Hitachi BD-155EX instruction manual F8+F ,rlâtålHË, Élülif --1eIi, Ffliei

Page 5


[6]lf 2 un¡ts of dehumid¡fier operate ¡n the same room at the same time, dehum¡d¡fy¡ng amount differs from each othen

"Autornatrc (lchlD)rditicat¡on" opern- Ìion, the dchuDidilier ol $ I)ich hum¡dit),

\ù¡rsor ll¡ls luu'crlììI(l¡('Dltils Drio¡il)' to (,perillc over tlìc othùr (lchu¡nidilicr, Tlrus, rJehumidifvin-q r¡r¡r¡¡t rvill rlifli¡

lÌorn c¡ch olhc¡ â[lct ce¡tuiD tin]c ltûs


Þl The table at r¡ght ind¡cates the completion time lor drying ¡n the

"Automat¡c Clothes Dry¡n9" mode.

[1 clothcs spun in a rlonrcstìc washirrg

¡¡thinc frr 5 nrinutùs d! thcD dr¡cd in rhù

"AulonìîLicCllothcs Dty¡ng" nìo(lc, thc

operiLion will stop antomalic¡lly Ðl lhe poiDt\ jndrcâted on tlìe trblc flt lhe rigl)t

The rJehLulidilier operates up lo tbout I2

hou rs

X Thc ilcnrill opsiltiD[ tirrre variu-idclnnding

({l lhù cnrir,rntD![t lrntl tj¡c erlrrlitio¡s

ol usc, such rs thc sizc ot hutn¡(l¡ly oI

thc roor¡, the Yolunre ol ckllhe;_. ¡Lncl

thcir nrilteridl

[!1] ln Case of Power Failure while

Us¡ng lhe Dehumidif¡er...

Wherr reslored lrorn power liilurc.

opertl.ioil rnode uuton)¡tically rctu¡ns to

tlìc onc wl)iulì $âs \et prior tu lhc

powù f:rìluJc

XWhcn rcsLorcel fiom ¡ou,ct failurc

uhile OFF tir¡)fl r\ \Èt. the OFF tinùf

is c¡ncclled Su'rDgdir¿ctioD LhilL wâs sct by "IJìxcd rvill be reset o "WTDE" âlier restorcd lrom power lailure




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IAutomat¡c louver (r\ir outlct)

DehLtnridilietl dr¡'lirìs releûsed Prcssìn! the

ss,iDS srvit h, the ruf(ìnxÍ¡c lotr\cr cr¡¡ be ch¡0gcd h "llAl-F",'\\¡tDE'or'Fixcrl()pt¡r)rîll)"'(tõ Prge 19)

rÊírEi*Ê'+fi(*î\rlt¡hl l )

iliti&F i$14(:tlt¿t*+.riú[tT]IrtitlÍ'llt F

s\\,ins s\\ itclì (lÆrlrtjj¡Eä) 'r)4411ú)J Éi#Hffi9JlFÞt \Ði' '"tii'fq"'"+a

Élülif" ( --1eIi)

IHumidily Color S¡gn

Whcn lhe dehurnirlifict is iù opcralio¡ thi\ s¡Bn trrr)s oI to indicíLc approxrnì¡t¿ i¡tr]oor ltrr¡¡idttÏ (ruotrûil the rir i¡[.t ofcniDg olthe ([:hurni(lifìù)

ìl in(l¡,'ittrBr.crì slìcn thc lnrn¡i¡lily i\ ¡l)ltopr!itc kr low (ilpprL'riilriltcl) 7t)9ì or k¡rer) rnd ¡td whL'nlhr hunìtdity is high (rplrorinratel)'l.l0t¿ r¡d hiShcr)

ll also iDilicût!'s lr¡ll \vatcr b) llàshrng in green ßsl)ectì\c.l)' (rt l']ngc20)

I iñËffiÊ,tË,¡

ÉiiÌ¡¿tl#f-4û'iJFÃff ,Iig'å1,¡--i[1].1-dtiliÈ¿É( ,iiììi1.It.þ,"F.Ãt))Lt I /-,J tÈt )';l?É E ( ,Å.í:.r,

7s%e\Alß,) tt!,ikft'X.fq;i\ItirÉ



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'¿ìäârrlüil{tftlijl*Ijfi ,¡ìi,Lizlf Âl-r(


('-20F )

¡A¡r f¡lter -

The air l¡ltcr tÈtnovcs tnost dust hr)tú thc âir. (!n-P¡gc I l. t4)

r 4ã;Ê;Êå$

ì li [â ?+:ãi' ].

+üft rFF j4






'l'hehJndlc is urcd b Drorc llrc rlchunridilie¡

wjLh câsLc¡\, o, Lo t¡ovc il d()wD sLeps ot

stnirs (tlPUc2l)


;1\ Ii.f r)ìf/lt*,î)ttùJ't frIti4:i t'j'tgi¿ç r;D.).Tþil)tfr .1i þdtr1i I*i4 tt+ w. I 11'

( -'zr _Lrt )

IControl panel(úP¡lc l 0)

I t*igÉtE (.nro1f )

I Water receptacle Dchumi(lill'cl$,rter is coDtrincd in thc wau rcccpLaclc Thc operation is rilrotnâtic¡lly sloÞpcll oncc lhú rcecpt¡clc is lìrll Arnount ol dehunridilied $,¡tcr ciln be kno$rì ilt il glance p-r¡'ag¡r1¡


f^ìRtÍ4}d.+1ij-¡i4lll,i"4ìrlltS 'ÉÉ

ú/r lii ¡I:Èi¡ÞSFâì*zl.jÉ,¡ rl Ll ìl]ül'irJr"


I A¡r ¡nlet open¡n9

llur¡id ùir ß dr¡\'DLnlo tl¡c rnlct operriilg

r EFc!^tr

îÈthtttù. òJf1' ì$it¿+aà .

I ^l;a

Drain hose open¡ng

E Part where spreaded with ant¡bacterial mater¡al

Su¡lìce ol products'Control prneì

Japan FÌxrrJ Rcscarch Labor ilt(r iùs

td tltã'hÈ+hãffiÈß(;


I Air-cleaning f¡lter

Tlr n¡'clc¡ninglìltur rcruolcs (lusl. L:igarùlte

snroke odu¡s. r¡rrl $ otr Set lhc iilcludcd rir-cJeaning lìller to the rir fìllr:L (l'Tù$,kr

ser riì-ùlean¡Dg I'Llterú f'rgeI I )

¡ eñ;5ltËtr*Ê

âEif¡Vr':N"*14fl'tfil,l'J,tÉ+'Ãlr,!Ú'vlf ,r'tlw't"'îrt',Y.t'ÆU&1',1^)il\,:F I-iì:f 1 Lü iÉiltl4+;?lt?11ã.iËiìÈ äSl "

( r^- ) j it<:¡r1't*.É, t t ti'l

'Ihisopening is uscd rvhen \ä¡e¡ ¡s driline(l conl¡nuoLlsly (t"'Itrgc29)


;û/¡tÈrfrlil.;l<ltlf¡11lll " ( L12eIr )

I Cord hook

Iior sLorîge ol poNct co¡at (llook the coftl b¡trll tl)iltbùr)dlústhc poscrrord herc )

I $frf¡Ë.

',JHl*llf#f'räìr1¡lH (i?'¡Ætl'¡Eiti.rtt

Ii!åt$1i'i+,i:,tt )

Tcst Orc¡nizrti(¡n

SGS-CSTC SL¡ndxrds Teehnierl Scrliees Co l,td


Tesl Mcthod

Jls z 2s0 r

\ntibrcteriù¡ Nlethod

MiKed $ ith ¡ri¿tcr iaLs



Los value of l¡tiNicrobìâl âctiv¡lv>2 0

Scrr.ìccs Co , Ltd



;Hll:;l'-ti;J: fls 7 2RO I





ICord band


cord bilnd i\ ùserl when il fìowc¡ cotLl is hung (Do not thro$,it r\!aj')


t&.ll{';liit:iftHil:it¿ttl " ( iÈrtt#)

I Casters

'l'hccr\lrrs rru u{c¡l s hcr) ¡hc (l(hUnti- Lliller rs nro\,rd indoors (ri_Pitlt 2l)


1Ë1i+ t\WlttlittlÆ . ( r.2 t J:t )

ìrlffiÀfÉ* L0g value oi artirtitrobial


Image 5
Contents Tokyo Japan $fiEJUJHTËîffifB LrÈillltlLtl+ Ffit9 ÌllllüÊ¿l+#GI*íF ÄâÈËgÆUl shü-crrnir \þr Beforeyou BeginRi+FÈt CrtrÆt#iT Lr#Ëlriâä TH*t+EÃÊrJâiltIE Ffil\Ffliei F8+F ,rlâtålHËÉlülif --1eIi Ì6Ærffidüâå*ll# ¡i4Êã9rËÐnÊ!*ilËt R0.r,,nFivtr. L IE+ãÊ!Ët1i,lrtuìfiì* /.lJFitlU#ËÊ.¡ ÈA1ii\R tirtrit4tti¡,f-ìtu TiqlwFtili\f*túi ÛiËf,itgÉLkh TrilAIrltíi IËifr1-Ejl-lÐj Il.û, !À RuËftÍiÉtËtEËÊ!.tÈÆËtt ÈË5rF#ÞÍtr8ãtåæ ? Additional Cautions4ñì6Ëå8Êiçñ ItrÊ!RfÉÆtY+#ñ Ar&/lYoù have an¡doubrs,inìnrcdrârcty Fr¡-,XfÜtft?Ìfbll+ RnuDulrclÞxrìffLlûi-¿ifliriL/rl FI i ïÌírilÌllTtiËrËt4 TrEËitil#ÞtËÊtÈtEF

BD-155EX specifications

The Hitachi BD-155EX is a sophisticated portable design that caters to various commercial and professional uses, particularly excelling in organizations that require top-notch display technologies. This model boasts a range of state-of-the-art features that enhance both usability and performance, making it a valuable tool for presentations, training sessions, and more.

At the heart of the Hitachi BD-155EX lies its high-resolution projection capability. With a brightness level that typically reaches up to 3,000 ANSI lumens, it delivers clear and vivid images even in well-lit environments. The dynamic contrast ratio greatly contributes to image quality, ensuring that both dark and light areas are well represented. As a result, users can expect crisp visuals that enhance the overall viewing experience.

The BD-155EX uses DLP (Digital Light Processing) technology, which is renowned for its reliability and longevity. DLP provides a sharper image with better color accuracy compared to some other projection technologies. This is especially advantageous for applications that involve detailed graphics, such as architectural presentations or educational settings where clarity is paramount.

Connectivity is another strong point of the Hitachi BD-155EX. It comes equipped with multiple input options, including HDMI, VGA, and composite video connections, allowing for seamless integration with a variety of devices. This flexibility is essential for modern presentations, where users might switch between laptops, tablets, and other media sources. The projector also supports USB connectivity, enabling users to present directly from USB drives without the need for a computer.

Another commendable characteristic of the BD-155EX is its portability. Weighing around 2.2 kg, it is easy to transport, making it ideal for on-the-go professionals who need to set up presentations in different locations. The sleek design is complemented by a user-friendly interface, which simplifies operation and adjustments, even for those who are not tech-savvy.

Additionally, the Hitachi BD-155EX focuses on energy efficiency. Its eco-friendly features, including an Energy Saver mode, help to prolong lamp life and reduce overall energy consumption. This not only translates to lower operating costs but also aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainability in technology usage.

In summary, the Hitachi BD-155EX combines high performance, advanced DLP technology, comprehensive connectivity options, portability, and energy efficiency, making it an outstanding choice for professionals seeking a reliable and versatile projector. Whether used for business meetings, educational purposes, or events, this model stands out as a powerful tool that meets diverse projection needs.