Permits user to set the condition (from a list of options) for when the CCB’s integral alarm output relay will be energized. Alarm relay connections (common, normally open, normally closed) are located on the J3 terminal strip on the CCB - see wiring diagrams. Alarm output relay contacts are capable of switching 1 amp maximum at 120 VAC.
Alarm Output Settings
Changing the user settings in this menu is done using the same methods for changing the Operating Set Point.
Service Note: Adjustable user settings in the Alarm Output Setup menu are unaffected by Restore Factory Defaults.
The alarm relay operates in the background according to the settings in this menu and is not capable of disabling water heater operation. The alarm relay is used for external notification/verification of various operational conditions such as fault conditions and heating mode status. This relay can be used with building EMS (Energy Management System) and other external supervisory controls.
Output Function
Adjustable user setting. Available options for the Alarm Output Function setting are:
Heating Mode: Used for heating mode on/off status notification.
Enable / Disable Closed: Used for notification and/or verification of the enable/disable circuits open/closed status. There are two enable/ disable circuits available for external supervisory control(s) at the J7 socket on the CCB - see wiring diagrams on page 6. Enable/disable circuit(s) status can be viewed in the Heater Status Menu.
Temp < Heater SP: Used for external notification when current tank temperature drops below Operating Set Point.
Temp < Alarm SP: Used for external notification when current tank temperature drops below programmable Alarm SP.
Fault or Alert: Used for external notification whenever a Fault or Alert condition is active.
Fault: Used for notification whenever a Fault condition is active.
Disabled: Disables the Alarm Relay Output Function.
Alarm SP
Adjustable user setting (90°F to 190°F) the control system uses for the “Temp < Alarm SP” function described above. This setting has no effect with any other Alarm Output functions.
Permits user to set display options for viewing information on the UIM’s LCD screen.
Temperature Units
Adjustable user setting that changes temperature units display to Celsius °C or Fahrenheit °F.
Backlight Delay
Adjustable user setting that determines how long the UIM’s LCD backlight remains illuminated after a key has been pressed. Available settings are; Always Off, 10, 30 or 60 seconds and Always On.
Adjustable user setting to adjust the UIM’s LCD screen contrast between text and background.
Display Settings
Changing the user settings in this menu is done using the same methods for changing the Operating Set Point.
Service Note: Adjustable user settings in the Display Settings menu are unaffected by Restore Factory Defaults.
This menu displays non adjustable operational information.
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