Hitachi BD-155EX Fr¡-,Xf, Yoù have an¡doubrs,inìnrcdrârcty, Ütft?Ìfbll+, RnuDulrcl

Page 14


lRËI¡t{ÊË rpl








Phenomena / ffiif


Checklng polnts / ffiãtIF



oncÈ cle r¡, hall

lo or)u ycilr

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srtÈ use ll

yoù have an¡'doubrs,inìnrcdrârcty


corsult ),our dealer





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po*er plug gcilcr{tc abnorDhl hcrt]

E tãÌ,f+fitJiiÈ/ì,rvt-.f íÉfl\ ?





cd. rt nrr\t b. rr'placcclby rhc




rgcilt I'tr sinìilirr¡] (ltrrl¡lirLl







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The dehumldifier can- not be operated even if the operation sw¡lch is turned on

JJl]ÈlþÈlFFijldÐ '&*å*r!,

TltlúJllFÏ :

l-'l'hedelrun¡iditier is de[¡osting (Llcfrost ¡¿Dp l¡ghts), (Refir page ¡0 1õr detilils )

i2 The powc¡ plug is ilLìt i0:^rrted sccnrcly inh)

thù p0s,er outlct -3-'ì'hcbrcake¡ or tusc blown

.4- Porver 1ìrllure occur,

,5 The wrler rÉccptüclc is lììllol \\'atci

(RelerpágÉ l9 lòr clctrils )

ir j¿7;tlí.tîîF'( ¿;lifïtlirt )


( t.l. íü=ifr + ]\LirI, t oE )

\2 Éìn irÀvflÈ {.< i¿/.Èfi J;.ü Jilìlf ?

a 'Æ1.'l+1F¡?

lt 4E¡(âiïìÈ¿'l#f!iFÉ/.. ?

( i'f í{ltîË+tt!iü\ ) s Ê- )

f,?ì Is there any ctrck or scralch on porvcr


tr.t'¡'¿ì!rt$Í .:Æ4;+¡Vlíi4t


ÃtJf; 't





[-]] Is air lìlLer tor ¡ or other wisD (lumâßed


lll ãfi,ìlöìÉi?$EálRif i




Dehumidifying cannot

be done suff¡cienlly.


Humidity not reduced



Noisy sound ¡s heard


rìTheairlìltLriscloggctlu,ithrlust1 \!.jíl:]ìß'lfff4[RjïÆLß}É?

(Rcftr DilAc 24 for rlrtails J



? Roonr rcDrfcr¡turr/hurnirlitl, is loN


Ì1ili1¿8,37;ìÊlJt ? (iïtll[¡i\a+].r'.lq11911)

(Rct¡J pille 9 for dcr¡il\ )


?l1_l+it)t)):11)þilXlJjt l¡i?ìEljll ?

3Thc ¡rrr iuction port or tir ùtrtlrt ¡s blockecl

!Doo¡s or rv¡¡¡lorvs lìus lÈcn ùt)cn.d lìrque 0tly (L i¿á-4jjHl.ji]lr]lllîâ? (;+fiTì,ii5ållf,iT422Êi)

(l{clcr page 22 t'ordcr¡Lils )

ú .Ë¿<ú /il-rr¡fJl iiÉr4{llEig41!fùÊrÈ4i1.

2 'Ihc¡eis rr dcricc wlriclr gcncruLùs srcur. silch ,:iia'Ã[Jl#Itr¡'l

us oir rr¡ve crc

,r FilÌiJËlì^^'?(i+frlth;ii*l\?i:+,Ð11)

:'l{oomis kro liltgrÌ ll(cfcr pâgc 9 fo¡ (letûils )


ilrTlro uoor is r¡ot steil(l)'


íZ If noisc is lr¿iùd lìùrn wdr(r rcccprnule, rcnÌovc ? r,,hij(ãã:ifr*ir,'11,5 'ãÉf\ft\¡!X^'.ã'h!ÍIÍ

it onco, rntl then rÉiD$crt it s.curÈly

+Iff "

O Il you do nol usc thc tlclru¡¡idificr 1ìr a Iong per iocl of tìD1e, stun È it illlcr pct l(l ming llrc folJowing pr oceclur c

o1{rã€.trfl¡l"l,1i{4¡EfitäËfr':llìììI f. , þ¿ÉIilÈ¡flr'j/irìtF#1t t9tJrñ¡$141*íî.'

I T)ry a¡r does not srr ike washing

(Reter p¿se 22 rbr (lcrails )

iV^i)Al¿þX!N]f-îln¡¡4ih\ì)¡:lêI\\"Èt ?


lIì tlnplug the ¡rlver crrtl lÌolr thc AC oiltlct jlllrürljil¡rjiLjítrfhrii I i.





E] Disposc ofilll w¿lcr ìr thÈ rccept¡ulc

lil Clerrr 1hc ¡rir lilter

iåj!ll+:î{EiÉ?# .

[4] DrJ,the deburnidilicr ¡il a well-\,enlilatcd ]rlæe which

Drying of washing ¡s



i2 Roonrrenrperrtrrreis20'cor tesr

(Relè, pùge 221ìr (leLrils )

.3 A¡nourt ol washirrg ìs too much

(r{cril lrrse t0 rì,r (retlits )

4)Rrur¡ is roo lrrle ([lr:tcr pugc 12 lìr rlcLails )




(.4 "ÈfrE1F.^ñ\lrfr'lt^J42,le'Ì.7<4h?


ßl*"1.frtÆt k6 äi 4r1!zJ< rìlr Ë!l ls

js noL exposed Io (lirect sùnlight iìrr hall a dry Then

corer the clehunridiller with a v¡n),1 btg and sLore it

in the uprighL sLdle

The following do not ind¡cate a fault:

a Atter the dehum¡dilier ¡s operated, the room smells

moldy lor a wh¡le.


o l*2*iê411þTi.tre.^ä itrPt .

ËËltlÌÉf ttì+É¿lrilttr)B/)\-^t+'.liiÉljâìJ¿fúrr'!ñr

lt.W,/ElI+J41jt) ')úlÚl.rtÍ(l.J¡t)JJj 'tti,i.+2+fi , t¿; 'tkllr4)þI#.::j,ItAÃAf , iii! H l#,U.'lRt+Jl-ù)l/ituC'


B ,-f,t5.l t iE å$ ñ ê'it Hfi

The a¡r pur¡fying f¡lter ls a consumable. lt its servlce life exp¡res, replace ¡t with spar a¡r pur¡tying filter (optional: RD-1699CF 950)

z?-*liiilLÉiH3s.lÈfEìllitút " #*d$tËú!ftlfl.rô , aÈF:fit Htt\"8-*ti.jrltüiÉ#t( !f ÊiEijl+: RD-r6sscFes04!& )

Thc ellcctrrt litè ol thc rir-cleuirrg lìlter ìs

ïÉlþHrtlj)1tî't*lÞ'JljwJtLlrt Þlírj,rt, .lll,st'-4î.1

I loq'Èvcr,rhis rn¿y \'ilrydcpcndilg on hù\v ìl

iåiqÞìÉ#f!li tl,trlllR/r, I tt: "

and totill opcr ullon tirndl


This oclor is crus.d by rnoistlr¡e .lerivcd lr(ùn wrll. ctc,

ilnd doei not or igin¿te fronr delruntidìlie¡.

a lf the hum¡d¡ty is too high, moisture may condense on the water receptacle.

fhis is hec¿use LIrc dehünr¡dilied srL¿r is cold. äDCl rloes Dol indicrt(- il laull

O A sound like water llow¡ng is heard occasionally. l'hcsound is hearcl when tclùgctrnl Ilows ¡Dsi(lú thù


a The fan power from the automatic louver is differ in left and right s¡de of the outlet.

This is duc to rotalc dircction ollhc frn insirlu ol the u¡it.

it'snot a Dìtlf!ùctioI

XII'tlredchurnidificr ¡cnìriùs dct¡cr¡\'cafLer checking thc

ubove arrtJ pcr[ornring duc corrcctivc {ction. jnrnìediilrcly unplug rncl thc powcr eord and consult your tJcllcr


.;RË9FHÊ$+ '&zkäå$tHIEfEaE .

o ISHäi,t¡J<ÊJ*Ë .

i.i,?F,îi-r¿{^f r^r ì+ r'ilùtfi i+lã- .


. ÊÉlrtrFÊ'lÃÊ!E Ë ; Êi#$¡ËiâS!4ÉtrEÊ'ËBtl


Ëi¿B}¡lr,îì,q&trl*ßf1'rlúuíiill¿fs, ütÉ-1iiÊiq'# "

x hî.ô tsliE+rÈl&' ft{ ä ilt lû.4tiT Jd'rti(t'{¿trr liï

lÈ1liilirt$...l:.+ù-l:'i/El]tli.!llÈiïñ/'Jli5',F;lritrÉitft "

Image 14
Contents EJUJHTËîffifB $fiTokyo Japan LrÈillltlLtl+ Ffit9 ÌllllüÊ¿l+Ul shü-crrnir \þr ÄâÈËgÆ#GI*íF Beforeyou BeginÆt#iT CrtrRi+FÈt Lr#ÃÊrJâiltIE TH*t+EËlriâä Ffil\Ffliei F8+F ,rlâtålHËÉlülif --1eIi Êã9rËÐnÊ!*ilËt ¡i4Ì6Ærffidüâå*ll# R0.r,,nIE+ãÊ!Ët Fivtr. LTiqlw 1i,lrtuìfiì* /.lJFitlU#ËÊ.¡ ÈA1ii\R tirtrit4tti¡,f-ìtuÛiËf,itgÉ Ftili\f*túiLkh TrilAIrltíi IËifr1-Ejl-lÐj RuËftÍiÉtËt Il.û, !À#ÞÍtr8ãtåæ ? ÈË5rFEËÊ!.tÈÆËtt Additional CautionsÉÆtY+#ñ ItrÊ!Rf4ñì6Ëå8Êiçñ Ar&/lÜtft?Ìfbll+ Fr¡-,XfYoù have an¡doubrs,inìnrcdrârcty RnuDulrclÌllTtiËrËt4 FI i ïÌírilÞxrìffLlûi-¿ifliriL/rl TrEËitil#ÞtËÊtÈtEF

BD-155EX specifications

The Hitachi BD-155EX is a sophisticated portable design that caters to various commercial and professional uses, particularly excelling in organizations that require top-notch display technologies. This model boasts a range of state-of-the-art features that enhance both usability and performance, making it a valuable tool for presentations, training sessions, and more.

At the heart of the Hitachi BD-155EX lies its high-resolution projection capability. With a brightness level that typically reaches up to 3,000 ANSI lumens, it delivers clear and vivid images even in well-lit environments. The dynamic contrast ratio greatly contributes to image quality, ensuring that both dark and light areas are well represented. As a result, users can expect crisp visuals that enhance the overall viewing experience.

The BD-155EX uses DLP (Digital Light Processing) technology, which is renowned for its reliability and longevity. DLP provides a sharper image with better color accuracy compared to some other projection technologies. This is especially advantageous for applications that involve detailed graphics, such as architectural presentations or educational settings where clarity is paramount.

Connectivity is another strong point of the Hitachi BD-155EX. It comes equipped with multiple input options, including HDMI, VGA, and composite video connections, allowing for seamless integration with a variety of devices. This flexibility is essential for modern presentations, where users might switch between laptops, tablets, and other media sources. The projector also supports USB connectivity, enabling users to present directly from USB drives without the need for a computer.

Another commendable characteristic of the BD-155EX is its portability. Weighing around 2.2 kg, it is easy to transport, making it ideal for on-the-go professionals who need to set up presentations in different locations. The sleek design is complemented by a user-friendly interface, which simplifies operation and adjustments, even for those who are not tech-savvy.

Additionally, the Hitachi BD-155EX focuses on energy efficiency. Its eco-friendly features, including an Energy Saver mode, help to prolong lamp life and reduce overall energy consumption. This not only translates to lower operating costs but also aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainability in technology usage.

In summary, the Hitachi BD-155EX combines high performance, advanced DLP technology, comprehensive connectivity options, portability, and energy efficiency, making it an outstanding choice for professionals seeking a reliable and versatile projector. Whether used for business meetings, educational purposes, or events, this model stands out as a powerful tool that meets diverse projection needs.