Aprilaire 8061 installation instructions Applications, Troubleshooting, Specifications

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Heat Pump Applications

If the supportmoduleis beingusedwith a heatpumpthermostat with auxiliary heat,the thermostatcanbe configuredto disable the useof auxiliary heatduring warm weatherandto lock out thecompressorwhenthe outdoortemperatureis too cold. This allows for the mostefficient useof energy.

At warmertemperatures, heatpump will operatemuchmore efficiently thanthe auxiliary heat. It cansaveenergyto disable auxiliary heatin somecases,for example,whenreturningfrom a setbackon a mild day. Thetemperatureabovewhich auxiliary heatis disabledis the auxiliary lockouttemperatureor high balancepoint. Referto the thermostatusermanualfor a detailedexplanation.

Air-to-air heatpumpsbecomelessefficient asthe outdoor temperaturedrops. Thetemperatureat which it becomesmore efficient to useauxiliary heatinsteadof the heatpumpis the balancepoint or low balancepoint Referto thermostatuser manualfor a moredetailedexplanation.

Configurethe temperaturesensor(TIm) that you areusingto senseoutdoortemperatureto the "Monitor" modeby settingthe dipswitch3 to the "off' positionandthe supportmoduleaddress to number1. The high andlow balancepointsaresetat the thermostat.Referto the thermostatInstallationInstructionsfor moredetails.


Thermostat has no display: Check24 VAC supply. Check for incorrectwiring betweenthe thermostatandsupportmodule. Incorrectwiring candamagethe thermostatandtransformeror blow a fusein the equipment.If morethanonesupportmodule is used,makesurethat eachonehasa uniqueaddress.

Thermostat displays very high temperature: Ensurethat dipswitch6 is setproperly. If dipswitch6 is setto TIm anda sensorhasnot beenwired to the TIm terminal,no temperature (SensorI or Sensor2) readingswill bedisplayed. Also, if dipswitch6 is setto onboardanda sensorhasbeenwired to the TIm terminal,incorrecttemperaturereadingswill be displayed. Checkwires on remotesensors(flush mountor outdoor/duct)to ensurethatthey arenot touching. If they are, separatethem.

Thermostat displays very low temperature: Remotesensor (flush mountor outdoor/duct)is not connectedto sensor properly. Checkwiring.

Thermostat doesn'tdisplay remote temperature: Make sure thatthe supportmoduleis setto address1. Resetsupport moduleafter changingany dipswitchesby turning off powerfor 15seconds.


Power Supply: 18to 30 VAC or DC (24 V Nominal)

Maximum Relative Humidity: 90% (non-condensing)

Max. Cable Length BetweenModule and TSTAT: lOOOft Themaximumcumulativedistancebetweenmultiple supportmodulesandthethennostatis 1000ft.

Max. Cable Length BetweenModule and Remote Temperature Sensor: 300ft



Comfort Range(60°F- 80°F): %1°F

Control Range(40°F-100°F): %2°F

OperatingRange(-40°F- 185°F): %3°F

Maximum Display Range: -40°F-18soF

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Contents ~ ~ Installation Instructions 8061TT Support Module ApplicationSingle Support Module Installation T1JffRSA- RSA- RSA- RSA- RSA Multiple Support Module InstallationTroubleshooting SpecificationsApplications