Open lid before lighting. Do not use any flammable liquids such as starting fluid, gasoline, alcohol or any form of
WARNING: Check hose before each use of barbecue for nicks, cracking, abrasions or cuts. If the hose is found to be unserviceable do not use barbecue. Replace using only Weber factory authorized replacement parts. Order from
1)Open lid.
2)Clear any ashes from the bowl by moving the control rod side to side. Figure 1.
CAUTION: Be sure that burner slots are free of any ash or obstructions before lighting.
Control rod
Figure 1
3)Open bottom bowl vents. Figure 2.
Figure 2
4) Position filled
Fuel Holders
Figure 3
5) Turn gas supply ON (counterclockwise) at LP tank.
WARNING: Do not lean over open barbecue while lighting.
6) Push igniter button until burner ignites.
CAUTION: Flame may be difficult to see on a bright day.
CAUTION: Your LP tank connection is equipped with an excess flow device. If it activates it reduces the flow of gas to the burner. If this should occur turn OFF the LP tank and turn the test valve OFF. Wait 5 minutes for the gas to clear. Then turn ON the LP tank and slowly turn the test valve ON and try to ignite again.
WARNING: If burner fails to ignite, turn tank valve handwheel OFF. Wait five minutes for gas to clear and follow Manual Lighting Instructions.
7)Turn gas supply OFF after charcoal has started to burn (approximately
Note - If you are cooking using the Indirect method, separate your
8)You can begin cooking when briquets have a light coating of grey ash (approx.