Besureyour air conditionerdoesnot fall out of theopeningduring installation
NOTE:Maintaina firm hold on theai1 conditionercabinetto preventit from falling out of theopeningduring installation
Air conditionershouldbeplacedno more thanfour feetfrom a groundedoutlet.
thesame.Whentheair conditioneris centered
mthewindow.write downthismezurement. Addl/8” to thatfor final measurementto cut filler boards.
1’m Centerair conditionerin window. Lowerwindow sah to hold cabinetin place. Measurethedistancefrom theright sideof the cabinetto theinsideof thewindowchannel. Repeatfor theleft side.Adjusttheair conditioneruntil thedistanceon eachsideis
HUsea utility knifeto cut fdler boardsto thefinal measurementsize.Makecut at the centerof theboards,sotheoutsideedgesof filler boardswill havescrewholes.
3 n Apply3/K sealstripsto bottomand outsideedgesof filler boards.The top seaI goeson backsideof filler boards.
Top view:
right filler
1I- | filler | |
left filler board
Top view:
foam block
window channel
4 w Fromtheoutside,pushMer boardsa far forwardin thewindowchannelsaspossible.
Measurethedistancebetweenthewindow channeledgeandfiller boards.
window annel
cut foamblocks
1 w Pull air conditionerpartwayout of the window.Attachright filler boardto front of a
2 n Placeair conditionerbackinto the window with thefiller boardtight against window channel.
3 . Insertleft filler boardinto window channel.Pushfiller
1/4inch wider.
blocksintoblock channelbehind
filler boards.