Kenmore 153.321341 Temperature-Pressure Relief, Refer to thermostat illustrations under

Page 17

Service and Adjustment

Upper and Lower Thermostat Adjustment

(Refer to thermostat illustrations under


NOTE: H is not necessary ¢_ adios€the apper thermostat. However, if it is adjusted above the factory see poin¢ of 120°F (HOT) is is recommended that it not be set higher than the lower thermostat setting.

Tbc uppcr and lowcr thcrmostats arc adjusvablc if a diffcrcnt

watcr temperature is dcsircd. Read all warnings in thc "Tcmpcratm'c- Rcgtdatlon"section bcforc proceeding.

]. Turn "OFF" thc electrical power to the _atcr hcatcr at the juncdon box.

2.Take off the upper and/or lower access panel, insulation block and pad,

3.The slotted adjustment (udng a scr_wdfivcr) can be turned

dock'wise (_ j/) to increase the temperature setting or

coEnter clock_Jse (_)

to decrease the temperature



4.Replace the insulation block, pad and accesspanel.

5.Turn "ON" the power supply.

Temperature-Pressure Relief

Valve Operation

Thc tcmpcraturc-prcssum rclicf v',dvcmust bc martwally opcratcd at lcast once a ycar,




Fa_lurc to instil and maintain a ncw propcrly listcd tcmpcra- turc-prcsst_rc rclicf walvc will rclcasc thc manufikcturcr from any claim which might rcsult from exccssivc tcmpcratum or prcssurc,


If the temperature-pressure rellef valve on the appllance weeps or dlschangesperlodically, this may be due to ther.

real expaeslon.Your water heater may havea checkvalve instelled in the water line or a water meter wlth a check

valve. Consult your local Sears Service Center for further

informatlon. Do not plug the temperature-pressure rellef valve.


Thc water hcatcr should bc @aincd if being shut dowt_ during fi'cc-zing tcmpcraturcs, Also pcriodic draining arid clcaning of scdimcnt from thc yank may bc ncccssary,

Bcfbrc beginning turn "OFF" the electric power supply to thc

water heater,


HAZARD OF ELECTRICAL SHOCK] Before removing any access panels or servlclng the water heater, make I sure the electrlcal supply to the water heater is turned I "OFF". Failure to do this could result in DEATH, SERI-


CLOSE thc cold water inlet valve to the _atcr heater.

OPEN a ncarby hot watcr _:aucctand Icavc opcn to allow for d_ahfing,

o Connect a hosc to thc drain valvc and tcrmh_atc to an

adcquatc d_'ainor outdoors,



The temperature-pressure relief valve must be manually operated at least once a year. Caution shouldbe taken to

ensurethat (I) no one is in front of or around the outlet of the temperatere.pressure relief valvedischargeline, and (2) the water manually dischargedwill not causeany property damage or bodilyinjury.The water may be extremely hot.

If after manually operating the valve, it fails to completely reset and continuesto release water, immediately close the cold water inlet to the water heater, follow the draining

instructions, and replace the temperatere-pressure relief valvewith a new one.

OPEN thc watcr hcatcr &'aln valvc to "allow_r tank dmJtfing.

NOTE_ If the water heater is going to be shut down and drained for an extended period_ the drain valve sholdd be left open with hose connected allowing water to terminate to an adeql_te drain.

Close thc dra_n valvc.

Follow _Filling thc Watcr Hcatcr" instructions in thc qnstallation Instructions" sccdon,

Turn "ON" powcr to the _atcr hcatcr.



Never use thls water heater unless it is completely full I water. To prevent damage to the tank and heatlng ele- I ment, the tank must be tilled with water. Water must I

flow from the hot water faucet before turning "ON" power,


Image 17
Contents Model Owners Manual€. do not coveror remove operatingimtrectlons, and safe At the time of manudacturethis water heaterwasprovidedwithOr Propertydamage Contents Preparing for the New InstallationIntroduction Emery Cloth Materials NeededRemoving the Old Water Heater Installation InstructionsFacts to Consider About The Convertible Lower Element ContdFacts to Consider About the Location Valve and Pipe Insulation Installation Instructions contdWater Piping Temperatu re- Pressure Relief Valve Result in Death Serious Bodily Injury or Property Damage Filling the Water HeaterRcmovc thc insulation block and pad INJURY,OR Property Damage Converting the Lower Element contdFOR.0WATTSj--J.EAT,L..ENT Wiring DiagramsMcval conduit is uscd firthc grounding conductor WiringModel Rating Plate Installation ChecklistTemperature Regulation Service and AdjustmentTemperature Settings ThermostatsOUS BOD LY Njufi or Property Damage Temperature-Pressure ReliefRefer to thermostat illustrations under Teat the water flowisdirectedawayfrom an,person Element Cleaning ReplacementOUS BOD LY NJUR, or Property Damage Service and Adjustment contd OUS BOD LY Njur or Property Damage Drain Valve Washer ReplacementAnode Rod Inspection Start Up Conditions Expansion Tank Sizing ChartThermal Expansion Strange SoundsTroubleshooting Guide contd Water is TOO HOT RESETBUI-IONNot Enough or no HOT Water Leakage Checkpoints Troubleshooting GuidePage Page Page Element Ordering Information Parts Order ListParts Order List contd This is a Repair Parts LIST, not a Packing ListNO. Description Model NumbersUPPERELEMENT, TEesewater heateesareeqippedwith 3800waelemen÷ Description Part Numbers 153.321641Master Protection Agreements Imited Warrantyon Parts

153.321641, 153.32134, 153.32184, 153.321541, 153.321841 specifications

The Kenmore model series 153.32134, 153.32164, 153.32184, 153.321541, and 153.321641 are exemplary units within the Kenmore appliance lineup, demonstrating innovation and efficiency in home care solutions.

One primary feature across this series is their energy efficiency. Designed to utilize significantly less energy compared to older models, these units help reduce utility costs while being environmentally friendly. The energy-saving technology incorporated ensures that these models maintain performance while consuming less power, a crucial aspect for eco-conscious consumers.

Additionally, the models are equipped with advanced sensor technology, which allows for automated adjustments based on load size and type. This feature not only optimizes performance but also enhances user convenience, as users can simply set their preferences and let the machine handle the rest. The smart sensors work in conjunction with precise temperature settings, ensuring optimal cleaning for various fabrics.

One of the standout characteristics of the Kenmore 153 series is their advanced wash cycles. With multiple cycle options ranging from delicate to heavy-duty, these models cater to a broad spectrum of laundry needs. The inclusion of specialized cycles, such as allergen reduction and steam clean, makes these units particularly appealing for households with specific cleaning requirements.

Durability is another hallmark of this series. Constructed with high-quality materials, these appliances are built to withstand the rigors of daily use. The robust design not only contributes to longevity but also minimizes vibrations and noise, making them a great choice for homes where quiet operation is desired.

Furthermore, user-friendly controls and a clear display interface enhance usability, allowing even the least tech-savvy individuals to operate them with ease. The seamless integration of technology in these models provides a modern touch, catering to consumers who appreciate a blend of functionality and sophistication in their household appliances.

In summary, the Kenmore 153.32134, 153.32164, 153.32184, 153.321541, and 153.321641 models excel in energy efficiency, advanced sensor technology, versatile wash cycles, durability, and user-friendly design. These features collectively make them a preferred choice for consumers seeking reliable and efficient home solutions.