Form the piping by wrapping the connect- ing portion of the indoor unit with insula- tion material and secure it with two kinds of vinyl tapes.
•If you want to connect an additional drain hose, the end of the drain outlet should be routed above the ground. Secure the drain hose appro- priately.
In cases where the outdoor unit is installed below the indoor unit perform the following.
•Tape the piping, drain hose and connecting cable from down to up.
•Secure the tapped piping along the exterior wall using saddle or equivalent.
Seal small openings around pipings with a gum type sealer.
Drain hose
Connecting cable
Trap is required to prevent water from entering into electrical parts.
In cases where the Outdoor unit is installed above the Indoor unit perform the following.
•Tape the piping and connecting cable from down to up.
•Secure the taped piping along the exterior wall. Form a trap to prevent water entering the room.
•Fix the piping onto the wall by saddle or equiva- lent.
Seal a small opening around the pipings with gum type sealer.