Samsung HW-F551/SQ Air Track-המ Bluetooth-ה ןקתה קותינל, Bluetooth-ה ןקתהמ Air Track קותינל, ʤʮʶʲ

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Air Track-המ Bluetooth-ה ןקתה קותינל

ʯʷʺʤ ʬʹ ʹʮʺʹʮʬ ʪʩʸʣʮʡ ʯʩʩʲʬ ʹʩ ʺʥʠʸʥʤ ʺʬʡʷʬ Air Track-ʮ Bluetooth-ʤ ʯʷʺʤ ʺʠ ʷʺʰʬ ʭʫʺʥʸʹʴʠʡ


.ʷʺʥʰʩ Air Track

.BT DISCONNECTED ʲʩʴʥʩ Air Track ʬʹ ʺʩʮʣʷʤ ʤʢʥʶʺʡ ,Bluetooth device-ʤ ʯʷʺʤʮ ʷʺʥʰʮ Air Track ʸʹʠʫ

Bluetooth-ה ןקתהמ Air Track קותינל

.Air Track ʺʠ ʺʥʡʫʬ ʩʣʫ ʥʠ ʸʧʠ ʡʶʮʬ BT ʸʥʡʲʬ ʩʣʫ Air Track ʬʹ ʩʮʣʷʤ ʧʥʬʡ ( ) ʯʶʧʬʤ ʬʲ ʥʶʧʬ

.ʸʥʡʩʧʤ ʭʥʩʱ ʩʰʴʬ Air Track-ʮ ʤʡʥʢʺʬ ʭʩʥʱʮ ʯʮʦ ʯʩʺʮʩ ʸʡʥʧʮʤ Bluetooth-ʤ ʯʷʺʤ

(Bluetooth-ʤ ʯʷʺʤʬ ʭʠʺʤʡ ʺʥʰʺʹʤʬ ʩʥʹʲ ʷʥʺʩʰʤ ʯʮʦ)


.ʷʺʥʰʩ ʩʧʫʥʰʤ ʸʡʥʧʮʤ ʯʷʺʤʤ




ʬʲ ʤʬʥʲ Bluetooth-ʤ ʯʷʺʤʥ Air Track-ʤ ʯʩʡ ʷʧʸʮʤ ʭʠ ʣʡʠʩ Bluetooth-ʤ ʸʥʡʩʧ ,Bluetooth ʸʥʡʩʧ ʡʶʮʡ


.(ʭʩʸʨʮ 5) ʩʸʹʴʠʤ ʧʥʥʨʤ



Air Track-ʤ ʸʩʹʫʮ ʺʠ ʹʣʧʮ ʬʩʲʴʤʬ ʥʬʫʥʺ ,ʥʩʥʡʩʫ ʸʧʠʬ ʤʬʲʴʤʤ ʧʥʥʨ ʪʥʺ ʬʠ ʸʥʦʧʩ Bluetooth-ʤ ʯʷʺʤ ʭʠ


.Bluetooth-ʤ ʯʷʺʤ ʭʲ ʣʥʮʩʶʤ ʺʠ ʹʣʧʬ ʩʣʫ



.ʯʫʥʮ ʡʶʮʡ ʺʥʷʣ 20 ʸʧʠʬ ʩʨʮʥʨʥʠ ʯʴʥʠʡ ʤʡʫʩʩ Air Track



.Bluetooth ʺʥʮʠʥʺ SAMSUNG ʺʥʩʦʩʥʥʬʨ ʬʠ Crystal Surround Air Track-ʤ ʸʩʹʫʮ ʺʠ ʸʡʧʬ ʣʶʩʫ ʸʩʡʱʮ ʤʦ ʳʩʲʱ

Bluetooth תמאות Samsung תייזיוולטל Crystal Surround Air Track-ה רוביחל


.Crystal Surround Air Track-ʬ ʤʩʦʩʥʥʬʨʤ ʺʠ ʥʸʡʧ ʯʫʮ ʸʧʠʬʥ TV ʡʶʮ ʺʠ ʸʥʧʡʬ ʩʣʫ ( ) ʯʶʧʬʤ ʬʲ ʥʶʧʬ

.ʤʩʦʩʥʥʬʨʤ ʬʠ ʸʡʥʧʮ ʠʥʤ ʸʹʠʫ ʤʩʦʩʥʥʬʨʤ ʲʮʹ ʺʠ ʬʩʲʴʩ ʸʩʹʫʮʤ •

ʤʩʦʩʥʥʬʨʤ ʪʥʺʮ ʲʮʹʤ ʺʠ ʡʥʹ ʥʲʮʹʺ ,ʺʫʸʲʮʤ ʺʠ ʥʡʫʺ ʥʠ Air Track ʬʹ Bluetooth-ʤ ʨʬʷ ʸʥʷʮ ʺʠ ʥʰʹʺ ʭʠ •


<םכתושרבש היזיוולטה דומיצל>

ʺʮʠʥʺ ʤʩʦʩʥʥʬʨʤ ʬʠ ʺʫʸʲʮʤ ʺʠ ʣʮʶʬ ʺʩʹʠʸ ʹʩ ,Bluetooth ʸʥʡʩʧ ʺʥʲʶʮʠʡ Air Track-ʡ ʤʩʦʩʥʥʬʨʤʮ ʬʩʬʶ ʺʷʴʤʬ ʥʸʮʹ .Bluetooth ʸʥʡʩʧʬ ʲʢʥʰʡ ʺʥʲʣʥʤ ʣʥʲ ʥʲʩʴʥʩ ʠʬʥ ʭʩʸʮʹʰʥ ʭʩʮʹʸʰ ʣʥʮʩʶʤ ʩʰʥʺʰ ,ʭʬʹʥʤ ʣʥʮʩʶʤʹ ʸʧʠʬ .Bluetooth

.ʣʥʮʩʶʤ ʩʰʴʬ ʭʩʡʥʸʷ ʤʩʦʩʥʥʬʨʤ ʬʲʥ Air Track-ʤ ʬʲ Air Track. ʺʠʥ Samsung ʤʩʦʩʥʥʬʨʤ ʺʠ ʥʷʩʬʣʤ .1

.SoundShare Setting ʨʩʸʴʺʡ "ON" ʡʶʮʬ ʤʩʦʩʥʥʬʨʤ ʬʹ "Add New Device" ʥʸʩʣʢʤ •


Image 42
Contents Crystal Surround Air Track Features HdmiElectric shock or personal injury Safety informationSafety Warnings Accompanying the productPrecautions Contents Getting started Before Reading the USER’S ManualWHAT’S Included Descriptions Front PanelRear Panel Remote control Tour of the Remote ControlRemote Control Installing the Wall Mount Installation is completeConnections Connecting the Wireless Subwoofer ConnectionsMain unit and the subwoofer are now linked connected Looping the Power Cable around the Toroidal Core Lift up to release the lock and open the core Close the lockDigital Devices Connecting AN External Device Using Hdmi CableHdmi Cable Hdmi OUT HdmiAudio Cable AUXOptical Functions What is Bluetooth?BT/TV/USB/HDMI/ARC/D.IN Mode FunctionsTo connect the Air Track to a Bluetooth device To disconnect the Bluetooth device from the Air Track To disconnect the Air Track from the Bluetooth deviceSoundshare Before you connect a USB device Be aware of the followingPlay/Pause/Stop Using the Remote ControlUsing the Repeat function Skip Forward/BackUsing the Sound Effect function Using the 3D Sound Plus functionUsing the Smart Volume function Using the S/W Level functionUsing the DRC function Using the Auto Power Link functionUsing the Audio Sync function PowerSoftware Upgrade Using the Anynet+HDMI-CEC functionUsing the TV functions with Samsung TVs only Troubleshooting TroubleshootingSpecifications AppendixArea Contact Centre Web Site ʹʮʺʹʮʬ ʪʩʸʣʮ AH68-02616V-05ʭʩʰʩʩʴʠʮ ןוישיר3D Sound Plus ʺʥʧʩʨʡ ʺʥʣʥʠ ʲʣʩʮ תוחיטב תוארוהתוריהז יעצמא ʸʩʹʫʮʬ ʷʦʰ ʭʥʸʢʬ ʺʥʬʥʬʲ ʭʩʷʸʡʮ ʤʠʶʥʺʫ ʧʺʮ ʺʥʶʩʴʷ .ʲʷʹʤʮʯʥʩʹʩʸ ʺʥʧʩʨʡ ʺʥʠʸʥʤ Bluetooth SoundShareʭʩʰʩʩʴʠʮ ʺʥʸʩʤʦ ʩʲʶʮʠ ʹʮʺʹʮʬ ʪʩʸʣʮʡ ʯʥʩʲʤ ʩʰʴʬʤʬʧʺʤ שמתשמל ךירדמב ןויעה ינפלרישכמה ללוכ המ + Volume ʸʥʠʩʺימדקה חולה USB תאיצי ירוחאה חולהלמשח תקפסא Hdmiקוחר טלש ʷʥʧʸ ʨʬʹקוחר טלשה תריקס ʷʥʧʸ ʨʬʹʤ ʯʹʩʩʧʮ 30 ʣʲʭʩʸʥʡʩʧ היילתה ןקתמ תנקתהStandby ʡʶʮ ,ʩʥʡʫ ʸʩʹʫʮʤ ʸʹʠʫ יטוחלאה רפוובאסה רוביחםירוביח ʺʡʤʡʤʮ ʸʴʥʥʡʠʱʤʤʹʩʷʰ ʲʮʹʩʺʹ ʣʲ ʤʩʬʲ ʥʶʧʬʥ ʸʥʩʠʡ ʢʶʥʮʹ רפוובאסה לש למשחה לבכל תידיאורוטה טירפה תביל רוביחתידיאורוטה טירפה תביל ביבס למשחה לבכ ףופיל ʤʡʩʬʤ ʺʠ ʥʧʺʴʥ ʬʥʲʰʮʤ ʱʴʺ ʺʠ ʥʮʩʸʤ ʬʥʲʰʮʤ ʱʴʺ ʺʠ ʤʸʦʧ ʥʸʢʱHdmi לבכ תועצמאב ינוציח ןקתה רוביח Hdmi Hdmi OUTARC Hdmi OUT יטפוא לבכ לולכ אל עמש לבכןיפולחל BD/DVD ןגנ יביטקארטניא ריממ םיקחשמ ףוסמהסינכ בצמ ?Bluetooth והמʺʥʩʶʷʰʥʴ תויצקנופBluetooth ןקתהל Air Track-ה רוביחל Air Track ʸʥʡʲ ʹʣʧ ʹʥʴʩʧ ʥʲʶʡʥ ʸʡʥʧʮʤ ʯʷʺʤʡ ʤʷʩʱʥʮ ʥʲʩʮʹʤʭʩʸʨʮ 5 ʩʸʹʴʠʤ ʧʥʥʨʤ Air Track-המ Bluetooth-ה ןקתה קותינלBluetooth-ה ןקתהמ Air Track קותינל ʤʮʶʲUSB ןקתה רוביח ינפל קוחר טלשב שומיש הרוחא/המידק גלדRepeat היצקנופב שומיש 3D Sound Plus היצקנופב שומיש Smart Volume היצקנופב שומישלוקה תקתשה Sound effect היצקנופב שומישAudio Sync היצקנופב שומיש Auto Power Link היצקנופב שומישAuto Power Link DRC היצקנופב שומישהנכות גורדש HDMI-CEC Anynet+ היצקנופב שומישדבלב Samsung תויזיוולטב היזיוולטה תויצקנופב שומיש ʺʥʩʲʡ ʯʥʸʺʴ ʺʫʩʸʶ ʢʥʸʩʣ ʧʴʱʰםיטרפמ Audio Engineering Society AES ʩʬʰʩʮʥʰ ʨʸʴʮSamsung World Wide םע רשק תריצי

HW-F551/SQ specifications

The Samsung HW-F551/SQ is a high-performance soundbar system designed to elevate your home audio experience. This sleek and stylish soundbar combines robust technologies and innovative features to deliver immersive sound quality, making it an ideal companion for both movie enthusiasts and music lovers alike.

One of the standout features of the HW-F551 is its wireless subwoofer, which provides deep, rumbling bass that enhances your audio experience without cluttering your living space with extra wires. This subwoofer complements the soundbar, creating a balanced sound profile that brings movies and music to life. With a total power output of around 320 watts, the HW-F551 produces ample volume without distortion, ensuring clarity at all levels.

The soundbar supports various audio formats, including Dolby Digital, giving you the cinematic experience right in your living room. Its multi-speaker configuration, which includes multiple channels, allows for a surround sound experience that envelops the listener, making it perfect for action films and epic soundtracks.

Connectivity is another strong point for the HW-F551. It features Bluetooth technology, enabling seamless wireless streaming from your smartphone or tablet. This means you can enjoy your favorite playlists or podcasts without the hassle of wires. Additionally, it comes equipped with HDMI ARC (Audio Return Channel) support, simplifying the connection to your TV by allowing you to control your soundbar using a single remote.

The HW-F551 also includes a unique feature called "Smart Volume," which automatically adjusts the sound levels to ensure consistent audio regardless of what you are watching or listening to. This eliminates the hassle of constantly adjusting the volume during different programs or commercials.

Design-wise, the HW-F551 features a modern and minimalist aesthetic that complements any home décor. Its slim profile allows for easy placement in front of your television, and it can even be wall-mounted if desired.

In summary, the Samsung HW-F551/SQ soundbar is a powerful audio solution packed with features and technologies that promise an exceptional listening experience. With its wireless subwoofer, Dolby Digital support, Bluetooth connectivity, and modern design, it stands out as an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their home entertainment setup.