Dakota Alert dakota alert wireless alarms and security equipment, ad-01 slave Features, Contents

Page 3


Programmable entry/exit delay time; select up to 9 (32 digit) user programmable phone numbers for each alarm; different 10 second recordable message for each alarm; built-in tamper switch; built-in terminal block for alarm and siren connection; DC adaptor with battery back-up; pro- grammable as silent alarm (dialer only) or audible (siren + dialer).


1 - Auto Dialer

1 - 12V DC Adaptor

1 - Installation & Programming Guide

1 - Telephone Cable

1 - Back-up Battery

AD-01 Slave Manual.indd 3


10/15/2009 10:20:44 AM

Image 3 Dakota Alert dakota alert wireless alarms and security equipment, ad-01 slave owner manual Features, Contents
Contents AD-01 Slave Auto Dialer AD-01 Slave Manual.indd 10/15/2009 102044 AM Contents FeaturesSet Up InstallationClosed input trigger. If the tamper output is not Tamper Alarm The tamper alarm is alarmedWhen the button on the back of the dialer Terminals can be connected to any existingHow to play back the message Advanced Operations How to program the Auto DialerHow to delete phone numbers How to program phone numbersHow to change the user password code factory default is How to designate telephone numbers to Alarm 1 and AlarmAD-01 Slave Manual.indd 10/15/2009 102045 AM Press N N = 0 without sound 1 with sound. Press Enter How to disarm the Alarm System/Turn Dialer OFF How to change the back-up battery How to reset the Auto Dialer Inside the battery compartment For step-by-step programming, refer to pages AD-01 Quick Reference ProgrammingTechnical Support Dakota Alert, Inc