Kenmore 116.35623, 116.35622 Vmn reducirelriesgodeincendio,choqueektrico,lesi6ncor, Mojadas

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Image 24
Contents Sears, Roebuck and Co., Hoffman Estates, IL 60179 U.S.A Part No. C01ZCKAOUI3-KCa1ZCKAZI3UO Impreso en MexicoBefore Using Your New Performance Features Limited ONE Year Warranty on Kenmore Vacuum CleanerVacuumingTips Sears, Roebuck and Co., D/817 WA, Hoffman Estates, ILDo not use vacuum cleaner without dust Clips, etc. They may damagethe cleaner or dustbagDo not leave vacuum cleaner when Bag and/or filters in placeExtension Hose Kits Cover LatchHandle Assembly Parts and FeaturesLinjury and/or property damage Cord Assembly Operating InstructionsHANDI-MATE JR To Insert HANDI-MATE JRToselecta pile heightsetting Some ModelsTo USE Attachments OFF Turns OFF the vacuum suctionMotor Telescopic Wand with Suction Control Slide To Operate SuctionTelescopic Wand SuctionCleaning Area To Store Attachments Extension HoseCushions Dusting Brush Crevice Tool CombinationMotor Protection System Carpet edgesTo correct Shooting table. MotorNo light indicates that most of the cleaning is complete To Clean Dirt Sensor OpticsDirt Sensor OperationVacuum Cleaner Care EagCavitymotorsafetyfil To Replace Dust BAGTo Remove Dust BAG Throw away the used dust bagMotor Safety Filter Exhaust FilterDisconnect power cord from electrical outlet To Remove BeltRemove the belt from the motor drive shaft Floor Selector PlaceTo Clean Agitator To Replace BeltBelt Routing Re-fasten FurnitureGuard retain Ers to Posts on Both sides AgitatorAgitator Cleaning TER ReplacementAndOut Disconnect power cord from electrical outlet To Remove Light BulbAgitator Cleaning To Check AgitatorTo Replace Agitator Electrical Shock Or Personal Injury HazardAgitator Cleaning Garantalimitadade UN AIO DE LA Aspiradora Kenmore Vmn reducirelriesgodeincendio,choqueektrico,lesi6ncor MojadasLea este manualantesde armar o utilizarsu aspimdom ExpansibleJUEGOS DE Manguera DE Extension Montaje DEL Mango Iinstrucciones DE Operacion AdvertenciaPara Insertar EL HANDI-MATE JR Para Sacar EL HANDI-MATE JRCuidado Algunos ModelosDesconectado para prevenir que la alfombra sea daSada Como Utilizar LOS Accesorios AlfombraDel mango SUCCI6NPara Operar EL Deslizador DE Control DE Aspiracion Lamanguera CollardeTubo telesc6pico Almacenaje DE LOS Accesorios Manguera DE ExtensionAccesorio AbrlrReconocimiento DE Problemas EscaonesDE Motor Encendldo/apagado en onIndicador DE Polvo OperacionPara Limpiar LAS Celdas Opticas Icuidado DE LA Aspiradora IadvertenciaPara Quitar LA Bolsa Para Polvo Para Cambiar LA BolsaFiltro DE Seguridad DEL Filtro DE EscapeMotor ElectrostaticoPara Qutar LA Correa IlJllPara Cambiar LA Correa NOTAParamantenerunaaltaeficienciadeCorrea Sobre LA Ranura Guia Sujetador Procedasiempreconprecaucionasdeseguri TamaSo normal de almacena- mientoPara Quitar LA Bombilla Bombilla empu Jandola y vaya dandola vuelta Para la izquierLa bombilla para afuera Deslice lasPara Examinar EL Agitador Para Quitar EL AgitadorReemplazca el Cambio DE LA Correay Mmpieza DEL CepilloConductos For Sears professional installation of home appliances Your HomeItems like garage door openers and water heaters To purchase a protection agreement U.S.A

116.35623, 116.35622 specifications

The Kenmore 116.35622 and 116.35623 are sophisticated vacuum cleaner models that cater to diverse cleaning needs, striking a balance between power, efficiency, and user-friendliness. Both models are part of Kenmore's longstanding legacy of producing quality home appliances, renowned for their reliability and performance.

Crafted with a blend of stylish design and high functionality, the Kenmore 116.35622 features a sleek, upright design that ensures easy maneuverability, while the 116.35623 is known for its versatile canister form, making it ideal for various surfaces and hard-to-reach areas. The upright variant is engineered with a powerful motor and advanced suction technology, which ensures deep cleaning, effectively eliminating dirt, dust, and allergens from carpets and rugs.

Both models boast Kenmore's innovative Multi-Cyclonic technology that enhances dust separation, ensuring sustained suction power over extended usage periods. This feature is crucial in maintaining optimal performance, making them effective choices for households with pets or allergy sufferers. The filtration system includes high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters, designed to trap 99.97% of pollutants and allergens as small as 0.3 microns, providing cleaner air quality in your home.

The dual-height adjustment feature in both models allows users to adapt the vacuum cleaner settings seamlessly to different floor types, including carpets, hardwood, and tile. Additionally, the 116.35622 and 116.35623 are equipped with a range of specialized attachments, such as a pet hair attachment and crevice tool, enabling effective cleaning of furniture, upholstery, and narrow spaces. The onboard storage for these tools ensures convenience, making them readily available for quick access during cleaning sessions.

User-friendly features extend to an ergonomic handle and lightweight construction, allowing for comfortable use, minimizing strain during extended cleaning periods. The cable length provides excellent range, while easy-to-empty dust canisters streamline maintenance and foster hassle-free operation.

Overall, the Kenmore 116.35622 and 116.35623 are designed to meet the demands of modern households, offering efficient cleaning solutions powered by innovative technologies. Ideal for anyone seeking a reliable vacuum cleaner, both models deliver exceptional performance, durability, and clean air, unequivocally enhancing the home cleaning experience.