Part Six – Display Reading and What They Mean
Your new Nighthawk carbon monoxide alarm is a sophisticat- ed electronic device – yet very simple to understand. Basically, the unit will display a “0” if it does not sense carbon monox- ide and if you have a good 9V backup battery installed.
If it senses carbon monoxide, it will display a reading so you can see if you have a
However, if the backup battery is low or missing, or if the unit malfunctions it will display other readings (and alarm differ- ently) to alert you that something is wrong with the alarm.
Please familiarize yourself and other family members to the difference between a CO reading and a reading signifying a problem with the alarm itself.
Start-up and Normal Operation Readings
Display Shows | Alarm Sound | Unit Status | Recommended Action |
Brief “888” and | One short “chirp” | Self checking when AC powered | None – Unit should quickly |
flashing dot |
| return to zero. |
“Lb” and dot flashes alternately with “0”.
(flashes alternately)
One short “chirp”
Install or Replace 9V battery Refer to page
Steady “0” | None | Normal AC operation (sensing | None |
and flashing dot |
| no CO) and with good battery |
Steady display of | 4 quick beeps, | High level of CO detected | Refer to page |
high number (in the | 5 seconds off, |
hundreds of ppm) | repeat. |
and flashing dot |
If at any time you test the alarm and it does not perform as described, have it replaced immediately.