Samsung DE19PSQAQ/EDC, DE17PSQFV/EDC manual Napajanje, Nemojte koristiti ošteüeni ili labavi utikaþ

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Ako ne koristite raþunalo duže vrijeme, podesite ga na DPMS-mod. Ako koristite þuvar zaslona, podesite ga na mod aktivnog þuvara zaslona.

Nemojte koristiti ošteüeni ili labavi utikaþ.

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Contents SyncMaster 173P plus/193P plus Napajanje Nemojte koristiti ošteüeni ili labavi utikaþKoristite samo utikaþ i utiþnicu s odgovarajuüim uzemljenjem PostavljanjeUreÿaje za grijanje držite podalje od kabela za napajanje Pazite da Vam monitor ne padne na pod dok ga premiještateProizvod nemojte stavljati na pod Pažljivo odložite monitorÝišüenje Ostalo Nemojte skidati poklopac ili stražnju stranuDržite monitor podalje od magnetnih predmeta Nemojte pokrivati otvore na kuüištu monitoraNemojte odlagati teške predmete na monitor Napajaþke adaptere držite razdvojenima Page Raspakiravanje Indikator uključenosti Gumb Power napajanje Prednja stranaSub 15-pin port Stražnja stranaDVI port ulaz Page Zglobno postolje Stavljanje podlogePostavljanje monitora Windows MEInstaliranje pogonskog programa monitora Ručna Windows XP/2000Microsoft Windows XP operativni sustav Page Instalacija Microsoft Windows Millennium operativni sustavNatural Color Softverski program Natural Color Microsoft Windows NT operativni sustavLinux operativni sustav Instalacija softvera Natural Color Brisanje softverskog programa Natural ColorInstalacija Page Page Minimalna konfiguracija sustava Operacijski sustavi Problemi prilikom instalacije MagicRotationPoteškoće prilikom instalacije MagicTune HardverService Pack programski paketi Zahtjevi sustava Operativni sustavPregled Resolution Reset PonovnoCancel Kako biste pokrenuli Rotation, pratite upute u nastavkuColor Control Kontrola boje MagicBrightColor Tone Nijansa boje Pomoć Saturation ResethelpHUEhelp GammaPreferences Image Setup Postavljanje slikePosition OsobneKalibracija bojaColor Calibration Rješavanje problema Za osiguravanje normalnog rada ponovno pokrenite sustav Ponovno pokrenite sustav prije koriątenjaMagicTune SimptomŠto je MagicRotation? Sučelje Kako biste pokrenuli AutoRotation, pratite upute u nastavkuPage Page Prije nego što pozovete tehničku podršku Priključeno pomoću D-sub kabela Optimum Mode,Recommended Mode 1280 x 1024 60Hz na zaslonu?Cable ? Pročitajte Pretprogramirana Pitanja i odgovori Samo-testProcjena radnog stanja monitora Upozoravajuće porukeKorisni savjeti Opüenito LCD panelSustav PowerSaver Pretprogramirana podešenjaTabela 1. Pretprogramirana podešenja KHz MHzNaziv modela SyncMaster 193P plus 423 x 44,2 x 351,5 mm16,7 x 1,7 x 13,8 inch Horizontalna Kontaktirajte Samsung WORLD-WIDE Samsung Širom Svijeta Latin AmericaCIS Stručni izrazi Za bolji prikazOdgovornost Klasa BIsključeno, čuvar zaslona ili način rada za uštedu energije JamstvoŠto je zadržavanje slike? Prijedlozi za određene oblike primjene
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Samsung, a leader in consumer electronics, has introduced a series of innovative refrigerators that combine cutting-edge technology with sleek design. Among these are the models DE19PSQFV/EDC, DE19PSQAQ/EDC, DE17PSQAQ/EDC, and GS19ESSS/EDC. Each of these models offers unique features that cater to the varying needs of modern households.

The DE19PSQFV/EDC is renowned for its advanced cooling technology. Equipped with a Twin Cooling Plus system, this model maintains optimal humidity levels in both the fridge and freezer compartments, ensuring that food stays fresher for longer. The digital inverter compressor adjusts its speed according to the cooling demand, which not only keeps energy consumption low but also reduces noise levels, creating a quieter home environment.

The DE19PSQAQ/EDC offers similar features with a sleek exterior that enhances any kitchen decor. It includes an easy-to-use digital display, which allows users to control settings with ease. In addition to its aesthetic appeal, this model prioritizes energy efficiency, reducing electricity bills while maintaining top-notch cooling performance.

For those needing a slightly smaller option, the DE17PSQAQ/EDC is an ideal choice. This refrigerator offers spacious interior layouts while still being compact enough for smaller kitchens. It features adjustable shelves and a versatile storage system that accommodates various food items. The model's elegant finish and streamlined design make it a stylish addition to any home.

Lastly, the GS19ESSS/EDC, a standout among side-by-side refrigerators, provides ample storage with a seamless layout. This model is equipped with a water and ice dispenser, providing convenience on demand. The refrigerator compartment features multiple humidity control drawers, perfect for storing fruits and vegetables at their optimal freshness temperature.

In summary, Samsung's range of refrigerators, including the DE19PSQFV/EDC, DE19PSQAQ/EDC, DE17PSQAQ/EDC, and GS19ESSS/EDC, showcases the brand's commitment to quality and innovation. With features like Twin Cooling Technology, digital inverter compressors, adjustable shelves, and various design options, these models meet diverse consumer needs while elevating kitchen aesthetics. As energy efficiency becomes increasingly important, these refrigerators stand out as environmentally friendly options that do not compromise on performance.