Important Information About This Update
Note nF Agent for Unix OS replaces the following two agents:
•nF Agent for HP Unix
•nF Agent for IBM AIX OS
Updated Agents
Agent Installation (October 2006) includes updates to the following agents:
•nF Agent for Sidewinder
•nF Agent for Dragon Sensor
•nF Agent for Sourcefire EStreamer
•nF Agent for Real Secure ISS Site Protector
•nF Agent for Real Secure Desktop Protector
•nF Agent for Arbor Peakflow X
•nF Agent for Cisco Secure IPS
•nF Agent for Symantec AntiVirus
•nF Agent for Foundstone Scanner
•nF Agent for Syslog File Agent (syslog)
•nF Agent for Syslog File Agent (Java)
Supplement and Release Notes for CiscoWorks Security Information Management Solution (SIMS) 3.4.1
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