Hitachi BD-155EX instruction manual Tiqlw, 1i,lrtuìfiì* /.lJFitlU#ËÊ.¡ ÈA1ii\R tirtrit4tti¡,f-ìtu

Page 8



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(Example of display) "Jvlonitor.d l).hùrrìdiflcution" nroJc; Fi\N: "lllGII"; ûuroDriltic lou\,ùr: 'Widc

( EÊ'¡å[)'Þiifliljâi,f¿" iti++']4\ r¡'r"'iú". É til rr trt¡Ìiti'1É,:É'

Operatlon type




Mechaniam of operatlon


O The tenìperiltùre rnd hunr¡diLy ol the ¡ooD1 ile üutoDìttìcâll), nto¡riLolecl, an(l q'lìcDLhr tenlpe¡¿trtr is hek)w ¡5"C ùnd Lho hunidity le\cl ¡s dl)ùvc 6(J9¿, r¡D¡d (lchunlirlific4tion ol^-rttùs for J h<lrrs I-atcr; when thc lrunriclitv lcrr:l i. ¡bot,e 45%, rlchul¡idificltiLìo oper¡tcr: When the tcDìpcr¡ture is below I 5"C rnd the hunrìclily lcvel is abovc 60%. thc above mcntio0ed s'ill

be repeated

. Élfjrffiùtt/tti',Jf4ri*LE,fuÌ*¿lq ''i¿íìtl,tÐl:t'.ts'cL),I 'iRr!t;[r]io%L:l L It!:i ''úA),AiLftV9tl'lr:Jr1lFâÌjLi¡li+:921hËEiF2¡!.(¡4sy4V l. ,


[i lnsert the power plug in¡o an outlet. O r\ll the lur¡rs lrghL lor âbout I {econd

[d Press ìhe MONITOR Switch.

O l'heMo¡itored Dehrì¡rdilìùatioI l,¿nrp" $ i]l tutn on

O ìiler¡,Lirne tl)c s$,itclt is ptesscd, the opctati(ùl nìode ìs

chrngrd in lh¡r scqu('nccl


D.$, CoDdcrra¡ùt





l-?lPress the FAN Sw¡lch.

a The lìù is set Lo "HICH" when lhc ol)e¡nttor sLutts


trlffiEtFlAfrïÃ^tcÆ+ "

. lfr +! (t\ëi?¡Êr 1 It lü

LaFT "ffifiEF*fBã'

. I Kiiül'î,iR.liti ,frké .

oFi[ft--tx 'i,tÊtr++tn'Ift¡Êl I(

Yi,tÀijlj .tLlîj- tÉ-tlilttitll'1.ir1" b\lfü t:tlJf{ "

ßlHT "EtEbrlÞÊÎBE"

. lÍ++H4Éì[+fi'tld,ri:ltË]:¡",j4"

Àlonltor ed

PreventioD o¡ Dew




a Thc posrhon ul Llrc a[lotnîtiù loùrur is sct to 'WTDF]'but. tllc swiD! can

be sel ¡s clcsircel

. f 't dir-á*Ëüiffìl l:\: i.'j!i9'/L Ir, " 14 ¡¡,"'la¡tßFalï):i+[ f 'ftIilí¿ú)t

O IlYery tilÌe lhe s\\ itch is prcssed, ihe fiÌD is ch0ilged iir thts

scuucncc: l-OW




EiPress lhe SWINc Sw¡tch.

a Thc sNi¡rB is sct tu "WlDE" shcl thc opcrutiofl \l¡tLs

O Ftrr¡ tirrc thr sritclr rr pr.:sirl. thc rrvingin¡ opcrrLirrrr is

ch¿Dgcd ir Lhis scq[cnco:


l¡l Press the INTERNAL CLEANING Switch.

a "Do Not Perlorm Clc¡[irg" js ser iltcn tlrù oLrratrotì srrts

aL\É¡\ tr¡ns lh( \$ilth rr1lr,'c.1.t¡lJ \wtrìglì{u[Ftiltiot¡ ¡\ chilngcd ì¡r this sequcocc:

'Perlor rn Cleanrng" "."I)o not Pcrto¡ nì Cle¿n¡ng"


X To cerse the operaLloD fless Lhc STOP S$,iLclì X The shntroll liDcr c¡Inot he set


. ìd+$liil#ìe.5Ê''J1fi¿lirtirf.:H " )& fil"

o l:¡li¡ t¡'fftft1ftffi tuli:-1kfr -F,it\ þ,'tttÊF¡É

Tiqlw" I

l 5.l tîT "ñÊÍiÊtl¿FñTH"


. E4r{TFEFJ'lËil(i "iitllÌÈill" - "4ijilllÌli ^t*l'Fl*,tflÍlili[+ít;Ë]1 ill'#¡lüIfi'b/Jfttr*$tÉ}['

xiUìlj6Èellìgf+rÍ';i!¡& t'f+rlliilË+f

x1ì'n'tiq;!tÍllliliiJt¿H "

X Thc "l-OW" opctrliort with fän onl) is clrticd on for rl¡ouL 2 nrinutcs rftcr thc q)ùr¡tio¡ sr¡rt\, Lo t¡oDiLot lhù ternpe¡tLu¡c ân(l tlrD huNi(lity Evcry J0 Drinutes âlrcr lhat. whcn thc huDi(lif),i\ nronìîo¡cl. thc "LOW" of¿¡rti(il) with Ian only is c:rUictl on lbr


abouf 2 nìiDùle\ rijet the opetalion t\ strtLed. to t¡on¡tor lhe tcD¡petilLute ân.l hIrrlidily

Thr''lvlonrtoredPrÈveDtiotr ol I)ew Condensalion" DrodL- \rill be rutonr¡ticillly

chunged to lhcì "ivlonitore.l Dehunli(lili.rtior¡"


mode, rlhen the te¡ìper¡trfe ol LIlc roo¡n rs abot'el5"C


X The [utonratic lo[ver wjll lull¡'open Lo Lrdjust thc positioD when t]re operatiùD starts

When tho opcratioil r¡roLle is s$,ilchcd, thc autorì'uticIoùvcr is scl lo fhe clcl¡ned

su,¡rgì¡cpDsrtiol ilfter it opcrìs fullJ'



Pcrl¡¡illl Cle¡rrUng . rtrlkc thc scttrng lgtrrrr



fìrillr-lioDJc\iùù t,'rruiJ r\ù(\{ivc ilpcml¡\'il


'tnil¿llr.'.lrtrnzt¡t'lÉrlHr¡rt¿rl+lïJtÀl) U!lj*LRú'j"!E" ñ{+ "

xliflslr riHIÊËrs'cL{ L0+ '"F.i¡rúlft6rl:Í,'iÞ!i" iqi+SlrlltE{}t/lï4{ì"fìíi,r,¿ljfiR" ifif+ "

xllFj4i jI1$$Ri, H*)t il.ÆÊtt:1'F¡ ií+üfilrkDllfl+þ. tnÉì'


x tll4ì${'{J{i:rtfl+'ÈúlJflÆlùit)Ãñt'"ìl#rlltlh.

'l¿11t1ì;x",iÉ"J{fi}{rr1i,:i1ì .



x "r^riljii5il{" :4*#ttil f..rL,riitÊnitËI,4

".1{i,lrtuìfiì*" "/.lJFitlU#ËÊ.¡ "ÈA1:ii\R" tirt'rit4tt};i¡,f-ìtu'

x tu'R/tllfiiìf"l,EtiÈ80'c l,âi4{liTr







iü*,!l?rLr¡!tl¡4 '








a The hunrdrl), oi fhe urnr ¡s ûùL(nnaticalll.nrnilorciJ, ancl. whcn thc hultridrry is above 70%. thc roonì is raprcLly rlehrrnridilìed lo Iou'errhc Irurrritliry level to approxinrutcll,5{)%. f.uter, Lhc hUnidity is Donitorc(. rnci. r,hcn fhe lrur¡ridilv lcvel ir rbovc 60',i,tl¿hr¡nriilificrtiorr hcgins: the hurrritlily

Level oL tlìe rooDr js rnonitoreLl rlter the dchuntidilìer h¡s bcc¡t operated lor 4 hours rt -55-60t.hrìnri(liLy. \\'lre¡fhe humitlit¡- levcl is rboYc ?0.ii. th¿

rhove ¡nent¡oned ofer¡tioDs

\\'tllbc tepe¡Led


. É 9r ç?iiill+_

t Àl iR/g . lrll iFi,qü ìü? 0

a+'f:¡í\i4 r,1ü¿'it4ip*Er!î.1:.

Itt 5 0 % l:), f



llJ'trl]üî- fâ'ri



6 0 el U l-.

ill {S'Ti, F s %


6 0 % fi\ ììilttffrl t-

Lqt I'F5 fl.J,4+$ lå'É+!} 19 HiiiÈ¿ ¡+






nÉl'JijìH" ä.ìÉ14',t



(Example of display) "Auto l.ilundry" ot)Èrurion





äùtornâlic louler:'\\¡i(lc"

( trõÊ0 ) "ftf.4r'rrihüZt:X"iEF+ 'JÁ\Ë "tdì4"















[l] lnsert lhe power plug ¡nto an outlet.


trl ïg€;ÆffiFFîõ^TüÆ+


a AII the larrli li¡ht Ior rho[t I seeond



ri¡ í Ê\'rÅ"lx Ê ;i¿ffi

1 1, lft.

a'l'hpositrol. ol thc iütntniltic ]ouler il slt tu 'q'lDll",but tlrc s\1ìng can bc st't

L¿ Press the AUTO LAUNDRY Switch.

þt ËT "ËlÐ#**til&FÃEE"

as dusired

Image 8
Contents $fi Tokyo JapanEJUJHTËîffifB LrÈillltlLtl+ Ffit9 ÌllllüÊ¿l+ÄâÈËgÆ #GI*íFUl shü-crrnir \þr Beforeyou BeginCrtr Ri+FÈtÆt#iT Lr#TH*t+E ËlriâäÃÊrJâiltIE Ffil\Ffliei F8+F ,rlâtålHËÉlülif --1eIi ¡i4 Ì6Ærffidüâå*ll#Êã9rËÐnÊ!*ilËt R0.r,,nIE+ãÊ!Ët Fivtr. LTiqlw 1i,lrtuìfiì* /.lJFitlU#ËÊ.¡ ÈA1ii\R tirtrit4tti¡,f-ìtuÛiËf,itgÉ Ftili\f*túiLkh TrilAIrltíi IËifr1-Ejl-lÐj RuËftÍiÉtËt Il.û, !ÀÈË5rF EËÊ!.tÈÆËtt#ÞÍtr8ãtåæ ? Additional CautionsItrÊ!Rf 4ñì6Ëå8ÊiçñÉÆtY+#ñ Ar&/lFr¡-,Xf Yoù have an¡doubrs,inìnrcdrârctyÜtft?Ìfbll+ RnuDulrclFI i ïÌíril ÞxrìffLlûi-¿ifliriL/rlÌllTtiËrËt4 TrEËitil#ÞtËÊtÈtEF

BD-155EX specifications

The Hitachi BD-155EX is a sophisticated portable design that caters to various commercial and professional uses, particularly excelling in organizations that require top-notch display technologies. This model boasts a range of state-of-the-art features that enhance both usability and performance, making it a valuable tool for presentations, training sessions, and more.

At the heart of the Hitachi BD-155EX lies its high-resolution projection capability. With a brightness level that typically reaches up to 3,000 ANSI lumens, it delivers clear and vivid images even in well-lit environments. The dynamic contrast ratio greatly contributes to image quality, ensuring that both dark and light areas are well represented. As a result, users can expect crisp visuals that enhance the overall viewing experience.

The BD-155EX uses DLP (Digital Light Processing) technology, which is renowned for its reliability and longevity. DLP provides a sharper image with better color accuracy compared to some other projection technologies. This is especially advantageous for applications that involve detailed graphics, such as architectural presentations or educational settings where clarity is paramount.

Connectivity is another strong point of the Hitachi BD-155EX. It comes equipped with multiple input options, including HDMI, VGA, and composite video connections, allowing for seamless integration with a variety of devices. This flexibility is essential for modern presentations, where users might switch between laptops, tablets, and other media sources. The projector also supports USB connectivity, enabling users to present directly from USB drives without the need for a computer.

Another commendable characteristic of the BD-155EX is its portability. Weighing around 2.2 kg, it is easy to transport, making it ideal for on-the-go professionals who need to set up presentations in different locations. The sleek design is complemented by a user-friendly interface, which simplifies operation and adjustments, even for those who are not tech-savvy.

Additionally, the Hitachi BD-155EX focuses on energy efficiency. Its eco-friendly features, including an Energy Saver mode, help to prolong lamp life and reduce overall energy consumption. This not only translates to lower operating costs but also aligns with the growing emphasis on sustainability in technology usage.

In summary, the Hitachi BD-155EX combines high performance, advanced DLP technology, comprehensive connectivity options, portability, and energy efficiency, making it an outstanding choice for professionals seeking a reliable and versatile projector. Whether used for business meetings, educational purposes, or events, this model stands out as a powerful tool that meets diverse projection needs.