air from circulating?

The food in the fridge is

Is the temperature control on the display panel set to the correct


temperature? Try setting it to a warmer temperature.


Is the temperature in the room very low?


Did you store the food with a high water content in the coldest part of


the fridge? Try moving those items into the body of the fridge instead of


keeping them in the CoolSelect Zone™ drawer.

You hear unusual noises

Check that the refrigerator is level and stable.

or sounds.

Is the back of the refrigerator too close to the wall and therefore keeping


air from circulating?


Was anything dropped behind or under the refrigerator?


A “ticking” sound is heard from inside the refrigerator. This is normal and


occurs because various accessories are contracting or expanding in


relation to the temperature of the refrigerator interior.

The front corners of

Some heat is normal as anti-condensators are installed in the front

the appliance are hot

corners of the refrigerator to prevent condensation.

and condensation is

Is the refrigerator door ajar? Condensation can occur when you leave the


door open for a long time.


Water condensation in the drawer may occur when storing vegetables


and it will be removed naturally as time passes.

Ice is not dispensing.

Did you wait for 12 hours after installation of the water supply line before


making ice?


Is the water line connected and the shut-off valve open?


Did you manually stop the ice making function? Make sure Ice is set to


Cubed or Crushed.


Is there any ice blocked within the ice maker bucket?


Is the freezer temperature too warm? Try setting the freezer temperature



You can hear water

This is normal. The bubbling comes from the refrigerant coolant liquid

bubbling in the

circulating through the refrigerator.



There is a bad smell in the

Has a food item spoiled?


Make sure that strong smelling food (for example, fish) is wrapped so that


it is airtight.


Clean out your freezer periodically and throw away any spoiled or


suspect food.

Frost forms on the walls

Is the air vent blocked? Remove any obstructions so air can circulate

of the freezer.



Allow sufficient space between the foods stored for efficient air circulation.


Is the freezer door closed properly?

Water dispenser is not

Is the water line connected and the shut-off valve open?


Has the water supply line tubing been crushed or kinked?


Make sure the tubing is free and clear of any obstruction.


Is the water tank frozen because the refrigerator temperature is too low?


Try selecting a warmer setting on the main display panel.


troubleshooting _19


DA99-01745W-09.indb ￿￿4:19

14. 7. 17. ￿￿ 3:27

Image 19
Contents Refrigerator Safety Information This provides the best performance and also Severe Warning SignsDispenser hole and ice chute CleaningDisposal Additional Tips for Proper UsageContents Selecting the best location for the refrigerator Getting Ready to Install the RefrigeratorUsing the ICE Maker When moving your refrigeratorSeparating the Water Supply Line To Refit The Ice BucketNormal Operation Removing the Front Leg CoverRemoving the freezer door Reattaching the Fridge door Levelling RefrigeratorReattaching the freezer doors Removing the Fridge DoorWhen the door of the freezer is higher than the fridge Making Minor Adjustments to the DoorsWhen the Freezer door is lower than the fridge When the Freezer door is higher than the fridgeConnecting to the water supply line Installing the Water Dispenser LineParts for water line Installation Connecting the water line to the refrigeratorOpen the refrigerator door and make sure there are no Using the Control Panel / Digital Display Using the Digital DisplayOperating Refrigerator Controlling the Freezer temperature Controlling TemperatureCanceling Exhibition Mode Basic Temperature of Freezer and FridgeUsing the Ice Dispenser Using the ICE and Cold Water DispenserUsing the Water Dispenser Controlling the Fridge temperatureThaw Using the Coolselect Zone Drawer OptionalSoft Freeze ChillCleaning the Refrigerator Removing the FREEZER/ Fridge AccessoriesChanging the Water Filter Optional Using the DoorsOrdering replacement filters Changing the Interior LightsIs the freezer door closed properly? Keeping them in the CoolSelect Zone drawerMemo Memo English Ambient Room Temperature LimitsХолодильник Инструкции ПО Технике Безопасности Инструкции по технике безопасностиСимволы Предостережений Символы Предупреждения О Серьезной ОпасностиПредупреждения ОБ Утилизации Холодильника Предостережения О ЧисткеСоветы ПО Экономии Энергии СодержаниеИспользование Льдогенератора Подготовка К Установке ХолодильникаУстановка Дверец Холодильника Демонтаж дверцы морозильной камеры Демонтаж дверцы холодильной камеры Установка дверцы морозильной камерыКрепление дверц 10 Установка Комплект для подключения трубопровода подачи воды Проверка Трубопровода Диспенсера ВодыПодсоединение трубки для подачи воды к холодильнику 12 Установка Индикатор Отпуск Эксплуатация ХолодильникаИспользование Цифровых Индикаторов Индикатор Усиленное ЗамораживаниеИндикатор Filter Фильтр Индикатор Звуковой СигналИндикатор Освещение Индикатор Усиленное ОхлаждениеИспользование диспенсера воды Использование Диспенсера Льда И Холодной ВодыУправление температурой в холодильной камере Использование диспенсера льдаThaw Оттаивание Использование Отделения Coolselect Zone ОпцияSoft Freeze Мягкое замораживание Chill ОхлаждениеЧистка Холодильника Разборка Принадлежностей МОРОЗИЛЬНОЙ/ХОЛОДИЛЬНОЙ КамерыЗаказ новых фильтров для воды Замена Фильтра ДЛЯ Воды ОпцияПользование Дверцами Холодильника Замена осветительных светодиодовВозможные неисправности и способы их устранения Memo Memo Температурные границы окружающей среды ʸʶʥʮʤʩʲʥʶʩʡʡʥʺʥʧʩʨʡʤʺʥʰʥʫʺʡʲʥʢʴʬʩʬʡʮ  ʣʡʬʡʤʹʧʮʤʪʸʥʶʬʭʩʹʮʹʮʺʸʡʥʧʡʭʩʸʥʩʠʤʡʩʺʫʥĪĠġĩğĵě ĴĠĤĭĜĪĠijĵį 03ĞĤĭĜ ğĦħğĦijĜĠĢĩħĩĴĢğĭIJĵĴěĞĠĴĠĵħĞĜĴĠĩĤĴ ĴĠĤĩĤīįğĵĠijĠīğĵįħĢğĨĤĩğĪīĬĩĵįħĢğ 76ĝĠĬĩğijĠěĵĵįħĢğĚĤįIJĩğijijIJĩğĤijġĤĜěĵijĬğ IJijIJĩğĤĠIJĤīĦIJĴĩ ĞijĴįğĪĩġ ğijĴįğ Thaw ĢijIJěħħ @A57 IJijIJĩğĵijĠģijįĩģĜğģĤħĴĨĤĩğĪIJĵĩĜĴĠĩĤĴ Ğħĭįğ 02 ĨĤĩ IObS`ğĤıIJīĠįğħĴğħĭįğğĵĭĜIJħĞīħĩĬğ ĞijĠģijįĩģğĵijIJĜ ĝīĠĞ ĨĤĩğĪīĬĩĵěĬĤīĦĵĴijĢěħĞĤĤĩħĠĢĦĜijĤěĤĪīĬĩğĪĠĠĢĩDE9=86BG ĴĤħģĤĝĤĞğğĝĠıĵĜĴĠĩĤĴIJijIJĩğĵħĭįğ ğěijĵğ  33D?ğīIJĵğğ ĪīĬĩğĵīIJĵğijĢěħĨĤĩğĵIJįĬěijĠīĤıĩĨĤĭIJĴĩĵijĬğĞĜħĜğĤĤĵĴĤĩijĠIJĩħĨĤĩğijĠīĤıĵěijĜĢ ĞħěĵĠĩĠIJĩĜĵĠħĤġīğĵěIJĠĞĜħĴĤĴĠĩĤĴğĤīįħĨĤĩğĵIJįĬěijĠīĤıijĠĜĤĢ ĨĤĩğĪIJĵĩijĠīĤıĵIJĤĞĜIJijIJĩħĨĤĩğijĠīĤıijĠĜĤĢ ĨĤĩğijĠīĤıĵīIJĵğħĨĤĴijĞīğĨĤIJħĢĜijĠĜ ĨĠě IJijIJĩğĩğĦĠĩīěĤįIJĩğĵħĞijĴěĦIJijIJĩğĩğğĠĜĝěĤįIJĩğĵħĞijĴěĦ ĪīĠĠĦĵĩIJħĢIJijIJĩğĪĠġĤě ĚĤįIJĩğĵĠĵħĞħĴĴĞĢĩijĠĜĤĢIJijIJĩğĵħĞĵijĬğ ĴĠĵħĞğĵĜĦijğĨĤĩĤĠĬĩĨĤĩĝĞĜ ĚĤįIJĩğĵħĞĵijĬğĪĠĵĢĵğ ĵĠīĤĞĭĜĨĵĞijįğĤĞĤħĭĨĤģĠĢğĵěĞħĤĝijğħĠĭį IJijIJĩğĵĠĵħĞĵīIJĵğĴĤĩĞIJğĵĤħĝijğĤĠĬĤĦĵijĬğ ĨĤĩğĵIJįĬěijĠīĤıħĴĴĞĢĩijĠĜĤĢIJijIJĩħijĵĠĤĜĜĠģğĨĠIJĤĩğĵijĤĢĜ IJijIJĩğĵīIJĵğĤīįħĵĠīĦğIJijIJĩğĵġġğĵĭĜ ĢijIJĵīĦğħĪIJĵĩĜĴĠĩĤĴ9000 ĪěĬIJğĠijĠěĠħįijįħĴ GWP ĞĤĝijīěĜĪĠĦĬĤĢħĵĠıĭ ĨħĠğĴĠĩĤĴħĵĠįĬĠīĵĠıĭĴĠijĤğġĤīĩĤĬ ĞĦħĴğĵĭĜğijğġěĤīĩĤĬĤĠIJĤīĵĭĜĵĠijĤğġĤīĩĤĬ IJĠġĤīĠěğħĜĵĩħĩĴĢğħĜĦĴğijIJĩĜ ĴĠijĠĩĢĵĠijğġěĤīĩĤĬĨĤĩĨĭĭĝĩĜěĠĜħĤĠĴĭěĠğ ğįĤijĴĵīĦĬğĠĠğĩijĜĞğĴĠĩĤĴĜĨĤěıĩīğĨĤijĢěĨĤħĩĬ ĴĠĢĤģĜěĴĠīĜĭĞĤĩĞġĥĤijĞĩĜĴĠĩĤĴĨğĜğĴĭīĴğijğġěĵĠijĤğġĤīĩĤĬ IJijIJĩ
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