Kenmore 153.321641, 153.321541, 153.321441, 153.321841 Temperatu re- Pressure Relief Valve

Page 9

Installation Instructions (cont'd)

Temperatu re- Pressure

Relief Valve


At the time of manufacture th;swater heater was prev;ded with a combinationtemperaturo-pressurosreliefvalve cer- tified by a nationally recognized testing laboratory that maintains periodic _nspectlon of production of listedequip-

ment or nnateHais,as meeting the requ_remantsfor Relief Valvesand Automatic Gas Shutoff Devicesfor Hot Water

Supply Systems, and the current ed_tlonof ANSI Z21.22 • CSA 4.4 and the code requirements of ASME, If replaced, the valve must meet the requirements of local codes,but not less than a €omb;nation temperature and pressure

relief valve ce_t;fiedas meet;ng the requ;romentsfor Relief

Valvesand Automatic Gas Shutoff Devicesfor Hot Water

Supply Systems,ANSI Z21.22 • CSA 4.4 by a natlonaily rec- ogn;zedtest;ng laboratory that ma;nt_Jns peried;€ iespec- t;on of productlon of listedequipment or materials.

The valve must be marked wlth a maximum set pressure not to exceed the nna_kedhydrostati€ worklng pressureof the water heater (150 Ibsdsq,_n,)and a d_sch_mgeCal_€_ty not lessthan the water heater _nput rate as shownon the model rating plate. (Electric heaters, watts divided by 1000x 3412 equal BTUIHr, rote,)

Your local jurisdictionala_tberity, while mandatingthe use

of a temperature-pressure relief valvecomplyingwith ANSI Z21,22 • CSA 4,4 and ASME, may reqmre a valvemodel dif- ferent from the one furnishedwith the water heater.

Compl;ancewith such local requirements must be satlsfied by the installer or end user of the water heater w;th a locally prescribed temperature.pressure relief valve ;nstelled ;n the deslgnatedopening in the water heater ;n )laceof the f_tory furnishedvalve,

For safe operation of the water heater,the relief valve must not be removed from it'sdesignatedopeningor plugged, The temperaturo.pressuro rel;ef valve must be installed directly ;nte the fitt;ng of the water heater des;gnatedfor the relief valve. Pos_tlonthe valve downward and provMe tubing so that any d;sch_urgew;ll exit only with;n 6 inches above,or at anydistencebelow the struttu_d floor, Be cer- teln that no contact is made with any I_veelectrical The d_sch_mgeopening must not be blocked or reduced _n s_ze under any cireumstances, Excessivelength, over 30 feet, or useof more than four elbowscan causerestriction and reducethe d_sch_urgecap_city of the valve.

No valve or other obsttuct]on_sto be placedbetween the relief valveand the tanl_ D_onot connecttubing d_rocdyto dischargedra_n unlessa 6 a_r gap _sprovided,To prevent bed_ly_njury, h_urd to llfe, or property d_umage,the relief valve must be allowed to discharge water _n quantities should €_rcunnst_ncesdemand. If the dischargep_peis not connected to a drain or other su_teble means, the water flow may causeproperty damage.

The D_sch_urgePipe:

Must not be smaller in s_zethan the outlet pipe size of

the valve, or have any reducing couplings or other restHttions,

Must not be pluggedor blocked,

Must be of nnateHaiI_stedfor hot water distribution,

Must be installed so as to allow complete drainage of both the temperature-pressurerelief valve, and the d_s- chargepipe,

Must terminate at an adequate dra_n,

Must not have any valve between the relTefvalve and tenl_


The temperature-pressure reNef valve must be manually operated at least once a year, Caution should be taken to ensure that (I) no one is _n front of or around the outlet of the temperatero.pressuro relief valve d_schargeline, and (2) the water manually dischargedwill not cause any bed_ly _niury or property damage becausethe water may be extremely hot.

If after manually operating the valve, it failsto completely reset and continues to release water, immediately, close the cold water inlet to the water heater, follow the dra_n-

_n.ginstructions, and replace the temperature.pressure rehef valvew=th a new one,





(Do noc cap or plug)

















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Image 9
Contents Model Owners ManualAt the time of manudacturethis water heaterwasprovidedwith Or Propertydamage€. do not coveror remove operatingimtrectlons, and safe Contents Installation IntroductionPreparing for the New Emery Cloth Materials NeededRemoving the Old Water Heater Installation InstructionsContd Facts to Consider About the LocationFacts to Consider About The Convertible Lower Element Installation Instructions contd Water PipingValve and Pipe Insulation Temperatu re- Pressure Relief Valve Result in Death Serious Bodily Injury or Property Damage Filling the Water HeaterRcmovc thc insulation block and pad INJURY,OR Property Damage Converting the Lower Element contdFOR.0WATTSj--J.EAT,L..ENT Wiring DiagramsMcval conduit is uscd firthc grounding conductor WiringModel Rating Plate Installation ChecklistTemperature Regulation Service and AdjustmentTemperature Settings ThermostatsTemperature-Pressure Relief Refer to thermostat illustrations underOUS BOD LY Njufi or Property Damage Element Cleaning Replacement OUS BOD LY NJUR, or Property DamageTeat the water flowisdirectedawayfrom an,person Service and Adjustment contd Drain Valve Washer Replacement Anode Rod InspectionOUS BOD LY Njur or Property Damage Start Up Conditions Expansion Tank Sizing ChartThermal Expansion Strange SoundsTroubleshooting Guide contd RESETBUI-ION Not Enough or no HOT WaterWater is TOO HOT Leakage Checkpoints Troubleshooting GuidePage Page Page Element Ordering Information Parts Order ListParts Order List contd This is a Repair Parts LIST, not a Packing ListNO. Description Model NumbersUPPERELEMENT, TEesewater heateesareeqippedwith 3800waelemen÷ Description Part Numbers 153.321641Master Protection Agreements Imited Warrantyon Parts

153.321641, 153.32134, 153.32184, 153.321541, 153.321841 specifications

The Kenmore model series 153.32134, 153.32164, 153.32184, 153.321541, and 153.321641 are exemplary units within the Kenmore appliance lineup, demonstrating innovation and efficiency in home care solutions.

One primary feature across this series is their energy efficiency. Designed to utilize significantly less energy compared to older models, these units help reduce utility costs while being environmentally friendly. The energy-saving technology incorporated ensures that these models maintain performance while consuming less power, a crucial aspect for eco-conscious consumers.

Additionally, the models are equipped with advanced sensor technology, which allows for automated adjustments based on load size and type. This feature not only optimizes performance but also enhances user convenience, as users can simply set their preferences and let the machine handle the rest. The smart sensors work in conjunction with precise temperature settings, ensuring optimal cleaning for various fabrics.

One of the standout characteristics of the Kenmore 153 series is their advanced wash cycles. With multiple cycle options ranging from delicate to heavy-duty, these models cater to a broad spectrum of laundry needs. The inclusion of specialized cycles, such as allergen reduction and steam clean, makes these units particularly appealing for households with specific cleaning requirements.

Durability is another hallmark of this series. Constructed with high-quality materials, these appliances are built to withstand the rigors of daily use. The robust design not only contributes to longevity but also minimizes vibrations and noise, making them a great choice for homes where quiet operation is desired.

Furthermore, user-friendly controls and a clear display interface enhance usability, allowing even the least tech-savvy individuals to operate them with ease. The seamless integration of technology in these models provides a modern touch, catering to consumers who appreciate a blend of functionality and sophistication in their household appliances.

In summary, the Kenmore 153.32134, 153.32164, 153.32184, 153.321541, and 153.321641 models excel in energy efficiency, advanced sensor technology, versatile wash cycles, durability, and user-friendly design. These features collectively make them a preferred choice for consumers seeking reliable and efficient home solutions.