4.Press SET TIME/TEMP button again to flash upper small display for selection of another option, or press END to exit configuration mode.
Option 3ÐFahrenheit or Celsius Operation
Select between Fahrenheit and Celsius operation. Factory default is Fahrenheit.
1.Enter configuration mode if not already there. See above. Use up and down buttons to make small (now flashing) display indicate 03.
2.Press SET TIME/TEMP button once to flash current selection of F or C. Factory default is F.
3.Use up and down buttons to move between F and C on large display.
4.Press SET TIME/TEMP button again to flash upper small display for selection of another option, or press END to exit configuration mode.
Option 4ÐEnable Fan (G) On With Any Heat (W)
This selection determines whether the G (fan) output is to be on or off when any W (furnace or strip heat) output is ON. Most fan coils manage their own blowers and do not require a separate G signal. For these applications, select OF (off). Some auxiliary heaters require a separate G signal to turn on the blower. In this case, select ON. Factory default is OF.
1.Enter configuration mode if not already there. See above. Use up and down buttons to make small (now flashing) display indicate 04.
2.Press SET TIME/TEMP button once to flash currect selection of OF or ON. Factory default is OF.
3.Use up and down buttons to move between OF and ON on large display.
4.Press SET TIME/TEMP button again to flash upper small display for selection of another option, or press END to exit configuration mode.
Option 8ÐAuxiliary Heat Lockout Temperature
Present in heat pump and
1.Enter configuration mode if not already there. See above. Use up and down buttons to make small (now flashing) display indicate 08.
2.Press SET TIME/TEMP button once to flash large display.
3.Use up or down buttons to move between OF, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, or 55 on large display. Factory default is OF.
4.Press SET TIME/TEMP button again to flash upper small display for selection of another option, or press END to exit configuration mode.
Option 13ÐRoom Temperature Offset Adjust
This option allows calibration (or deliberate miscalibration) of room temperature sensor. There are various reasons why home- owners may want to have displayed temperature adjusted to a
higher or lower value. The selected number is number of degrees, plus or minus, which will be added to actual temperature. The numbers can range between
1.Enter configuration mode if not already there. See above. Use up and down buttons to make small (now flashing) display indicate 13.
2.Press SET TIME/TEMP button once to flash large display.
3.Use up or down buttons to move between
4.Press SET TIME/TEMP button again to flash upper small display for selection of another option, or press END to exit configuration mode.
Option 15ÐEnable Auto Mode
This option allows the installer to enable or disable AUTO mode (automatic changeover between heat and cool). When disabled, AUTO icon does not appear when successive presses of MODE button are used to move between OFF, HEAT, COOL, and EHEAT (in heat pump systems). Factory default is ON (AUTO enabled).
1.Enter configuration mode if not already there. See above. Use up and down buttons to make small (now flashing) display indicate 15.
2.Press SET TIME/TEMP button once to flash large display.
3.Use up and down buttons to move between OF and ON on large display. Factory default is ON (AUTO enabled).
4.Press SET TIME/TEMP button again to flash upper small display for selection of another option, or press END to exit configuration mode.
→Step 5ÐCheck Thermostat Operation
Before doing the checkout, press HOLD button to turn on HOLD icon, locking thermostat in hold mode. This will assure set points don't change during the checkout. Outputs for each stage of operation are listed in Table 2. In the table, the actual use of each terminal is underlined for terminals having double use.
1.Press FAN button. The fan ON icon and the G output will go on within a few seconds, causing fan to operate.
2.Pressing FAN button again will turn off the G output and turn off fan AUTO icon.
Press MODE button until COOL icon under it turns on. Press down button until cool set point (upper right 2 digit display with COOL now flashing under it) is 2° or 3° below room temperature. This will create a cooling demand. A small triangle to the left of this COOL icon will flash or come on continually. Flashing means the equipment is going to turn on but is presently being held off by a system timer. (See Operational Information for timer descrip- tions.) Defeat the timer by pressing INCREASE TEMPERATURE button (up and FAN buttons together). This will make the triangle