36 en Troubleshooting |
| DinionHD 1080p HDR |
Malfunction | Possible causes | Solution |
No audio | Hardware fault. | Check that all connected |
transmission to |
| audio units are operating |
remote station. |
| correctly. |
| Faulty cable connections. | Check all cables, plugs, |
| contacts and |
| connections. |
| Incorrect configuration. | Check audio parameters |
| on the Audio |
| configuration and |
| LIVEPAGE Functions |
| pages. |
| The audio voice | Wait until the connection |
| connection is already in | is free and then call the |
| use by another receiver. | sender again. |
The unit does not | Alarm source is not | Select possible alarm |
report an alarm. | selected. | sources on the Alarm |
| sources configuration |
| page. |
| No alarm response | Specify the desired alarm |
| specified. | response on the Alarm |
| connections |
| configuration page; if |
| necessary change the IP |
| address. |
Control of cameras | The cable connection | Check all cable |
or other units is not | between the serial | connections and ensure |
possible. | interface and the | all plugs are properly |
| connected unit is not | fitted. |
| correct. |
| The interface parameters | Make sure that the |
| do not match those of the | settings of all units |
| other unit connected. | involved are compatible. |
Installation Manual | Bosch Security Systems |