To add a new profile click Add below the list of SonicPoint provisioning profiles. To edit an existing profile, select the profile and click the Configure icon in the same line as the profile you are editing.
1.In the Add/Edit SonicPoint Profile window on the General tab:
•Select Enable SonicPoint.
•Enter a Name Prefix to be used as the first part of the name for each SonicPoint provisioned.
•Select the Country Code for where the SonicPoints are operating.
2.In the 802.11g Radio tab:
•Select Enable Radio.
•Select a schedule for the radio to be enabled from the
•For Radio Mode, select the speed that the SonicPoint will operate on. You can choose from the following:
•11Mbps - 802.11b
•54 Mbps - 802.11g
•108 Mbps - Turbo G
If you choose Turbo Mode, all users in your company must use wireless access cards that support Turbo mode.
•For Channel, use AutoChannel unless you have a reason to use or avoid specific channels.
•Enter a recognizable string for the SSID of each SonicPoint using this profile. This is the name that will appear in clients’ lists of available wireless connections.
•Under ACL Enforcement, select Enable MAC Filter List to enforce Access Control by allowing or denying traffic from specific devices. Select a MAC address object group from the Allow List to automatically allow traffic from all devices with MAC addresses in the group. Select a MAC address group from the Deny List to automatically deny traffic from all devices with MAC addresses in the group. The Deny List is enforced before the Allow List.
•Under WEP/WPA Encryption, select the Authentication Type for your wireless network. SonicWALL recommends using WPA2 as the authentication type.
Note: WPA2 is a more secure replacement for the older WEP and WPA standards.
•Fill in the fields specific to the authentication type that you selected. The remaining fields change depending on the selected authentication type.
3.In the 802.11g Adv tab, configure the advanced radio settings for the 802.11g radio. For most 802.11g advanced options, the default settings give optimum performance. For a full description of the fields on this tab, see the SonicOS Enhanced Administrator’s Guide.
Page 50 Deploying SonicPoints for Wireless Access