Aprilaire 8061 installation instructions T1Jff, ~ ~, Single Support Module Installation

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Installation Instructions

8061TT Support Module


TheAprilaire 8061is designedto offer versatility in climate control. A setof onboarddipswitchesallows you to select whetheryou want asmanyastwo sensorinputsper support moduleto control,monitor or evendo a combinationof both. This temperaturedatais sentby digital communicationsbackto anAprilaire 8870CommunicatingThermostat,allowing you to accuratelycontrol andmonitor temperaturein a given areaor multiple areas.TheAprilaire 8870CommunicatingThermostat cansupportup to four SupportModules(Tf or TrH).

Single Support Module Installation

Install the Aprilaire thermostataccordingto the instruction manualsuppliedwith it. Checkto ensurethat thermostatis operating(displayshowscorrecttemperature).

CAUTION: Removethe thermostat from the subbase before wiring the support module to avoid damagefrom live wire.

Choosethe wall locationwherethe 1T modulewill be mounted.Locatein anareafree from drafts. Do not mount supportmoduleon anexteriorwall. Run CAT-5 wire from the thermostatto the supportmodulelocation. Avoid routing wires nearsourcesof electronicnoisesuchas computermonitors,fan motorsor fluorescentlights. Maximum distancefrom the thermostatis 1000ft. (300m).

OpeDthe support module caseby pulling the cover straight forward.

4.Removethe circuit boardfrom the baseby pulling backthe latchthat holdsit at thebottomcenter.

5.Usethe subbaseasa templateto mark the mountinghole locationson thewall. The word "TOP" will be written in the subbase.Positionthe subbasesothat the wires canbe pulled throughthe hole in the top left-handcomer. Drill sizefor thewall anchorsis 3/16 inch. Mount the subbase usingthetwo #6 screwsandanchorsprovided(larger screwswill preventthe circuit boardfrom properly snappinginto place).

If sideaccessis preferredfor wiring, clip out the sidevents at the locationsshownbelow.
























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Cut here for side access.

6.Snapthe circuit boardbackinto the subbaseby sliding the top of the boardin first andthensnappingdown on the bottom. Checkto be surethatthe latchholdsthe board


7.Strip y. inch of insulationfrom the four wires at the support module. Install the wires in the terminalslabeledRSR, RSC,RSB andRSA. Onetwistedpair of wires shouldbe usedfor the RSRandRSCconnectionandanotherpair of twistedwiresshouldbeusedfor the RSB andRSA connection.Pushthe extrawire backinto the wall cavity. Sealthe hole in thewall aroundthe cableto eliminateany draft that might affectthe sensor.

8.Connectthe wires on the thermostatsubbaseto the terminalslabeledRSR,RSC,RSB andRSA. Make sure that eachterminalon the supportmoduleis wired to the terminalwith the samelabel at the thermostat.

9.If necessary,changethe Tf supportmoduledipswitch settings.Note: switchesmustbe setprior to poweringthe supportmodule(supportmoduleis poweredwhen thermostatis returnedto its base). If switchesneedto be changedafterpoweringthe supportmodule,the thermostat mustberemovedfrom its basefor a minimum of 15 secondsto ensureproperresetof the supportmodule.

10.Mount thethemostat on the subbaseandconfirm that it is displayingthe correcttemperature.

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Contents Single Support Module Installation Installation Instructions 8061TT Support Module ApplicationT1Jff ~ ~RSA- RSA- RSA- RSA- RSA Multiple Support Module InstallationSpecifications TroubleshootingApplications